Notice of Public Hearing for Review of
Ohio River Pollution Control Standards
The Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission (ORSANCO) sets Pollution Control Standards for industrial and municipal waste water discharges to the Ohio River. ORSANCO is currently conducting a review and update of its current Pollution Control Standards for Discharges to the Ohio River - 2015 Revision.
During its Commission meeting, on Thursday, June 7, the Commission voted to advance a proposed amendment to its Pollution Control Standards
to the second step of consideration. Each review of the Pollution Control Standards includes a two-step public comment process which provides an opportunity to comment on any proposed revisions.
he second step of the review of the Pollution Control Standards includes a second comment period and a public hearing. ORSANCO will also host informational webinars. ORSANCO is committed to providing a transparent review process.
After the second public comment period and the public hearing are concluded, the Commission will determine its next step during the regular Commission meeting, Thursday, October 4, 2018.
ORSANCO, headquartered in Cincinnati, OH, is the water pollution control agency for the Ohio River representing Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia. The federal government is also represented.
I. Proposed amendments to Pollution Control Standards for Discharges to the Ohio River - 2015 Revision.
Pursuant to the authority contained in Article VI of the Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Compact, and by direction of the Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission, a public hearing will be held by the Commission on July 26, 2018 at the Holiday Inn Cincinnati Airport, 1717 Airport Exchange Blvd., Erlanger, KY. The hearing will be conducted from 6:00 pm (EST) until completed. The record of the hearing shall remain open and written testimony accepted beginning
and extending until midnight on August 10, 2018.
The purpose of said hearing is to receive comments, including data and scientific justifications or other supporting rationales, concerning the Commission's proposed action described as follows:
I. Proposed amendments to Pollution Control Standards for Discharges to the Ohio River - 2015 Revision.
Today's proposal is based upon a multi-year comprehensive assessment of ORSANCO's evolving function and role in partnership with its member states and the multitude of state and federal water quality protection activities collectively and cooperatively administered to protect the Ohio River. The proposed amendments, background review materials and initial public comment documents that were developed in the course of this review
can be accessed from the Commission's Pollution Control Standards web page at
All interested parties will be given adequate opportunity to express, both orally and in writing, their views and supporting rationales upon the issue to be considered. Brief oral summaries and submission of written comments are encouraged.
Interested parties desiring information on the current Pollution Control Standards, the proposed amendments to the standards, and instructions on how to submit comments concerning the proposed amendments to the Pollution Control Standards, or concerning the conduct of said hearing may obtain such information through the Commission website at, in the section titled "Second Public Comment Period and Hearing - June 26, 2018 through August 10, 2018", or by contacting the Commission (5735 Kellogg Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45230, 513-231-7719).
Two informational webinars on these proposals will be held on July 12, 2018 at 3:00 pm (EST) and July 19, 2018 at 6:00 pm (EST). Instructions on participating in the webinars may also be found on the website or by contacting ORSANCO.
Comments may be submitted orally at the hearing, or in writing to or the Commission's mailing address above, no later than midnight August 10, 2018.
Stuart F. Bruny, P.E., Commission Chairman
June 26, 2018