We created a podcast! Listen here: Trauma, Healing and Collective Power 
Also- check out exciting updates about  The gs Practitioners Network (gsPN)
Dear generative somatics (gs) community,

We are with you. In these times, all of us at gs are committed to you, and to our social and environmental justice movements. We continue the work of healing, leadership development, and building collective power, with you, in the face of unbearable violence that is being inflicted on our children, families, and communities.

We are writing to share two resources:

First, a new gs podcast ! We created a podcast with Spenta Kandawalla, Prentis Hemphill and Staci K. Haines, hosted by adrienne maree brown. We had a conversation about trauma, oppression, healing and organizing for structural change. We dug into the connections between personal, collective and structural transformation, and between healing and building collective power. We also explored the term Healing Justice. What does embodied healing have to do with creating liberation? Listen here--

a gs podcast

Are you interested in seeing a gs practitioner or coach?
Are you a gs practitioner or coach interested in getting organized?

The gs Practitioners Network (gsPN) is up and running! We are actively organizing gs practitioners and coaches to provide one-on-one and healing groups to organizers and leaders in social and environmental justice movements.

With committment,
Staci K. Haines
Executive Director
Photos: 1) Somatic Bodywork Intensive, 2017 2) Somatics & Trauma Advanced, 2016