December Zone 12 Update
Thank you for being a Zone 12 member! Read about what happened at the USHJA Annual Meeting, see new programs coming next year, learn about Zone Committee elections and more.
USHJA Virtual Annual Meeting Recap
The 2020 USHJA Annual Meeting, presented by Equicore, was held November 30-December 11, and featured educational sessions for members as well as committee and board meetings where leaders in the sport discussed and decided on upcoming programs, changes and rules.

More members were able to attend the virtual event and were able to ask questions and provide feedback during various meetings throughout the two weeks. Special thanks to everyone involved in making the virtual event possible, including the many event sponsors and presenters.

To learn more or view resources from this year's Annual Meeting, click here.

Read About What's New in 2021:
USHJA Brings New Competitive Opportunities to Adult Amateurs, Children’s Hunters, Young Jumpers, Adult Equitation and Derby Competitors in 2021
The US Hunter Jumper Association announces the USHJA Hunter Team Challenge, USHJA Young Jumper Championships, USHJA 3’3” Adult Jumping Seat Medal and regional championships for the USHJA National Hunter Derby and International Hunter Derby programs.

USHJA Unveils New Instructor Credential for Launch in Early 2021
Unveiled during the 2020 USHJA Virtual Annual Meeting, the new credential will offer both a comprehensive online education as well as an in-person workshop and examination for Instructor Credential candidates to observe, learn, practice and collaborate and test their teaching techniques and methods.

USHJA Diversity and Inclusion Advocacy Committee Unveils Action Plan
The newly formed USHJA Diversity and Inclusion Advocacy Committee hosted a free webinar to discuss fostering an inclusive and open culture in equestrian sport, identify opportunities for betterment, and to detail the Committee’s Action Plan.

Changes Made to USHJA Outreach Program for 2021 Competition Year
Changes include expanding the program to include three categories, streamlining competition host requirements and fees, expansion of Jumper sections, added point tracking for horses and trainers, and restructured awards and rewards for competitors.
Thank You for Your Membership in 2020
Have you renewed your membership for 2021?
Nominations Open January 1 for USHJA Zone Committee Member Elections
The USHJA Zone Nominating Committee is seeking nominations for participation on the Zone Committees.

Senior Active or Senior Associate members in good standing are eligible to participate in the nomination and election process for USHJA Zone Committee members within your Zone. Important dates:

  • Jan. 1: Nominations open for Zone Committee members.
  • March 1: Nominations close. The names of nominees who meet the eligibility requirements go to the Zone Nominating Committee for their consideration, and the Zone Nominating Committee will choose which nominees are added to the ballot.
  • May 15: Zone Committee elections open. Ballots and biographies of nominees will be posted to the USHJA Zone webpage and members will be able to review and vote for candidates.
  • July 1: Zone elections close. Click here to view the complete timeline.
Upcoming USHJA Webinars
Mark your calendars for these upcoming USHJA Webinars:

Get Schooled. Schooling Rules and Schooling Ring Etiquette
Jan. 19 at 7 p.m. ET (3 p.m. Alaska Time)

Join HQC Committee Member and ‘R’ C1 Steward Cricket Stone as she explains the new schooling rules, as well as other important rule changes for 2021 and the vital role they play at horse shows.

Body Clipping Tips and Blanket Know-How 
Feb. 1 at 7 p.m. ET (3 p.m. Alaska Time)

Between body clipping and blanketing, the colder months can be challenging to keep your horse warm. USHJA Emerging Athlete Program Stable Manager Anne Thornbury will discuss body clipping best practices from which clipper blades to use to how to start.
USHJA Affiliate Member Organization News
It's time to renew your Affiliate membership!

The Affiliate Organization membership cost is $100 and is valid through November 30 of the current competition year (December 1 to November 30).

Learn more about benefits of being an Affiliate Member Organization.
Sport History: Fun Facts from the USHJA Wheeler Museum
Mrs. A. C. Randolph 

The annual USHJA Mrs. A. C. Randolph Owners Legacy Award was established in 2011 to acknowledge a past or current owner who has been, or is, a true patron of the hunter/jumper community through dedication and ongoing support.

Mrs. Randolph touched all parts of the horse industry. She bred and raised horses who succeeded at the racetrack, in the show ring, and in the hunt field. She was master of the Piedmont Fox Hounds for more than 40 years and instrumental in starting the Drug and Medication Program. The site of her farm hosts the Upperville Colt & Horse Show. Some of her most notable show horses were Quiet Flite, High Noon, War Dress, Army Wife, and Sky Ghost. Randolph and her horses helped such top riders as Kathy Kusner, Rodney Jenkins, and Charlie Weaver start their careers.

Photo: Mrs. A. C. Randolph competing at the 1964 Upperville Colt & Horse Show. Photo by Marshall Hawkins
Have You Listened to the USHJA On Course Podcast?
More Recent News
Know Your Zone 12 Committee Members
  • Dana Eaton, Chair
  • Kerri Geppert, Vice Chair
  • Shannon Bodolay
  • Jill Cornforth
  • Katherine Haghighi
  • Lauren Williams, Treasurer
Special thanks to these members who serve our zone! For more information about the committee and contact information, click here.
Official USHJA Sponsors
USHJA Sponsors & Partners
Photos: EQ Media, Marketing 4 Equestrians, Tori Bilas, Tricia Booker and Rachel Sowinski
United States Hunter Jumper Association | (859) 225-6700 |