A Reconciling in Christ synod
Celebrating Ruth Hoffman's 22 years of Lutheran Advocacy Ministry!
It is with deep gratitude for her ministry and witness, living out our call to be a public church that we celebrate
Ruth Hoffman, Director for Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-NM
who has announced she will be
retiring in November of this year.
Reflecting on her ministry Ruth writes:
I have truly been blessed to serve in the ministry of advocacy for the Rocky Mountain Synod and the ELCA. The support of our synod for advocacy has been steadfast and faithful for the more than thirty-five years since the advocacy offices in New Mexico and in Colorado were initiated. Just as important has been the support and advocacy work of ELCA and ecumenical congregations and members throughout New Mexico.
When I began serving as director of LAM-NM (It was then called Lutheran Office of Governmental Ministry-NM.), I wrote these words: “it is very easy for the needs of people living in poverty to be lost in the shuffle and not be heard among the many other voices that work to influence public policy.” These words are no less true today which means that it remains crucial that advocacy ministry continue to be an integral ministry of our life together as Christ’s church. I am confident that advocacy ministry in New Mexico will continue to grow and positively impact the lives of our many neighbors living in poverty and experiencing hunger.
Many, many thanks for accompanying me throughout these years of my faith journey!"
Thank you for your witness Ruth!
Border Reflections from Bishop Gonia
Border Reflections Part 1: Who is coming and why?
This last weekend I was on the Border with our congregations and ministries in El Paso and Las Cruces who are providing welcome and assistance to refugees seeking asylum. On Saturday Pastor Matt Barnhouse and I spent time at Peace Lutheran in Las Cruces before joining volunteers from Border Servant Corps in receiving a group of 48 refugees. We also made a visit to Trinity Lutheran in Las Cruces, and on Saturday evening I joined volunteers at Iglesia Luterana Cristo Rey in El Paso for dinner with several refugee families. Here’s some of what I saw, heard, learned and experienced.
Who is coming and why?
Those currently seeking asylum at the border in El Paso are primarily from three Central American countries: Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador. Refugees from these three nations tell similar stories of chronic violence, political insecurity and a culture of extortion by gangs and drug-related cartels. Daily life is marked by fear and uncertainty combined with a lack of access to basic needs. Most of those arriving at this time are families, including at least one parent and child.
While at dinner at Cristo Rey on Saturday evening, I listened as two families bravely shared their stories of constant harassment and extortion that made life in their home countries of Honduras and Guatemala exceedingly dangerous and made any hope of stability for their families impossible. They shared elements of the difficult and costly journey, including the challenge of their time in detention after finally arriving in the United States. They were deeply grateful for the welcome, the care and the simple human dignity offered to them once they arrived at Cristo Rey.
Are those coming refugees or asylum seekers?
The answer is: a bit of both.
eConnection Spotlight:
RMS in the Neighborhood
Amazing Race Borderlands brings together Border and North NM Conference Youth!
The Amazing Race Borderlands brings youth from the Border and North NM conferences, along with adult chaperones, for an overnight gathering and scavenger hunt style event.
This year, Deacon Laura Carson of Peace Lutheran, Las Cruces, Richard Hielkema of Cross of Hope, Albuquerque, Pr. Dan Tisdel and the congregation of St. Mark's Lutheran in Roswell, NM were just some of the organizing force that went into making the event a success. In addition to visiting local businesses, sights, organizations, and cultural centers, this year's groups were also on the lookout for wooden aliens all over town, adding a decidedly local flavor. Another highlight had the participants arrive at a local community theater where the challenge was to memorize a short piece of Martin Luther's "Here I stand" statement and deliver it from the stage. They nailed it like the reformer himself!
Local faith formation events such as the Amazing Race are just one of the beautiful ways congregations come together to build community and connection, foster faithful caring conversations with youth and adults, and learn about the diverse geography of the Rocky Mountain Synod.
Assembly Collection for Border Hospitality
FoCoLu Youth Ministry Network in Fort Collins is
collecting items needed by our Border Hospitality Ministries
and is inviting other congregations to join their efforts. Congregations and ministries can
bring items to Synod Assembly
and will be transported back to the Border. Requested Items are listed
Assembly Prep Help needed!
Help us prepare for assembly! Deacon Erin Power is looking for 5-6 volunteers on Tuesday, April 23 from 10:30 a.m. to noon, with lunch to follow!
The only skills required are folding and stapling! Send email
Deacon Erin to help out!
Internship sites, supervisors and mentors needed
Have you ever considered serving as an internship supervisor? With the ever-changing landscape of seminary education, internship placement has taken on some new forms, timelines, and needs.
The cost might just be lower than you think, too!
Could your congregation be the perfect place for a deacon or pastor to get formation experience? Contact Leslie Welton at
lwelton@rmselca.org to be put in touch with our colleagues at the ELCA seminaries.
Office of the Bishop Eucharist, Wednesday, April 10
Our monthly Eucharist will be held at the Lutheran Center on Wednesday, April 10 at 11:30 a.m.
