Big news:  We're hiring a Co-Director! Could this be you? Help us find an amazing person for this role.

Reminder : Application deadlines for gs  NYC courses and SOEL coming up in May.

As we continue to move through harsh times, generative somatics (gs)  is heartened to be a part of powerful and visionary communities and movements. To make our fullest contribution, gs is growing to meet the call for our programs from leaders in social and environmental justice movements.

Big News -- We're hiring a Co-Director of Organizational Development!

The Co-Director of Organizational Development will partner with the Co-Director of Program and Strategy on long-term growth and sustainability. The Co-Director of Organizational Development will integrate the vision, politics, and values of gs into our organizational systems, operations, finances, and culture.

Please check out the Co-Director of Organizational Development job description consider if this position is right for you, or if you know someone who might be a good fit. Apply or pass it on. Help us find an amazing person to join our fabulous gs staff team in this important role.

Reminder --  Applications for  courses in New York City , as well as the  School of Embodied Leadership (SOEL) , are due May 21st*! 

Also- if you're interested in learning about how gs practices embodied fundraising (aligning how we fundraise with our  organizational vision, values, and strategy), please check out our Transformative Resourcing programs

With care and  appreciation,
Staci K. Haines
Executive Director
Photos: 1) Most of the gs staff team, March 2018; 2) SOEL group photo, July 2016
*Application results will be sent by June 18th.