St. Paul's Episcopal Church

301 E. Stuart Street, Fort Collins, CO 80525
Phone: 970-482-2668
Email: [email protected] - Website:

Wardens' Note
Dear Friends and Fellow Travelers on The Way of Love (as Presiding Bishop Curry has phrased it),
Yesterday we, accompanied by our faithful scribe, Jim Steinborn, had the opportunity to visit with our Bishop Rob and our Bishop-elect Kym. Our first report to you is that we are most fortunate that God has sent Rev. Kym to be our Bishop at this time in history and specifically at this time in St. Paul’s history. She exemplified to us all the positive qualities St. Paul described in his first instructional letter to Timothy 3:1-7: sensible, respectable, hospitable, apt teacher (which also means a good listener) and gentle. Bishop Rob provided a good bit of our history to bring her up to date on where we are in our searches for Priest, Place and Purpose, inviting each of us to chime in to fill in gaps….and we quickly moved on to where we are now….
Regarding Priest : Bishop Rob said he has two potential candidates for our review but. . .
Habitat for Humanity Build Days

Our next 2019 Build Dates are Saturday March 30th, Thursday April 25th, and Saturday May 18th. Please contact Gray soon and join our happy crew!
Lenten Midweek Soup Suppers and Holden Worship
Wednesdays April 3 & April 10: Supper at 6 pm, Worship at 6:45 pm

It has really been fun participating in the Reader’s Theater during the Holden Worship on Wednesday evenings. And what music!! It has also been great having supper with Lutherans and Mary of Magdala folk. Sign up to help bring the meal; sign-up sheets are in the Narthex. Sioux and Jeff Icenhower have designed the theater sets!
Food Bank Volunteers

Save the date and sign up for Friday, April 5 from 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.  The sign-up sheet is posted on the bulletin board, or email Jo Baietti or call 970-223-1686.

We continue to have a faithful group of volunteers but can always use a few more. This outreach ministry is so important as we truly make a difference in the lives of thousands of folks who access the Food Bank every month. Many thanks to our volunteers!
Refocus on Recycling at Trinity

Now that the kitchen and Parkside room remodeling is finished and the dust has settled, this is a great time to renew our efforts to better manage our trash, recyclables and compostables at church. Signage will be consistent for blue recycling bins at all such locations around the building. But there will be a special emphasis on the fellowship hall where two new recycling, composting and waste sorting "stations" will be located. The goal is to make your choices for doing the right thing easier and convenient. So, watch for the new look and let's do our part as we enjoy our fellowship time at Trinity.
Volunteers Needed for Project Homeless Connect

on Friday, April 12, from 7 am - 1:30 pm at the Aztlan Community Center (112 E Willow Street, Fort Collins, CO)

Project Homeless Connect is a one-day event that provides individuals and families currently experiencing homelessness with access to vital services such as rapid re-housing, basic medical exams, legal advice, and much more. It’s a one-stop stop for assistance that helps families stop struggling and paves the way for their success.  Volunteers for Project Homeless Connect are matched with individuals and families experiencing homelessness and help them to navigate the available services at the event. All volunteers receive a free t-shirt, a 1-hour volunteer training, and free transportation to/from the event from the CSU transit center. Please sign up to volunteer
Rocky Mountain Chamber Singers

Friday, April 5 at 7:00 p.m. , First Presbyterian Church
531 S. College Avenue, Fort Collins
Sunday, April 7 at 3:00 p.m. King of Glory Lutheran Church , 2919 Wilson Avenue, Loveland

directed by Ann S. Bunyan. Sing is the word! And "joyfully" describes the songs and expressiveness of music sung by The Rocky Mountain Chamber Singers. Joy abounds in the works of the masters—Monteverdi, Dering, Rheinberger, Poulenc, Passereau, and Byrd's "Sing Joyfully." Joy explodes in spirituals, a Filipino folk song, and an arrangement of "Amazing Grace" by Esenvalds. New masters—Gjeilo, Arneson, Knecht, and Whitacre—prove joy in song in the twenty-first century.
Free Bike Tune Ups

On April 27, The City of Fort Collins FC Bikes and partners are offering free tune-ups at convenient locations around the community. Plus, you can stay for fun activities and grab a snack while your bike is repaired! 5 Locations:
  • Lee Martinez Park, CSU Trial Gardens, Shepard of the Hills Church (adjacent to Avery Park), Trinity Lutheran Church, Rogers Park (Note: this location is subject to change) More info here or call (970) 221-6987 or email 
Braiding Sweetgrass

