Service Participant Schedule
Birthday Sunday
During Coffee and Conversation, 10:30 - 10:45 AM, Tyler Hall
Because of Spring Break and Master's Week, we've moved our April "Second Sunday" birthday celebration to this Sunday.
ALL are invited to our brief but joyful celebration for all whose birthdays fall in April.
Sunday is the Deadline for Easter Lilies and Music
Easter Lilies are placed in the church and are enjoyed throughout the Easter season and additional professional musicians enhance our Easter services. If you would like to contribute toward the cost of Easter music, or give an Easter lily, please return the form found in your bulletin Sunday to the Parish Office. Requests may also be made on the
Saint Paul's website or by
e-mail to mailbox@saintpauls.org no later than Sunday, April 7.
Our Schedule this Sunday |
April 7 |
Formation classes for ALL ages
See schedule below
(No formation for children this week)
Birthday Sunday
Tyler Hall
Holy Eucharist, Rite Two
with the Saint Paul's and Canterbury choirs
The Nursery is available.
following 11:00 AM
Lemonade on the Lawn
Celtic Evening Prayer and Communion
with Prayers for Healing
Rob Foster is our guest musician this Sunday.
Formation Classes this Sunday |
April 7 |
RECTOR'S FORUM, Year-round
Leader: Fr. Muir and guests
Location: The Parlor
The Rector's Forum offers a time and place for engaging conversation that is not anchored to a specific curriculum or topic. Always we consider how to honestly and faithfully live out our Baptismal vows, whatever the topic of the day.
Women of the Bible:
A Lenten formation group offered by women for women
Location: Berlin Room
This Sunday:
Mary Magdalene & the Women at the Cross to the Tomb on Easter Morning - Robin Merriman
All women and youth (9th grade and up) are invited to gather for a rich Lenten study and discussion group to examine the lives of selected women from both the Old and New Testaments. We will listen to their words and explore how their lives speak to ours today. Materials provided, from Bible Women: All Their Words and Why They Matter.
Finding your Spiritual Practice:
Leader: Fr. Jenkins
Location: Chapel of St. Peter and St. Paul
The world is a difficult and busy place, but our Christian tradition is rich with practices that help us return to ourselves and grow closer to God's ineffable presence. Each Sunday Fr. Jenkins will present a different spiritual practice of prayer. Materials provided, and all are welcome to drop in any given Sunday.
FAITH & NATURE: Divine Adventures of Life on Earth
Grades 6 - 12 Leader: Todd Shafer and company Location: The Upper Room (Upstairs Parish House) What is up with science, the universe and God and ME? We will dig in and wonder about our place in God's creation... BUT FIRST, breakfast to get the morning going! Questions about formation? Contact Todd Shafer.
No Children's Formation Sunday April 5 or April 12
Parish Office Closed April 8-12
The Parish Office will be closed the week of April 8-12 during Spring Break and Master's Week. Frs. Muir and Jenkins will have access to their voice mail for pastoral emergencies.
Two Open Sundays for Altar Flowers
There are two open Sundays for altar arrangements in the second quarter: June 16 & 23. If anyone would kindly like to sponsor a Sunday in honor or memory of someone or "many" someones, please
contact the Parish Office. The normal charge is a minimum of $100. What a lovely way to remember or honor someone and contribute to the Flower Guild at the same time.
"Free the Girls" Bra Drive Through April
"Free the Girls" Needs You to "GIVE UP" this Lent: Have you ever BRAs?! Yes, you read that correctly. Bras and the second-hand clothing market provide a safe and powerful economic opportunity for women in the developing countries that "
Free the Girls" serve. The St. Ruth Byllesby Chapter of the Daughters of the King at Saint Paul's will be coordinating a "Free the Girls" Bra Drive through the remainder of March and April. Collection boxes decorated white/aqua are located in Tyler Hall and the Narthex.
Holy Week Schedule |
April 14-21 |
Holy Week Liturgy Schedule
Prepare your calendar to fully participate in the height of the Christian story: HOLY WEEK, April 14 - 21.
Sunday, April 14: The Sunday of the Passion: Palm Sunday
AM, 11
AM, 5:30
Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday April 15-17:
The Holy Eucharist Noon, Chapel of St. Peter and St. Paul Thursday, April 18: Maundy Thursday, 7 PM, Church Friday, April 19: Good Friday, Noon, Church Sunday, April 21: Sunday of the Resurrection: Easter Day The Holy Eucharist 9 AM, 11 AM Celtic Evening Prayer and Eucharist 5:30 PM
Pub Theology at the Larder in Hammond's Ferry
Tuesday, April 16, 7:00 PM
Please note the change of day and location for April
Join a varied group of young(ish) adults to explore some of the "big" questions around our meaning, purpose, and God. We hope to grow in our understanding of ourselves and God as we gather together over drinks (whether coke or ale). We welcome all faiths, but especially focus on the Christian perspective informed by the Episcopal tradition. For more information
please email John Jenkins.
Wednesday Night Fellowship Dinner
Wednesday, April 17, 6-7
River Room
Join us for our monthly fellowship dinner, Wednesday, April 17, 6-7 PM, in the River Room. This month's menu will be available next week. $5 per person; $15 max per family. A reservation is not required; however, if you know you plan to attend, please RSVP on our sign-up genius. Questions? Contact Todd Shafer. All are encouraged to participate in Compline, a simple and brief Night Prayer service, immediately follows in the chapel, 7-7:15 PM.
Easter Egg Hunt Preparation
Easter morning, April 21, 8:30-8:45 AM
The annual Easter Egg Hunt on the lawn follows the 9:00 AM service Easter morning. A parishioner has given filled Easter eggs for this year's event so we do not need eggs; BUT please do help us prepare for this joyful event by hiding eggs 8:30-8:45 AM on Easter morning. 12 volunteers will make this job quick and easy. Add your name to our list here.
Annual Parish Meeting Easter Monday, April 22, 12 noon, front steps
Our Colonial Charter and Bylaws call for an Annual Parish Meeting on Easter Monday. You are invited to our 269th Annual Parish Meeting, Monday, April 22, at 12 noon, on the Front Portico. The Churchwardens, Members of the Vestry, and Officers of the Parish will be installed.
Mark these dates on your April calendar
Veterans' Ice Cream Social
Sunday, April 28, 2:15
Sunday, April 28, 6-8
Diocese of Georgia ECW and DOK Spring Assembly April 26-27, St. Augustine's & Church of Our Savior
The Augusta Convocation is excited to announce that this year's Diocesan Episcopal Church Women (ECW) Annual Retreat and The Order of the Daughters of the King (DOK) Spring Assembly will feature an Episcopal priest, social entrepreneur, and author as their keynote speaker, the Reverend Becca Stevens of Thistle Farms. Becca is founder and president of Thistle Farms, a global community of survivors of trafficking and addiction that includes justice enterprises. For her work as an entrepreneur and justice advocate, Becca has been named a White House Champion of Change, a CNN Hero, and holds numerous honorary doctorates. Her most recent book,
Love Heals, was published by Harper Collins. Join us for a full weekend with Becca and women from Thistle Farms for the first time in the Diocese of Georgia.
Register Here.
Are we missing your birthday?
Our "Second Sunday"
Birthday Celebration
will be April 7.