April 12, 2019
Nisan 6th, 5779 

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    Parshat Metzora 
Candle Lighting at 7:25 PM

Seeking Out The Good

In less than a week we will be checking our homes for chametz in preparation for the first seder, which is just one week from tonight!  The bedikat chametz kit usually includes several items: a candle, a feather to sweep up the chametz, and a plate to collect the chametz on. The following morning we burn the chametz along with all of the accoutrements. We can easily understand why the chametz is burned and even why the other items which came in contact with the chametz are burned as well. But why, asks the Berditchever Rebbe, do we customarily dispose of the candle, too, if it never came in contact with chametz? He beautifully explains that since the entire purpose of this candle is to search for that which is bad, we symbolically say that it has no further place in our lives. An item whose sole purpose is to search for deficiencies and negativity has no place in our homes. It's sometimes too easy to focus on the negative or to notice that missing tile while missing the greatness that surrounds us and the greatness of each individual. Let's learn the lesson of the Berditchever and focus on the beauty and greatness that surrounds us.
Thank you to the Highlites Staff for another great edition.
Best wishes for a chag sameach v'kasher and a Shabbat shalom.

Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Jonathan Kroll
Head of School 

Upcoming Events
April 14th 
Sunday Mishmar 
April 15-28th 
Pesach BREAK!! 
Good & Welfare

Brooke Bienenfeld ('11) on her engagement to Sammy Salamon from Lawrence, NY.
  Chaim Rosen on the passing of his beloved father, Leon Rosen.    
Renee Kugelman on the passing of her beloved mother, Millie Flaumenhaft 
High Honors 
Rabbi Kroll, Mrs. Roberts, And Morah Alcalay Honored At Journal Dinner
Graphic by Akiva Groman ('19)
Article by Molly Seghi ('22)
At this year's KYHS annual journal dinner, Rabbi Jonathan & Jennifer Kroll were honored, Mrs. Nili Alcalay received the Keter Yisrael award, and Mrs. Marcy Roberts received the Distinguished Service Award. The Kroll family has been part of the KYHS family for six years and has played a huge role in making KYHS into what students and faculty know and love today. Rabbi Kroll has dedicated so much time to making KYHS students happy, and he has created such a warm, welcoming environment. Mrs. Alcalay is a founding staff member of KYHS and the head of the Ivrit department. She is retiring at the end of this year after 21 years of pouring her heart and soul into developing her department and enriching the lives of her students. Mrs. Marcy Roberts has been Dean of College Guidance for many years. She has always been there for students when they had questions, concerns, or comments about college, no matter how big or small those concerns were. She will truly be missed. The dinner took place within the walls of KYHS on the evening of April 7th. Attendees were fed and shown videos regarding the school and the honorees; those who attended can attest that the night was one to remember, and all those honored will always have a place in the heart of KYHS.
Click Here for the Journal Dinner Slide Show 
Marvelous Magical Monologues
Students Exhibit Dramatic Genius In Monologue Competition 
Graphic by Liora Meyer ('20) and Highlites Staff
Article by Ariella Gross ('21)

On Wednesday, ten students participated in the second KYHS Annual Monologue Competition . Students recited monologues from a variety of plays and movies, ranging from Winston Churchill's monologue in The Darkest Hour to Macbeth's famous "Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow" soliloquy. "Being in the monologue competition was such a great experience. I had promised myself I would do it after seeing the competition last year, and I'm so glad I followed through with that promise. Even though I didn't win, I had the best time because I got to perform alongside some really talented students and there was such great energy in the room. I'm excited to participate again next year!!!" remarked contestant Aliza Billet ('21). The audience was wowed by all of the contestants' incredible acting and performances and looks forward to next year's monologue competition! Congratulations to Yaakov Eisenmann ('20-1st place), Adina Eisenmann ('22-2nd place), and Adin Blumofe ('21-3rd place)!
Click Here to see the Monologue Competition 
Greedy For The Grove
Students Spend Extravagant Sums For Delicious Food, Consuming Calories Beyond Belief
Graphic by Sivan Mussaffi ('20) and Josh Bernten ('20)
Article by Al Dimont ('20)

Haven't got a lunch? In the mood for specialty sushi rolls or BBQ chicken poppers? Have an urge to drain your card (or parents' card) of all its cash? Come to the new Grove-Express stand in the downstairs rotunda of Katz Yeshiva High School. The Grove stand has everything to curb your hunger, including freshly made cookies and muffins, chicken poppers in a variety of flavors, (debatably) healthy salads, and handmade sushi rolls. You can even get a chilla (a half-frozen drink) in flavors like mocha, caramel, and mango-peach.
Since the beginning, students have been obsessed with the new Grove stand. As soon as lunch begins, students run in from all directions to be the first in line to buy food. Within five-minutes, the line looks like the TSA line at Newark-Liberty airport on a Monday morning. This is a true testament to the great food at the Grove. I have had the opportunity to buy muffins, and they were really, really good! Sometimes, the leftover pastries are even BOGO on Friday afternoons! That means you can get two muffins for the price of $2.50. That's better than Dunkin'! (Sorry, I really love those muff-muffs.) The Grove stand also allows students to not have to drive far (aka leave the building) to get a decent meal. To go to Aroma can take a full 20 minutes, and with our schedule, every minute counts.
Some students have expressed that the Grove stands has a lack of variety in the options they serve. It is true that they have a lack of options, but they are only a stand. They are only going to sell what they think students will buy. That's business for you.
If you haven't tried the stand before, try it! It's a great way to get a fresh meal if you forgot to make a lunch or are looking for something new. The staff members are super helpful and quick in terms of choosing and buy your food. Just remember that the Grove only takes credit-card, NOT cash.  

This Week in Pictures
Ask Adina
Hear Sage Advice From An Experienced Senior
Hi Adina! I'm freaking out because all of my AP exams are right after Pesach break! How can I be productive and schedule enough time to study over the break while still leaving time for fun?
- Paranoid over Passover


Hi!  First of all, don't freak out. I promise it's going to be okay, and I'm sure if you start studying, you will do great. Start by making a schedule and
planning  which days you plan on studying certain topics. Approach your teachers and ask them for help for making your schedule; all my teachers were super helpful with making mine. Print out practice tests and get all the materials ready that you will need to study over break. Make sure to allot more time for topics you need extra review on or didn't fully understand the first time around.  Ask your classmates to study with you; this makes studying so much less boring and can even help you understand the information better.

Don't spend your entire Pesach break studying though; make sure to relax and enjoy the break too! But don't wait until after Pesach to start studying--the more time you give yourself, the less stressed you will be! You have to find the perfect balance of schoolwork and fun:)

Good luck studying!!

The Yeshiva Highlites Staff