Dear ,

Happy New Year!

I hope this email finds everyone safe and healthy.

The SYMF has continued to closely follow the impact the COVID19 virus has made, especially with the arts. We are committed to providing performance opportunities for students and are pleased that the SYMF can offer our competition (virtually) to the music community.

2020–2021 WINTER Video Competition
Strings (violin, viola, cello)
Winds (flute/piccolo, clarinet, saxophone, oboe, bassoon)
Ensembles (chamber music, concerto for multiple soloists)

Application & Video Submission Deadline
February 25, 2021 (THU), 11:59pm PT

Application Portal Opens
January 25, 2021 (MON)

Rule & Regulations and Video Recording Guidelines available at

Age Eligibility as of January 1, 2021 
Age Divisions through Age 19