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June 2019
St. Bernard's Alumni Newsletter
The End of an Era

Back in 1991, Craig Brown completed his student teaching in Mr. Lennon's classroom. He was quickly hired the following year to teach religion and has never looked back. Over the years, Deacon Brown has become known for his love of Star Trek, his quirky sense of humor and his dedication to the St. Bernard's family. Thank you, Deacon Brown for your many years of service to our community.
Recipients of the Alumni Association Scholarships
Scholarships Awarded!

This month, the Alumni Scholarship Committee meet at awarded $4,500 in scholarships to returning St. Bernard's Academy students. Reciptents include: Freshman - Ella Hickock, Sophomore - Ema Brenes, Junior - Cody Cook, Senior - Amelia Francis.

In addition to the Alumni Scholarships, Memorial Scholarships were awarded as follows: the Father Kenny Memorial - Faith Blanchard, the Jonathan Walsh-Mellon Memorial - Jacob Smallwood, the Father Michael Cloney Scholarship - Octavio Romo and Colton Smallwood, the Sister Stephanie Scholarship - Marina Amador.

Each scholarship is $500 towards SB tutition. If you would like to donate to the scholarship fund, please contact Julie Green Wilburn at or send checks to the Alumni Association care of the school.
Jim recently visited Humboldt County and caught up with Steve Thrap, Coach Robbie, Jim Bowes (third from left) and Tom Williams
Alumni Spotlight:
Jim Bowes, Class of 1981

Click below to read about what Jim has been up to since graduation.
Upcoming Events

Alumni Golf Tournament
Eureka Municipal Golf Course
August 3, 2019

Athletic Department Dinner/Auction
Old Growth Cellars, Eureka
September 7, 2019
Future Alumni Events

The alumni committee has decided to switch the Hall of Fame Dinner and All-Alumni Reunion to every other year. The next All-Alumni Reunion will be in August 2020. The next Hall of Fame will be in 2021.
St. Bernard's Academy | 707-443-2735 || www.