Learning at Home
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Dear ECC families, 

With many children unable to attend school, we put together some learning activities that can be done at home. Each Tuesday afternoon you will receive an email with different age appropriate activities to support three main areas of development. These include literacy, mathematics, and physical. Also, we will include a special video for both Jesus time and story time. To view these videos, simple click on the underlined Jesus time story and books title. Enjoy!

Jesus Time: Mrs. Stockmeyer 
Click here to view the teach me to pray poster.
Story Time: Mrs. D 
After reading, ask your child these questions:
-  Who gives you hugs and kisses at home?
-  Who gives you hugs and shows you love at school?

Play a simple game of pointing out their body: head, nose, hands, feet, eyes, etc. Remind them that God gave them so much that He made us each unique. God loves us most of all- SOOO much! (stretch your arms out wide and have your child copy the same movement)

Transition/Preschool: Rhyming Dust Bunnies by Jan Thomas
After reading, ask your child these questions:
-  Did Bob really play the rhyming game or was he trying to help?
-  Can you give a word that rhymes with “bunny”?
-  Which character’s name does not rhyme with the others?

Notice that most songs have rhyming words. Try to sing a familiar song or nursery rhyme to your child. Point out or see if they notice the similarities in the words.

Age Appropriate Activities
Literacy:  Letter of the week: Ww (Willy Weasel)
Engage in a simple fingerplay with your child. Click  here  to find the Where is Thumbkin lyrics. Use your fingers and sing along with your child.
Within your home, go on a letter scavenger hunt. Find and count as many W’s your family can find. Think about common areas throughout your house that might have letters. For example, the kitchen, books, or magazines would be great places to look. Let’s see how many you can find!

We’re going on a color hunt! Find four empty containers, bowls and/or bags. Label each empty container, bowl and/or bag with a different color; red, yellow, blue, green, etc. Have your toddler find objects with these colors and match them to the correct container. For infants, show them different colors and tell them what colors they are seeing.

How many windows do you have in your house? On a blank piece of paper, keep a tally of all the windows in your house. Once you have found and recorded all of the windows, add all the tallies together. This will tell you how many windows you have in your whole house. 

Physical development:   Freeze Dance
A simple game of freeze dance is a great way help your child practice self-control and will help their listening skills, attention span, and help them be successful in school/home! Turn on some music and have everyone start dancing! Whenever the music is paused, everyone freezes in place. Challenge one another to freeze in a specific position like standing on one leg, making a silly face with hands in the air, or looking like a tree. Have fun! 

We would love to see/hear how these activities are going. Feel free to share your experiences on your child’s ClassDojo page. 

Jessica Platte