National RTAP is a program of the Federal Transit Administration dedicated to creating rural and tribal transit solutions through
free training materials,
technical assistance, and partner collaboration.
This 2018 version of National RTAP’s Problem Passengers: Managing Difficult Passengers & Situations training includes an updated
Learner’s Guide
, new training
, and an interactive
version of the course. It also now includes a narrated
Facilitator's Guide
. The content of the course was revised and sections were added on illegal drugs and service animals. The videos include new scenarios and two “mentors” to help guide the learners through the content and debrief the scenarios.
The Problem Passengers course portrays many of the challenging situations front-line rural transit staff may face and explains appropriate driver responses. It covers customer management and behavior modification techniques, as well as ways drivers can present themselves to set a positive tone and maintain authority on the vehicle to help prevent situations from escalating.
We will be hosting a
on July 18, 2018 from 2:00-3:00 PM ET to walk through the components of the updated Problem Passengers training module. The webinar will also provide an overview of how to access the eLearning version of the course for those who are not already registered for National RTAP eLearning.
Learn about creating shapes and displaying routes on the road using this new
for the National RTAP
GTFS Builder
tool. You will learn about shapes data, clickable route maps and keyhole mark-up language, and how to edit and refine shapes in Google Earth.
True Tales of Rural Transit Heroes Twitter Chat
We all need heroes and there’s no better place to look than among our own. Join National RTAP on Twitter to talk about someone in transit who responded in a time of need. On July 12, 2:00-3:00 PM ET, Kari Banta, of TXDOT and the National RTAP Review Board, will lead a #RuralTransitHeroes Twitter chat. No deed is too small if it made a difference! Heroes come in all shapes and sizes. Contact us at
if you would like an email invitation to the
Upcoming National RTAP Peer Call: TAM for Tribes
National RTAP will facilitate a
peer discussion
on August 1, 2018, 2:00-3:00 PM ET about TAM for Tribes to collect information from Tribal transit agencies about their approach to transit asset management (TAM) plans and how they plan meet the basic requirements of the TAM rule. Neil Rodriguez and Robin Phillips, National RTAP Staff, and Jennie Rowland, Chair of the National RTAP Review Board and Manager of Big Woods Transit (Bois Forte Tribe), will facilitate the discussion about what is happening nationally with TAM for Tribal transit.
Upcoming BTS and National RTAP GTFS Webinar
U.S. DOT's Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) and National RTAP will discuss General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) and how it's being leveraged in a webinar on July 12 at 2:00-3:00 PM ET. The webinar will also instruct on creating GTFS data using National RTAP's GTFS Builder tool. If you missed this webinar when it was first held in May,
on the BTS website.
U.S. DOT and FTA Updates
U.S. DOT has launched the
Solving for Safety: Visualization Challenge
, a national competition for safety experts to analyze transportation system risk through advanced data analytics. Individuals and teams can compete for $350,000 in cash prizes by developing visualization tools to reduce fatalities and serious injuries.
At 2:00 PM ET on July 10, 2018, FTA will host a
about their Buses and Bus Facilities Infrastructure Investment Program
funding opportunity
. The program allocates a minimum of 10% – $36.6 million – to rural bus needs. Applications are due by August 6, 2018, at 11:59 PM, ET. Join FTA program staff to learn more about the funding, application eligibility and criteria, and the submission process.
USDOT/FHWA will provide training and technical assistance in up to five communities where the local transportation agency will use a data-driven and performance-based decision-making framework to incorporate multimodal access, improve health outcomes, and enhance community considerations into corridor planning. Interested organizations need to
a letter of interest by July 6, 2018.
Webinars and Training
America Walks is hosting a
on Opportunities for Walkability in Rural Communities and Small Towns
July 11, 2018 from 2:00-3:00 PM ET. The webinar describes inspiring work being done across the US to improve walkability in rural communities.
ESPA is offering a new
Online Course
ADA Complimentary Paratransit Appeals Process Requirements. Content highlights customer service, communication, public engagement, policy development, amendment and implementation. The course is self-paced and runs through July 27.
NCMM has created a
on transportation coordination opportunities and barriers. Feedback will help NCMM identify promising practices, barriers, and challenges around coordinated transportation.
In 2017, FMCSA proposed revisions to the regulatory guidance for driving a commercial motor vehicle for personal use while off-duty. The
final rule
covers June 7, 2018 to June 7, 2023. HOS rules were unchanged. Examples were added clarifying that drivers of passenger-carrying vehicles may also use them for personal conveyance in appropriate circumstances, such as an off-duty driver using a motorcoach with luggage on board to get lunch.
ADA Complimentary Paratransit Appeals Process Requirements
June 28-July 27
Performance-Based Planning and Programming (PBPP)
Implementation Office Hours
June 28, 2:00-3:30 PM
Automated Vehicle Symposium
San Francisco, CA, July 9-12
Bus and Bus Facilities Infrastructure Investments Program Webinar
July 10, 2:00-3:30 PM
Transit Asset Management Implementation for Tier II Providers and Sponsors
Portland, ME
July 11
America Walks
Opportunities for Walkability in Rural Communities and Small Towns
July 11, 2:00-3:00 PM
TAM Plans for Small and Medium Providers
July 11, 2:00-3:00 PM
National RTAP
#RuralTransitHeroes Twitter Chat
July 12, 2:00-3:00 PM
BTS/National RTAP
General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) Webinar
July 12, 2:00-3:00 PM
Overview of the Transit Capacity and Quality of Service Manual, 3rd Edition
July 12, 12:00 PM
Wheelchair Securement Training
July 12, 12:00-1:15 PM ET
The Future of Mobility from Transit Authority to Mobility Integrator
Washington, DC
July 12
National Conference on Transportation Asset Management
San Diego, CA
July 14-17
American Society of Civil Engineers
International Conference on Transit and Development
Pittsburgh, PA
July 15-18
Consolidation of Rural Transit Systems (NCHRP Project 20-65 Task 69)
July 17, 2:00-3:30 PM
Quality Assurance and Quality Control in Transit
Boston, MA
July 17-18
National RTAP
Updated Problem Passengers Training Overview
July 18, 2:00-3:00 PM
Transportation Planning Process
Pensacola, FL
July 23-24
SWTA Summer University
Oklahoma City, OK
July 23-26
National Local Technical Assistance Program Association
National LTAP/TTAP Conference
New Orleans, LA
July 23-26
Introduction to Transportation Conformity
Newington, CT
July 25-27
National RTAP
TAM for Tribes Peer Call
August 1, 2:00-3:00 PM
National Household Travel Survey Data for Transportation Applications Workshop
Washington, DC
August 8-9
Association of Travel Instruction
Association of Travel Instruction Annual Conference
San Diego, CA
August 8-10
State Public Transportation Partnership Conference
Minneapolis, MN
August 15-17
Tri-State Transit Conference
North Conway, NH
September 12-14
National Conference on Rural Public & Intercity Bus Transportation
Breckenridge, CO
September 30-October 3
All event times listed as Eastern Time
Look for Us at these Upcoming Conferences
- National LTAP/TTAP Conference, New Orleans, LA, July 23-26
- SWTA Summer University, Oklahoma City, OK, July 23-26
- State Public Transportation Partnership Conference, Minneapolis, MN, Aug 15-17
- Tri-State Transit Conference, North Conway, NH, Sept 12-14
- National Transportation in Indian Country Conference, Duluth, MN, Sept 17-20
- Rural Public and Intercity Bus Transportation Conference, Breckenridge, CO, Sept 30-Oct 3