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Trinity Tidings

The E Newsletter of Trinity Episcopal Church, Sutter Creek

April 2019

In This Issue
Priest-In-Charge's Report
Did You Know?
Holy Week Schedule
Celebrate Bishop Barry
Vestry News
Community Events
Food Bank Donations
Trinity Singers Rehearsals
Birthdays this month
Would You Like to Contribute to the Newsletter
Priest-In-Charge's Report for April

The Journey to Jerusalem
Our Lenten journey in the church has usually been one to evoke imagery of journeying. We remember those who have taken this journey throughout history, especially the Israelites wandering in the desert. We remember Jesus in his journey through Galilee and on the road to Jerusalem, where he confronted the religious and political powers that dominated his society. Jesus was showing us a different way to encounter God, in our prayers and in our actions. It is tempting to look at this tradition and these stories as something that happened back then, while ignoring the fact that we are invited to go on this journey with Jesus even today.
We are called to be disciples, followers of Jesus, which means walking this journey with him. Some make pilgrimages to literally walk a path of transformation. Others seek transformation to better follow Jesus using the various spiritual practices that have proved fruitful over the years. These include: Stillness practices like centering prayer and quieting the mind; Generative practices like Visualization and Lectio Divina; Creative practice like music and journaling; Activist practices like volunteering and vigils/marches; Relational practices like storytelling and deep listening; Movement practices like walking a labyrinth or yoga; and Ritual/Cyclical practices like retreats and ceremonies. We all need at least one of these practices in our lives on a regular basis, and it is helpful to have a blend of several practices to give us balance and stay connected in our life in Christ.
Holy Week gives a direct chance to engage our collective story through liturgy.   The Triduum is a Latin term for the three days of Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday. At 5.30 on Maundy Thursday, we will gather in the church to remember and engage aspects of the Last Supper/First Eucharist, which will include foot washing. We will set up a small altar of repose in the library at the back of the church to remember the Garden of Gethsemane to allow people an opportunity for personal prayer and to keep watch with Christ ("Could you not watch with me for one hour?").   We will also have the stripping of the altar in preparation for the barrenness of Good Friday.
On Good Friday, we will have the Good Friday Liturgy at noon, which includes the reading of the Passion Gospel, veneration of the Cross, and reception of the Sacrament of Communion. This commemorates the hour at which Jesus is said to have been placed on the Cross.   In the evening, we are invited to walk the Way of the Cross at 7 pm.
In our Western tradition, Holy Saturday is considered a day when Jesus observed the Sabbath rest.   There is a simple service in the prayer book that allows us to pause on this Sabbath to reflect on loss, even as we often are busy preparing for the celebration of the Resurrection. I hope that those who gather on Saturday to prepare for Sunday services will be able to join in this simple service.
The highlight of the Liturgical year is found in the Easter Vigil. This is intended to be the primary service of Easter Day.   Vigil services are intended to be held in darkness, so this service is held on Saturday night or Sunday morning. We will gather at 5.30 am on Easter morning to keep the vigil with lighting the paschal candle (which is lit throughout the Easter season) along with readings of our salvation history. This will be followed by renewal of baptismal vows (and a baptism!!!) and the first Eucharist celebrating the Resurrection.   While many fuss about the hour and darkness, I certainly hope that we can coordinate driving schedules so that all who want to be at this service can join in.   For those who cannot join the festivities at the Vigil, we will have another Eucharist at 10.30 am, which will be a lively service with lots of singing as well.
In all of this, we are invited to share in the life of Christ and to be transformed and carry this good news to a broken world that desperately needs good news.