As people start to turn their attention to the outdoors, St. Paul’s is going to sponsor the reading of Braiding Sweetgrass, a book that is a gift of braided stories meant to heal our relationship with nature by weaving together the three strands of indigenous ways of knowing, scientific knowledge and the story of an Anishinabekwe scientist. It brings these strands together in service to what matters most. We are hoping people will read the book during April so that we can have meetings to discuss it on May 1, 8 and 15. Further details to be publicized soon. For more information, please contact Terry Birdsong [email protected]. The book is available at Amazon.
The Trinity Men’s Bible Study Group
is organizing an invitation of the Mental Health First Aid Colorado|MHFACO workshop to Trinity

We do not yet have a date or time, but need to get a list of interested people who would attend this training at a future time (to be scheduled based on the most popular date and time). So far we have 10 people from our men’s breakfast who want to attend + spouses. If you are interested, please contact Larry Salmen .
Joint Social and Eco Justice Team

Meeting this coming Tuesday, April 2, at 5:15 pm
The First Annual Joachim Viens Memorial Lecture

April 9 at 6:30 pm at The Drake Center, 802 West Drake Road, Fort Collins

The World Wisdoms Project is proud to offer the first annual Joachim Viens Lecture, bringing quality speakers in multi-faith issues to the Fort Collins area. Today, chaplains who do not identify themselves with a particular faith offer spiritual care in a variety of secular institutions: businesses, hospitals, first-responder venues. The work that chaplains do, their training for that work, their responsiveness to the spiritual marketplace, and their regulation by the government, deserve attention.

The speaker, Dr Winnifred Fallers Sullivan, is Professor in the Department of Religious Studies, Professor of Law in the Maurer School of Law, and Director of the new Center for Religion and the Human, all at Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana. The lecture begins at 6:30 pm, followed by a question and answer session, and then a reception. There is no charge.
2019 Hagen Lecture at UMC

April 8 at 7 pm at First United Methodist Church

LIVING A REVOLUTIONARY LOVE: HOW TO BE A CHRISTIAN IN A RACIAL WORLD. April 8 at 7 pm at the United Methodist Church. With presenter Willie Jennings, Associate Professor of Systematic Theology and African Studies at Yale Divinity School, explore how Christians can take hold of the revolutionary love that should mark how we imagine life together.
A St. Luke's Believe Out Loud Presentation on Couple Therapy

Thursday, April 25, at 6:30 pm, "New Ways to Understand and Improve Your Relationship: Insight From a Couple Therapist." You are invited to learn more about the neuroscience of love and how you can use it to create a better relationship with your partner that will enhance the quality of your life.  Guest speaker Dr. Beth O’Brien, PhD, is a licensed psychologist in Fort Collins with 25 years of counseling experience and special training in the Psychobiological Approach to the Couple. Dr. O’Brien will explain how understanding attachment styles and the science of the brain and emotions can help you deal with problem areas in a relationship and feel closer and more secure. There may be in-class exercises and discussion as well as an exercise to practice at home. This special event will be held at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church (parish hall) and will include light refreshments. We would appreciate knowing that you plan to attend.  All are welcome, whether currently in a relationship or not. There is no fee. Email Gayle
Holy Week and Easter Worship

Monday, April 15 , Holy Communion - 7 pm
Tuesday, April 16 , Holy Communion - 7 am
and 7 pm
Wednesday, April 17 , Tenebrae - 7 pm
Maundy Thursday, April 18 , Holy Communion,
Footwashing, Stripping of the Altar - 8 pm
Good Friday, April 19 , Seven Last Words of Christ - 12 pm
Good Friday , Stations of the Cross and Solemn Collects - 7 pm
Holy Saturday, April 20 , Great Vigil of Easter, kid-friendly - 2:30 pm
Easter Sunday, April 21, Service of Holy Communion - 8:30 am
Easter Lilies

can be purchased for $13 each. Pick up your order form on the counter in the narthex or stop by the church office between 9 am and noon on weekdays. A payment must accompany the order, and checks can be made out to St. Paul's Episcopal Church, with "Easter Lilies" in the memo line.
Flowers for the Altar

T o dedicate altar flowers in memory of a loved one, in celebration of a birthday or anniversary, or just to express gratitude to God, sign up on the list located on the red bulletin board where we used to gather for coffee. The money for these flowers comes from donations. We ask for a $25 donation, but any amount is acceptable. Write the check to St. Paul’s, put “Flowers” in the memo line, and put it in the offering plate. Thanks!
Need a Lift or Able to Give Someone a Lift?

  Judy Matthews is coordinating the effort to match people who need rides with those who can provide them. Please contact her (and let her know which part of town you live in).
You Will Die in Your Sins

“In today’s Gospel reading, Jesus forecasts that many of his listeners will die in their sins, for they are not hearing the “I Am” of his presence among us. They are not seeing in him the incarnation of God. They will look for him and not be able to find him…"

-- Laurie Gudim writes for Speaking to the Soul at the Episcopal Cafe. Read the full reflection HERE .