July 2018
July Birthdays
Laura Booth (7/2)
Laura Shrewsbury (7/11)
Tara Storm (7/21)
Andrea Cobert (7/2)
Carl Bradley (7/14) Merone Tennant (7/22)
Emily Asbill (7/9)
William Suehs (7/17) Dana Brower (7/26)
Sheva Myers (7/10) David Seng (7/19) Nelson Keller (7/26)
Opportunities for Ministry
Classroom Clean-up Week:  July 9th to 13th
cartoon kids sweeping
Our Adult and children's classrooms will be undergoing some major cleaning next week. Furniture, books, toys, may be moved or removed. We need as much help as possible for light and heavy duty tasks. This is an excellent opportunity of service for those who have a tight schedule. Just stop by the office and pick up a checklist of tasks to see what you're able to accomplish on your own time. Our goal is to clean and maximize the amount of classroom space for the many activities that occur for adults and children. By the end of the week, the rooms will offer a welcoming environment for all who gather. 
The church will be open for clean-up from 9am-3pm Mon to Fri or Tue/Wed/Thu from 6:30-8:30pm. Contact Heather or Dina with any questions.
Children's Ministry Needs
        Every time I share a Bible story with the children of HillSong, I learn more about the passage from their insights, their questions, and their perspectives. As Jesus taught, we best receive the kingdom like a little child. Working with children is not only a ministry to them, it is an opportunity for Spiritual growth for adults, too! If you have any interest in nurturing children and their faith,  please contact Heather .
        Our children need consistency in their classrooms in order to focus on exploring and learning about God from their teachers and their reading of Scripture. That means we really need more teachers - especially for Preschool Sunday School (9:45am-10:45am). We also need volunteers for extended teaching during worship (11:00am-12:15pm).
        The lessons are fun and engaging. There is little preparation as the story cards walk the children through the story and invite them to use their imaginations and their bodies to really consider the fullness of God's work in each Bible story. You'll be equipped for a fun and engaging lesson for everyone!
Project Esperanza:  October 19-24, 2018
        Consider Joining us for the 2018 Trip to the Dominican Republic in which we will work with the families of Project Esperanza. PE is an organization that serves Haitian Refugee families in the Dominican Republic - largely families who have a single parent and multiple children needing food, clothing, education, and housing. For more information visit the Project Esperanza website.
        We have three main objectives: 1) work on any maintenance projects for the school building or boys' home; 2) work with the mothers of the children in the school, teaching them income generating skills such as crochet and sewing (this will be largely dependent on who comes on the mission trip and their skills); and 3) hold a science/art/bible camp with the children in the afternoon when they get out of school.
        The current dates for our trip are October 19th-24th. The estimated cost per person, including airfare, housing, ground transportation, and food is $750 to $900
Please consider joining this team. Share this opportunity with your friends who have gifts/skills that would be beneficial to Project Esperanza. Contact Heather for more information.

VBS Update
Many thanks to all of the Super HillSong Heroes who made this year's Vacation Bible School so successful. Because of you, our church building was transformed into "Hero Central" and we welcomed over 75 children* and their families to learn about God's love. The children participated in loads of activities that helped teach them to seek God and do good. It was a week packed with love and fun! Please join me in praying that these children always find a safe place in the Church to know and share God's love.
*18 preschool aged children, 12 K-1st graders, 18 2nd-3rd graders, and 27 4th-5th graders - with extra help from 6th-7th graders!!
Prayer Circle
Thursday Night Prayer
When we study scripture together we learn more about God from the perspectives of one another and when we pray together, we begin to sense God's leading through our common words and visions.
As a church family we join for prayer on Thursday evenings at 7pm. During this time we pray collectively for God's guidance for the specific concerns of our church.
Prayer gatherings will meet in the Worship Center. Come when you are able. As we continue in prayer together, may we share a vision and be more unified in our journey.
An Unpatriotic Love of Country - from Pastor Rob
        Every year, as we, "we" being "we Americans," get ready to celebrate our independence, I am faced with this task. How do I express the Christian faith in and from the American context? I am very much an American citizen and a resident of the United States, and I believe I always will be. Furthermore, I hope I will be, at least up until the resurrection. I love the United States of America and I love being an American.
        I love being a Christian more. And these two allegiances are not one in the same, nor are they in any way aligned. America is not God's chosen nation. That's Israel. Up to the time of Christ, God's self-revelation to the world came through Israel. Israel and only Israel has been God's chosen people. When Christ came, God's self-revelation narrowed to one Israelite - Jesus of Nazareth. After his death and resurrection, non-Jews, Gentiles, were welcomed into the "people of God." Paul stresses this throughout his letters, it is the conclusion of the Jerusalem council (Acts 15), and is the focus of Romans 9-11.
        Today, God's people are all who come to faith in Jesus Christ. Koreans, Chinese, Ethiopians, Mexicans, Canadians, Dominicans, Haitians, Americans, and all other tribes, languages, and nations; all who put their trust in Jesus are adopted as sons and daughters of God. No passages makes this clearer than Revelation 7:9-10.

May Numbers
May 2018 Financial Snapshot
For more detail on the amounts in the Financial Snapshot, see the May 2018 Financial Statement. Copies are available at the back of the Worship Center on the Information Table.