High School is an important time in a student's life.  It is a time when life-long friendships develop, independent thinking and community responsibility mature, and transition to adulthood is nurtured.  For students with multiple disabilities, there are few opportunities to work on all these skills in an appropriate high school environment.  To ensure that all students reach their full potential and engage fully in their community, Randolph High School and P.G. Chambers School are excited to announce the opening of a
Collaborative High School Program for Students with Multiple Disabilities. Click here to read more.

Managing and communicating the infinite number of details of exactly how a student with a multiple disability uses his or her assistive technology can be a daunting task for any school team. How does the student access the device and equipment? What is it used for? How is it programmed, serviced, and maintained?
And then add to this the fact that students' needs are ever-changing. What works in middle school no longer works in high school. What works in school does not meet the student's needs at home or in the community.
If we're committed to helping students use assistive technology as they move from one environment to another and from one developmental stage to another, a written Assistive Technology Plan and Portfolio can be very helpful.
Click here to learn more about AT Plans and how to write them for your students.
Julie Haggerty has been a physical therapist for over 33 years, receiving her Doctorate of Physical Therapy in 2006. She has advanced certifications in Neuro-Developmental Treatment (NDT), APTA Clinical Instructor, Cortical Visual Impairment (CVI) training, Clinical Specialist in Pediatrics (PCS), Assistive Technology certification, and is a Assistive Technology Practitioner (ATP) completed through Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America (RESNA).
Julie is our AT Program Coordinator and manages the four clinics: Equipment, Orthotic, Splinting and Fabrication and AAC. The AT Program also offers comprehensive evaluations and consultations, including AAC. Through this program we provide support to students at PGCS, community school districts, early intervention programs and private families.

For more information, or to set up a meeting, please contact Community Services Director, Kristin Young at [email protected]


P.G. Chambers School | 973-829-8484 |  www.chambersschool.org