Worship: Sundays @ 8:15, 9:40, 11:00 am | Wednesdays @ 6:35 pm
Together: For the Sake of the World
You may be familiar with the hymn refrain "I am the church. You are the church. We are the church together. All who follow Jesus, all around the world, yes, we're the church together." It's a reminder that the church is not the property or the building, but the people. And a particular people that exist for the sake of the world. Don't miss worship this summer as we dig deeper into the letter to the Ephesians. It's a powerful little book in the New Testament that calls the church to unity, identifies the gifts given to members, and challenges us to live as new people who bless, encourage, and minister to others.

This Sunday's sermon is "Ground Under Repair," by Rev. Catherine Fluck Price.
6:35 Contemporary Service
There will be no 6:35 Contemporary Service this Wednesday, July 4.
Mission Box
This week's Mission Box is Rebuilding Together North Central Florida. Rebuilding is a home repair organization dedicated to addressing the housing needs in North Central Florida. They strive to increase safety, security, and well-being for residents in need by providing a tangible place for the community members to get involved in rebuilding efforts. Repairs are completed through coordination efforts, community contributions, and sub-contracted services. Volunteers of all skill levels are trained to help meet significant housing requirements in the communities, giving them a firm foundation for a successful life. (text 2 give keyword: rebuilding)  
Summer Sunday Lunches
What could be better than lunch and fellowship after worship on Sundays? In coordination with our  Month of Missions , Summer Sunday lunches will be served from 12 - 1pm through August 5. No reservations are necessary, just come and enjoy the food and fellowship. And be sure to invite a friend, neighbor or co-worker to worship with you and join you for lunch. We'll have our own kind of BOGO...first time guests of Trinity eat free! $7  for adults, $3  for kids age 6 and up, and a family cap of $ 25.    

Month of Missions
Every Sunday through August 5, we are inviting you to participate in Month of Missions - a chance for us to support local and global organizations both with financial donations as well as physical donations - all while enjoying lunch together! Please place your physical donations in the blue bins either in the Worship Center (on Sundays) or by the reception desk in the Education Building (Monday - Friday).   
This Sunday's donation for Rebuilding Together North Central Florida is Lowe's and Home Depot gift cards. The Summer Sunday lunch menu is chicken with yellow rice, black beans, plantains, and 1905 salad.
Adult Ministries
Anatomy of Peace groups are filling up quickly, so please register now!  If you would like to lead a discussion group, contact  Kim Lewerenz  at 416-3074.
Save the Date! In our polarized world there aren't many spaces left that don't have dividing lines.  POV (Point of View) is an immersive experience that makes space for engaging difficult conversations through the lenses of empathy, context, and mission. Conversations beginning in September, find out more here! 
Volunteers Needed
Do you love gardening? Spending time in the glorious Florida heat? We are looking for volunteers to help Jan LeDuc with landscaping around the property. She's here every Monday from 10am - 12pm and would love some company. Feel free to just come on by, or contact her (352-378-6575) for more information.
Caring & Support
The Order of St. Luke Healing Service in the Chapel has been cancelled for July and will resume on August 12 at 11am. Typically held the 2nd Sunday of the month, these services offer healing prayers, music, a short teaching or testimony, and the Lord's Supper.  The Order of St. Luke is an international organization dedicated to responding to and promoting the healing ministry of Jesus.
This week's altar flowers are given in memory to the glory of God. 
If you would like to provide the altar flowers, please contact Bree (416-3017). If you need to make arrangements for assistance or special accommodations during Sunday services, please contact  Shannon (416-3005) Monday - Thursday. If you would like to have your milestone birthday or birth of a new child announced in the Tuesday Word, please email Kelly
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