Pax et Bonum,
Paul +

Did You Know?
-Apr. 1st, 4pm: Book Study continues in Jane's Hall. The group meets every Monday. (4/1, 4/8, 4/15, 4/22,4/29)
-Apr. 3rd, 5:30pm: Lenten Soup Supper in Jane's Hall. Sign-up sheet available at the back of the church.
-Apr. 10th, 10:30am: The Social Sewing group will get together in Jane's Hall following Centering Prayer. Everyone is welcome to come!
-Apr. 10th, 5:30pm: Lenten Soup Supper in Jane's Hall. Sign-up sheet available at the back of the church.
-Apr. 13th, 9am-3pm: Church Work Day. We will not be having a two day event this time as it is expected that with a great turnout and with time-out for pizza and salad we can get it done in one day. We have sit down, standup and walk around jobs so be sure to come and help make the church shine for Easter and beyond.
-Apr. 14th: Tuna Sunday. Bring canned tuna to church in support of the food bank.
-The Centering Prayer group meets each Wednesday at 9:30-10:30am in Jane's Hall. Everyone is welcome to join this meditative practice. If you have questions about Centering Prayer, contact Martha Robbins, 296-7842.
Holy Week Schedule
-Apr. 18th, 5:30pm: Maundy Thursday Liturgy
-Apr. 19th, 12pm: Good Friday Liturgy
-Apr. 19th, 7pm: Stations of the Cross
-Apr. 21st, 5:30am: Great Vigil of Easter at Trinity
-Apr. 21st, 10:30am: Easter Liturgy
Celebrate Bishop Barry
Join the diocese as we gather in three different events to honor Bishop Barry Beisner. These events are free. Please RSVP online in you plan to attend (
Saturday May 11, 5:30-8pm at St. John's in Petaluma
Friday June 7, 5:30-8pm at Trinity Cathedral in Sacramento
Saturday June 15, 1:30-4pm at All Saints in Redding
Vestry News
by Noreen Lafferty, Senior Warden

On January 27, Father Paul appointed Noreen Lafferty as Senior Warden, and the Vestry elected Martin Hopper as Junior Warden and Laurie Jo Leed as Clerk. Your Vestry members are Noreen Lafferty, Martin Hooper, Laurie Jo Leed, Carol Holt, Diane Christensen, Mary Krauthamel-Lane, Gerry Moore, Lynne Brumit, and Roberta Ross.

The Vestry conducted its regular business during the past three months and here are some highlights of events or discussions of note.

The annual pancake supper was held on Shrove Tuesday, March 5th and 25 people enjoyed pancakes, sausages, scrambled eggs, fruit and fellowship with parishioners and visitors.

During the February Vestry meeting we had a discussion regarding the use of our parking lot for homeless mothers with children living in their vehicles so that they would have a safe space to park at night. This was a lively discussion and there is no plan at this time as we need more information. To facilitate discussion with parishioners and hear their concerns around this topic, the Vestry decided to hold a town-hall meeting on March 17th between services, facilitated by Father Paul. There were approximately 25 people present who expressed their views. There were many questions regarding the logistics, bathroom facilities, and other obstacles to overcome such as prejudice and fear. At the March Vestry meeting we revisited this issue and we will continue the discussion. We may never move forward with a plan or reach consensus but will continue the conversation.

We had our Vestry Retreat on March 22nd and 23rd and focused on our mutual ministry review. Some of our biggest challenges and joys were the search process and hiring Father Paul as our Priest-in-Charge. We are focusing on the following areas this year: better communication, mission and outreach, incorporation of the elderly in pastoral care and mission, spiritual formation, and healing ministries. We welcome your input and encourage you to volunteer on one of these committees; please let Father Paul, Noreen Lafferty, or the office know and we will contact you about meeting times and dates.

Martin Hopper, Junior Warden gave us a tour of the physical plant and grounds and told us what areas would be addressed at the annual work day on April 13th. The Sacristy sink drain will be plumbed so that it is separate from the sump pump drain; light fixtures will be replaced in Jane's Hall; a tree stump will be removed, and there will be general maintenance and cleaning. The ceiling in the women's restroom will be addressed at a later date, as well as the repair and painting of the deck.

The leather love seat and chair in the classroom is deteriorating and will be disposed of. We will look for some replacements. If you have a small couch or loveseat that you would like to donate, please contact the office and you will be contacted by a Vestry member.

