Year of Prayer: Holy Week - Holy Saturday & the Easter Vigil

As we continue our Year of Prayer at St. Josaphat, the month of April is dedicated to praying our way through Holy Week. These are the most sacred days of the entire liturgical year. The end of Holy Week is the Easter Triduum and is composed of Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday.

Our focus this week is Holy Saturday. During the morning of April 20, we will pray Lauds, commonly known as Morning Prayer, at 9 am . This is followed by the blessing of Easter baskets at Noon .  

The blessing of Easter baskets is an Eastern European tradition, one that goes back to at least the 12th Century.  It is a particularly popular tradition in Poland. While tastes vary by region and family, the basket usually contains smoked meats, sausage, butter, cheese, bread, salt and decorated hard-boiled eggs. The eggs have a place of honor on the Easter table, and they are broken and shared by those present. A lamb molded of butter or pastry, representing Christ as the "Lamb of God," also shares the Easter table.  Since St. Josaphat Parish was founded by Kashube immigrants, we like to carry on the tradition. We invite you to come and bring your own Easter baskets for a blessing on Holy Saturday at Noon.

During the evening we will celebrate the Easter Vigil at 7:30 pm .  This is the biggest celebration of our entire liturgical year.  It's the night we celebrate Jesus' resurrection and triumph over sin and death, and it's at the Easter Vigil that we welcome our Catechumens and Elect into the Catholic Faith. This year we are blessed to have two candidates in our Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults .   Kellie Swift  will be entering into the Roman Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil and will be receiving the sacraments of Baptism, Holy Eucharist and Confirmation.   Camille Galles will be receiving the Sacrament of Eucharist and Confirmation.

The Easter Vigil begins with the entire church in darkness.  We then bless the fire outside of the church and light the Paschal Candle, which represents Christ as the light of the world.  We process into the main body of the church with the Paschal Candle, with the deacon proclaiming "Christ our Light" as parishioners begin lighting their candles from the Paschal Candle until the entire church is bathed in candle light.  The "Exultet", which is Latin for "rejoice" is proclaimed by the deacon. The Exultet prepares us to celebrate the mysteries of this night.

We then proceed through the Liturgy of the Word, in which we listen to several Old and New Testament readings.  These passages trace salvation history from the time of Adam and Eve to its fulfillment in Jesus Christ.

Next we welcome our Catechumens and Elect into the Catholic faith through baptism and confirmation.  First we bless the baptismal font, using the Paschal Candle. After Kellie is baptized, she and Camille will receive the sacrament of confirmation as I anoint them with the sacred chrism oil, which will have been blessed by Cardinal Cupich at the Chrism Mass earlier in the week. As you can imagine, the celebration of these sacraments during the Easter Vigil is a particularly powerful and joyful moment for the entire Church! The liturgy then reaches its culmination as our newly baptized and confirmed members join us in celebrating the Eucharist for the very first time.  

The Easter Vigil is filled with symbolism including darkness, candle light, water, oil, bread, and wine.  All of the mysteries of our Catholic faith come alive and are on full display in the celebration of the Easter Vigil.  It's easily our most beautiful liturgy of the entire year. I hope you will consider joining us for the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday at 7:30 pm.  If you are unable to make it, please be sure to say a prayer for Kellie and Camille, as they prepare to enter into our Catholic faith this Easter.

God Bless,

Fr. Francis

Important Upcoming Dates!

April 12, 7pm - Stations of the Cross

April 13, 9am - Women's Group Book Discussion

April 14, 11am - Young Adults Group

April 15, 6:30pm - School Board Meeting

April 16, 10a - Tots Playgroup

April 17, 8:30pm - Tenebrae Service

April 18, 8am - Morning Prayer

April 18, 10:30am - Stations of the Cross (with the school children)

April 18, 7:30pm - Evening Mass of the Lord's Supper

April 18, 8:30p - Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

April Theme:
Holy Week as Prayer
Stations this Friday
Friday, Apr 12th at 7pm  
join us in the church for our final 
Friday evening Stations of the Cross.
Young Adult Group
Come and join us for coffee and donuts on Sunday, April 14th after the 10am mass in the Red Door Room of the rectory. 
Play Around
Join us at Little Beans Cafe
1809 W Webster
 on Thursday, April 18, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. for a play around! The cost is $14/child, and $7/child will go back to the PTO if you mention SJS at check in!
Dine Around
MOD Pizza
1000 W. North Ave.
on Thursday, April 18
10:30am-9 pm
20% going back to SJS!
Men's Spirituality
All men of the Parish and their friends are welcome. The next Men's Spirituality Meeting will be at 6:30am in the Red Door Room on 
Saturday, April 20th
Golf Outing Registration Open
Registration for the Parish Golf Outing on Friday, May 17th at Harborside Golf Course is now open!   
Religious Education Registration for 2019/20 is OPEN!
Registration for 2019-20 Religious Education is now open.  Register your child(ren) age PK4-8th Grade online here.
Volunteers Wanted!
If you are interested in helping decorate church for Holy Week and/or Easter, contact Jennifer Miller at The more the merrier!
Liturgical Ministers Wanted!
Have you ever thought about serving as an Usher, Lector or Eucharistic Minister? It's easy and we'll show you how - just contact us and we'll have you started in no time! We especially need your help at our Sunday noon Masses (but we'll certainly accommodate your serving preferences!).
Contact Mary Jane Sullivan at
Windows Laptop Needed!
We use a Windows laptop to update the electronic sign on the school, and it is on its last legs. In the spirit of stewardship of our parish funds and of our environment, we thought we would check if any parishioner had an extra windows laptop (any make) that is less than 3 years old to donate to the parish. If you do, or think you might, please contact Tina in the Parish Office
773.327.8955. Thank you!
Shop and Support
One More Day!!  Have you seen the fresh spring goodies at 
Shop now through April 12th and get something for yourself while giving a little something to the school. 100% of proceeds go directly to the Staff Bonus Fund.  
It's a win-win!

Recycle your floral vases - bring them to Ashland Addison Florist Co. for a donation to St. Josaphat!

Shop and select St. Josaphat Parish as your charitable organization, and St. Josaphat gets  5% on eligible items!

Shop and 
SJS gets 13%!

Thank you for your support!