April 2018
April Birthdays
Tom Timmons (4/3)
Chris Hollingsworth  (4/23)
Chris McKeever (4/27)
Faye Johnson (4/4)
Tamara Baker (4/24)

Joshua Asbill (4/14)
Rebecca Folliard (4/24)

Opportunities for Ministry
Coffee Cup
Hospitality Team
Volunteers are needed for the Hospitality Team. These are the people who each Sunday morning set up the beverage and refreshment areas, make the coffee & hot water, pour the juice and set out the refreshments. New team members and a team coordinator are needed. Many thanks to Diane Sudderth for serving as Hospitality Coordinator for several years. Contact the church office, if interested.
Spring Workday
Saturday, Apr 14
8am to 12pm
Our Spring Workday is Sat, Apr 14 from 8am-12pm. Mark your calendars and plan to pitch in. There are many building and grounds tasks as well as a few indoor tasks. Watch for the sign up in this Sunday's bulletin. Contact Jim Church if you have any questions.
Children's Ministry
Substitute Sunday School Teachers
Nursery Helpers during Sunday School and Extended Session (during worship service)
Mark Your Calendars for Vacation Bible School - June 11th-15th. VBS will run from 5:30-8:30pm each night with dinner for the first 45 minutes and regularly scheduled programming from 6:30-8:30pm. It's never too early to volunteer! We need teachers, drivers, leaders, and donations for transportation. Contact Heather  if you would like to volunteer, or need more information

children's open arms
Thank You from
A big THANK YOU to those who prepared a care package, donated items for CarePoints, purchased underwear, attended the fundraising dinner or made a donation. Your contribution was a huge blessing to the team members AND the children. Rob and Angel will be sharing more information on the trip soon.
Picture of Estmae Johnson
Memorial Service for
Estamae Johnson
Saturday, April 14
Join us for at HillSong for a remembrance and celebration of the life of our dear sister, Estamae Johnson. Visitation and an informal reception will begin at 10:30am followed by a Memorial Service at 11:30am. If you would like to help with the reception, contact the church office 919.967.3056.
The Empty Church Parking Lot - from Pastor Rob
Easter Lilies
        Guardian writer Oliver Burkeman tells of visiting the church of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan to see "The Last Supper." He says, "I'm aware this was a boringly predictable location in which to feel the spine-shiver of something beyond words (transcendent? divine?). But I did, and powerfully. I'm no expert, but maybe there's a reason this particular picture of some guys eating some bread is more celebrated than any other."[i ]
        Burkeman believes the Milan church is a "thin place." A "thin place" is a "Celtic Christian term for "'those rare locales where the distance between heaven and Earth collapses.'"[ ii] He writes of attempts from the field of psychology to explain this indiscernible phenomenon believers all over the world have described with great intensity, especially in specific locales. Maybe science can demythologize these numinous encounters.
        However Burkeman says, "I'm not sure I want to know what brain scans tell us about thin places, or how people respond to psychology questionnaires right after visiting the Grand Canyon. We're in the territory, here, of the ineffable: the stuff we can't express because it's beyond the power of language to do so. Explanations aren't merely useless; they threaten to get in the way. The experience of a thin place feels special because words fail, leaving stunned silence."[ iii]
February Numbers
Feb 2018 financial snapshot
For more detail on the amounts in the Financial Snapshot, see the February 2018 Financial Statement. Copies are available at the back of the Worship Center on the Information Table.