All are invited to join in this 30 minute worship.
ELCA Domestic Hunger Grant application opens April 15!
The application window for 2020 ELCA World Hunger Domestic Hunger Grants will open April 15!
to learn more about the grants and how to apply. We invite organizations applying for an ELCA grant for the first time to
set up an account in ELCA GrantMaker in advance
in order to access the application form immediately once the window opens. If your organization has already registered in ELCA GrantMaker, now is a great time to log back in and confirm that the contact information in the account is up to date.
ELCA World Hunger will be hosting two webinars to review granting priorities and cover the basics of applying. To call in, simply click on the link below for the date of your choice.
Application Timeline
- Registration open: April 1-May 31, 2019
- Application open: April 15-June 17, 2019
- Application review: July-September 2019
- Awards announced: November 2019
RMS Prayer Cycle
APRIL 2019
Week of April 14
St. Paul’s - Cheyenne, WY
Alison George
Trinity - Laramie, WY
Nathan Keith
Trinity - Evanston, WY
Good Shepherd - Casper, WY
Jack Damien
Grace - Casper, WY
Brenda Frelsi
Swanson, John August. Last Supper, from Art in the Christian Tradition, a project of the Vanderbilt Divinity Library, Nashville, TN. [retrieved April 3, 2019]. Original source: www.JohnAugustSwanson.com - copyright 2009 by John August Swanson.
Join us in daily prayer:
ELCA Prayer Ventures
for daily guides to prayer for the global, social and outreach ministries of the ELCA, as well as for the needs and circumstances of our neighbors, communities and world.
Sunday, April 14
Sunday of the Passion/Palm Sunday
Prayer of the Day
O God of mercy and might, in the mystery of the passion of your Son you offer your infinite life to the world. Gather us around the cross of Christ, and preserve us until the resurrection, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.
In God's Hands: Ecumenical Prayer Cycle from the World Council of Churches
Fundraising Concert for Village Exchange Food Pantry sponsored by Rejoice Lutheran, Erie CO
Pastor Marcel Narucki serves as chaplain for the Village Exchange Center.
Palm Sunday Prayer Walk
Sunday, April 14 from 1:00-3:00 p.m.
Lent is a time of prayer, fasting and sacrificial giving. How will you spend your 40 days of Lent?
To honor the beginning of Holy Week,
Urban Servant Corps
invites you to walk and pray for the neighborhood where USC volunteers serve and accompany those who are most in need in our community.
Colorado Women’s Chorale: Carnegie Hall Masterworks
Saturday May 11, 2019 at 7:30 p.m.
Celebrate the homecoming of Colorado Women's Choir tour from the
Carnegie Festival for Treble Voices in New York City this spring.
Selections include masterworks of Brahms, Holst, Elgar, and more. Plus an exhilarating finale joined by the Colorado Men’s Chorale for Martin Palmeri’s
Misa Tango, a brilliant orchestral work that celebrates the beauty, joy, and passion of Argentina.
OHANA Youth Ministry Silent Auction Happy Hour
Saturday, May 12 from 3:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Help by donating a Silent Auction item, a cash donation, and/ or attending this event that will celebrate our diversity of cultures through music, clothing, and appetizers! Beer and wine will also be served!
Contact Kinna for more information or if you would like to donate a Silent Auction Item: 303-889-9844, or
More about us:
My name is Kinna and I am the founder and Director of OHANA Youth Ministry, an ecumenical and multicultural community youth group based out of St. Mark's Aurora.
OHANA stands for: Object Hate And Nurture Acceptance. In a world of differences where people can’t seem to find their own worth, let alone see the worth and humanity in others, this is a space where young people feel welcomed, worthy, and are taught how to be accepting of people who are different from themselves. The gospel is what guides us on this journey!
We have youth that identify as Latinx, African, Indonesian, and Anglo. They go to different schools and churches throughout the area, some are unchurched, but they are one youth group learning how to be “one in their community” no matter their race, religion, abilities, gender, or sexuality. We have received an award in the past from Families Forward for our participation in the community through service and giving back!
Join us for worship on May 4!
Albuquerque area folks are invited to join in the synod assembly evening worship on Saturday, May 4 at 6:30 p.m.
Camino de Vida invites you to a Multicultural Party
Hispanic Ministry / Latin Way Of Life
3907 Isleta Boulevard Southwest
Albuquerque, NM 87105 (
You are all invited to attend the Multicultural Festival, which will be full of cultural diversity - on Saturday, May 4.
We will have music, dance, food, games, and community organizations all day to stay and enjoy with family and friends.
Fort Collins Clinical Pastoral Education offering residency programs at Colorado State University
Fort Collins Clinical Pastoral Education (FCCPE) is welcoming applications for the
2019-2020 Spiritual Care Residency Program, which includes placements at Colorado State University (university), Poudre Valley Hospital - UCHealth (health care), and Columbine Health Systems (senior care).
