April 23, 2020 | Issue 28
IDB Releases Agenda for Tomorrow’s Meeting
The Iowa Dental Board is conducting weekly meetings on Fridays beginning at 8:30 AM during the COVID-19 pandemic. Tomorrow the board is scheduled to discuss the re-opening of dental practices and COVID-19 testing in dental offices. The full agenda and log-on information for the meeting and the agenda for the Iowa Dental Hygiene Committee meeting beginning at 8:00 AM tomorrow are available on the IDB website
What if an Employee Wants to Stay on Unemployment and Not Return to Work?
The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act provides an additional $600 per week for those receiving unemployment insurance benefits due to COVID-19. According to the Iowa Workforce Development (IWD), "The first week a claimant can be compensated on this benefit is the week beginning March 29, 2020 and the last week is the week ending July 25, 2020."
If an employee refuses to return to work after dental offices reopen in order to continue claiming unemployment , that could be considered fraud. Specifically, the IWD includes the following warning on its website as it relates to the CARES Act benefits:
Important note : None of the benefits described above, nor unemployment benefits of any kind, are available to employees who quit their job, refuse to return to work, or refuse to receive full-time pay. Attempts to collect payments after quitting a job could be viewed as fraudulent and will be further investigated. The CARES Act specifically provides for serious consequences for fraudulent cases including fines, confinement, and an inability to receive future unemployment benefits until all fraudulent claims and fines have been repaid.  
Should you have an employee considering not returning to work when offered, IDA encourages the employee be directed to the IWD website.
IDA CE Webinars Now On-Demand
The IDA is working on more live CE webinar opportunities. All previous live webinars are now available on-demand.

After purchasing an on-demand webinar, you will receive a confirmation email with a link to access the webinar to be viewed at any time. The video does not need to be viewed in its entirety in one sitting. For your convenience, the IDA has broken the three-hour courses into two separate halves to provide a natural stopping point if you do not wish to view the entire course in one sitting.

Due to a large number of registrations processing, please note that you may not receive your confirmation email immediately. If you do not receive the confirmation email on the same business day as when you registered, please contact the IDA for assistance.
Professional Protector Plan Online Risk Management Course
McFadden Insurance Services realizes your financial concerns are weighing heavily on you during this time of uncertainty. While the part-time reimbursement is an option for those who qualify, you may be looking for more immediate premium relief. For insureds who have not already completed the Online Risk Management Course, now is a chance to reduce your professional liability premium.

In this online course, dentists are presented with the latest claim information and real-life experiences of colleagues in order to enhance patient care and reduce the risk of a malpractice claim. Learn more about course benefits on the IDA website.
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Governor's Daily Press Conferences
Governor Reynolds continues to conduct daily press conferences at 11:00 AM. Access the press conferences via  Facebook and on many local news channels.

The governor issues daily press releases regarding the status of COVID-19's effect on Iowans.  Click here to access the most recent press release.