May 2018 - Fill Your Brain With:
IEEE 1584 Status Update 
Jim Phillips, P.E.

Brainfiller IEEE 1584 updated
I have been receiving many questions lately about the status of the next edition of the standard: IEEE 1584 - IEEE Guide for Arc-Flash Hazard Calculations.  As Vice-Chair of the IEEE 1584 working group, I would like to provide an update about the progress and current status.

The formal voting process (known as a Sponsor Ballot) for the next edition of IEEE 1584 was actually completed during August of 2017. However, that was only the beginning of a very long process.  As part of the first round of balloting, many comments were submitted by the voters which needed to be formally addressed.  There are over 160 people in the ballot pool representing a wide cross section of the ...     Continue Reading 

IEEE PCIC Conference 
ANSI vs. IEC Short Calculations and Arc Flash Studies
Jim Phillips, P.E.

The 65th Annual IEEE-PCIC Conference will be held this year in Cincinnati, Ohio on September 24 - 26.

This year I  will have both my "IEEE hat" and "IEC hat" on and join a couple of colleagues in presenting a technical paper comparing the use of ANSI vs. IEC short circuit calculations as pa rt of an arc flash study.  The official title is: "Comprehensive Overview and Comparison of ANSI vs. IEC Short Circuit Calculations: Using IEC Short Circuit Results in IEEE 1584 Arc Flash Calculations"
In North America, the ANSI method is typically used for short circuit calculations while other parts of the world may use the IEC... 
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National Sea Monkey Day
Jennifer Dickens

Sea Monkeys Grey Matter
1971 Sea-Monkeys Advertisment
May 16th must be the most boring day of the year. In my extensive research into special days, celebrations, historical tidbits etc. the best I can come with for today is...  

Wait for it...

National Sea Monkey Day! Yep, unless this is your birthday, anniversary or  some other day that is special for you, that's as good as it gets.  So today we celebrate those little creatures that were advertised in the back of comic books years ago. The advertisement stated: just add water and your amazing sea-monkeys come to life. A statement in bold type also said "So eager to please, they can even be trained" 

I'm going to go out on a limb here and bet that electrical safety training is probably not what they meant when this statement was made. OK, enough.  I give up!. It's time to begin thinking about the month of June - surely there are better days ahead!

.....Be Well!

IEEE 1584 Arc Flash Training
Jim Phillips' 2018 Training Schedule
Jim Phillips' 2018 open enrollment training schedule .  Register early to reserve your seat!

  • Cleveland, OH - June 4 - 8, 2018
  • Scottsdale, AZ - October 15 - 19, 2018
  • Orlando, FL - July 19 - 20, 2018
  • Scottsdale, AZ - December 6 - 7, 2018
  • Philadelphia, PA - August 13 - 14, 2018
  • Chicago, IL - November 8 - 9, 2018

Have Jim Phillips bring any of his more than 20 different training classes to your location.  Contact our Program Director at: brenda@brainfiller  or 800.874.8883 to receive your training proposal today!

130.7(C)(15) Informational Note 2 - Doors offering protection from an arc flash - This is a great discussion regarding whether doors offer protection from an arc flash based on this informational note.

I was surprised with the responses to this question where I asked if people have every had a first, second or third degree burn.

A good question regarding arc flash modeling and generator short circuit contribution.

Have a question?  Ask it at the Arc Flash Forum.  For over 10 years, thousands of people have been using the Arc Flash Forum to ask their questions and provide answers and opinions.

Schedule Your 2018 Training by Jim Phillips

Need Electrical Safety Training at your location? There are several classes to choose from: 

And Jim has quite a list of Electrical Power Training  classes too!  A few of the more popular classes include:

View Classes   

Contact our Program Director for your on-site training proposal:  800.874.8883 

Jim Phillips, P.E.  
Note:  Although Jim Phillips is the Vice-Chair of IEEE 1584, Steering Committee Member of IEEE/NFPA Arc Flash Collaborative Research Project, International Chair of IEC TC78 Live Working   and a member  of many other standards organizations, the views expressed here are his own and may or may  not reflect those of  any standards organization.

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