If you are thinking of doing Lutheran Campus Ministry this would be an excellent opportunity to be exposed to providing spiritual care on a large university campus. The two other sites in Fort Collins are also excellent for a general chaplaincy residency. Pastor Paul Judson, Lutheran Campus Ministry/LuMin in Fort Collins works regularly with this program's chaplain.
Information about the program and the application process is available
. If you are interested please feel free to contact me with any questions. If you know of anyone who may be interested, please feel free to share this information.
Luther Academy of the Rockies 50th Anniversary
June 18 - June 28, 2019
Wartburg Theological Seminary invites
YOU to join with us for 10 days of learning, recreation, and renewal for ministry at our annual
In keeping with Wartburg Theological Seminary's emphasis on daily worship, each day begins with opening devotions. In addition to educational programs for the adults, age-appropriate daily programs are provided for children and teens (age 4 - 18), as well as childcare for children 3 and under.
Come join us for 10 days in the beautiful Rockies with renowned speakers sharing their wisdom at an incredibly reasonable price! This opportunity is too great to miss!!!
Resource Corner
check back each week for a new or featured resource for your congregation
Here is the Stewardship Toolkit for Congregations - May 2019
This month's emphasis is
Stewardship of community, brought to you by Rev. Rob Blezard, Assistant to the Bishop
Lower Susquehanna Synod.
Good, thoughtful, consistent communication, education and action can help your congregation develop a healthy culture of stewardship and generosity. This kit can help get you there! Use the resources of this kit by themselves to educate and encourage stewardship, but they would be more effective as a monthly emphasis about a different aspect of stewardship. You could plan bible studies, temple talks, a preaching series and other activities.
Items for sale
Monday, April 22 through Friday, May 17, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. each day
Bethany Lutheran
4500 E Hampden Ave.
Cherry Hills Village, CO 80113
We have several items available for sale; glass tea plates (approx. 80), small glass vases (approx. 10), communion wine glass trays (approx. 15), and many other communion pieces. Please
contact Sarah for photos and information.
Music Director
St. Barnabas Episcopal Church - 1280 Vine St, Denver CO
St. Barnabas Episcopal Parish in Denver is seeking a Music Director. The successful candidate will be versant in the Anglican liturgical and musical tradition but able to embrace and explore a wide range of musical styles. Duties include conducting the choir, working collaboratively with the priest in liturgical planning, overseeing music staff, and participating in weekly staff and monthly Liturgy Committee meetings. For a more complete job description with link to application form, please
go here.
Interested persons may submit an application with a resume and references by May 8, 2019 to Fr. Jeffrey Nelson,
Community Life Coordinator
Urban Servant Corps - 1660 Ogden Street, Denver, CO
We are seeking a Community Life Coordinator who will collaborate with our Executive Director and Urban Servants Corps (USC) volunteers in program planning and volunteer community life, including recruiting and engaging full-time volunteers for upcoming program cycle, process applications and conduct interviews; plan and lead USC volunteer orientation, training, and retreats; plan and attend weekly volunteer community nights and monthly community days; coordinate volunteer committees/liaison positions for community life responsibilities and activities; connect volunteers with leadership opportunities in the community; support volunteer interpersonal and community relationships during times of conflict; Offer mentorship around the USC tenets of simplicity, service, spirituality and intentional community; assist Executive Director in fundraising and outreach activities; other duties as assigned.
Job description with requirements and salary info is
here. Please submit resume and cover letter to Executive Director, Krista Kilgus at:
jobs@servantcorps.org. Priority consideration will be given to those received by April 25.
Non-Rostered Positions
Music Director
St. Barnabas Episcopal Church - 1280 Vine St, Denver CO
Community Life Coordinator
Urban Servant Corps - 1660 Ogden Street, Denver, CO
Organist/Accompanist (part-time)
St. Andrew - Arvada, CO
Office of the Bishop This Week
Bishop Jim Gonia
- ACT4RMS Team
- Centennial, Englewood
- Mosaic Dinner
- Holy Love, Aurora
- Urban Servant Corps Palm Sunday Prayer Walk
- Personal Retreat
Pastor Matt Barnhouse
- El Paso Office, April 10-21
Ruth Hoffman
- Medicaid Advisory Committee
- Invest in Kids Now
- LAM-NM Policy Committee
Peter Severson
- Session Hearings
- Young Adults in Global Mission Event, Chicago, IL
- Faithful Tuesdays
Tina Kvitek
- Meeting with Ministry Partners
- 1-1 Meetings
Pastor Sarah Moening
- Interim Pastors
- Leadership Planning Team
- Congregation Transition
Pastor Kent Mueller (1/2 time)
- New to Synod Meeting
- Lutheran Center Administration
- Synod Assembly Prep
Deacon Erin Power
Pastor Leslie Welton
You are welcome to directly contact
Andrew Nakatan
, Communications Assistant, with questions, comments, or concerns you may have about eConnection or our website!
Rocky Mountain Synod
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
800-525-0462 / 303-777-6700 / fax 303-339-4744
are due noon Monday each week and will run for about two weeks.
Past issues of eConnection may be found