Your Vestry is excited about the future of Trinity and looks forward to what God has in store for us. We are encouraged with the changes that have taken place and know that the future will be transformative for the church. To help discern where we are going, Father Paul and some of your Vestry will be attending the College for Congregational Development in Healdsburg on June 2nd through June 7th. We hope to return home with new energy and skills to be more effective leaders for Trinity.

We discussed the church's Disaster Plan and the "phone tree" used to contact parishioners in the event of a natural disaster or other emergency. Because we need to phone you, we ask that you provide us with your cell phone number and an emergency contact so that we can be sure that you are notified and safe. We would also like your physical street address and well as your mailing address. This information is especially relevant in outlying areas where there are no specific addresses or just a mailbox. No information will be printed in the church directory without your permission, but will be put in the database for our disaster plan. Thank you for your cooperation in providing this important information. If there is a flood, fire or other emergency in your area, a Vestry member will contact you with information so that you can prepare for the disaster or evacuate as necessary, and we will know that you are safe or where you are going to relocate until you are able to return to your own home.
A message from Lynne Brumit: As a new Vestry member, I attended the retreat this past Friday and Saturday (March 22nd and 23rd) and came away spiritually uplifted, knowing that our church and family were in good hands, those from above from our Father reaching down and by our Vestry's hands reaching up, committed to the well-being of our church, believing that care means to do. We are so blessed with their active tender care.
Community Events
-Apr. 6th, 2-5pm:  Join for a great evening of food, music and dance to raise funds for the Paradise, California School District. Dinner Show with Primitivo Latin Rhythms Band (guitar/violin duo). Location: 15864 RIDGE ROAD 
If you have questions, please call Meg Newell at 651.260.7188.
-Apr. 17th, 1pm: free, 1 hour training to help identify and refer suicidal persons to professionals. Held at Amador County Health & Human Services Conf. Rm E 10877 Conductor Blvd - Sutter Creek
-Free tax preparation by IRS Certified Volunteers. To get more information on how to qualify or to make an appointment, call 209-268-6232 or goto
-Dementia/Alzheimer's Support Group meets the second Monday of each month (5:30-7pm) at Gold Quartz Inn in Sutter Creek- for information contact Susan at 257-1377. They also meet the third Wednesday of each month (2-3:30pm) at Amador Residential Care in Jackson- for information contact Sheri at 223-4444. 
-Dad & me: for dads, uncles, grandpas, etc. and children 0-5 years old. This is a chance for a free, fun outing together (like visiting a fire station or garden center). "Dad & me" events are held the 4th Saturday every month. Call 257-1092 to reserve a spot in the next event. Space is limited.
-A free, 6-session program, sponsored by NAMI Amador called Family-to-Family is open for registration. This program provides information and strategies for people caring for those with mental illness. Sessions will take place Saturdays, 9:30am-2:30pm from March 23-April 27. You must register to attend. Contact Stacey (209-304-0868) or Katie (209-470-4260) to register or for more information.
Food Bank Donations
Food gifts for March totaled 133 pounds. 

The total for 2019 is 344 pounds of food collected in the food cart.

Thank you for your generous support of this ministry.
Trinity Singers Rehearsals
All are invited to join the Trinity Singers/Worship Team! Rehearsals are Wednesdays at 5pm.  Bring your voices, your instruments, and a heart for worship and praise! For more information, please contact Deena Holland at 209-296-6616 or email .
April Birthdays
T he following members of our church family are celebrating birthdays in April!
8th- Linda Busch
18th- Norm Regan
28th- Steve Russell
                                29th- Mary Elizabeth Yount
I f you are celebrating a birthday in April, but you don't see your name listed here, please contact our Parish Administrative Asst.

Would You Like to Contribute to the Newsletter?
If you have an article of interest to the congregation that you would like included in the newsletter, please email it to the office, by the 20th of the month. It will be included in the next month's newsletter.