November 2018

How many ALI Fellows were part of the first Cohort? How many Harvard Faculty have worked with ALI over the years? Feel like you know all there is to know about Harvard's Advanced Leadership Initiative? These 5 facts about ALI might surprise you.  Visit our blog to learn more!
Program News

The 2018 Fellowship year is nearing its conclusion! At the end of this month, the 2018 ALI Fellows will present their projects at our Final Symposium. This capstone event is a chance for Fellows to share their ideas with colleagues, faculty, staff, family, and friends.

Learn more about ALI Fellows' social impact project development at our website.
Fellows News

DesirĂ©e Bombenon (2017) is working to turn dreamers into leaders. Ms. Bombenon announced the launch of Hero Girls, a program  that seeks to build confidence and empower girls to be change-makers in their own lives, homes, and community.

Surjit Chana (2017) is driving financial inclusion for women around the world. Mr. Chana has organized the " Making Finance Work for Women" summit, convening leaders across sectors to examine key issues in financial inclusion and advance innovations for low-income women.

Tamara Ledley (2017) is supporting educators in teaching climate and energy topics effectively. Dr. Ledley's Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN) won the Goldin Foundation for Excellence in Education Exemplary Project award for its creative and innovative programs that address the societal impact of a changing climate.

Edna Kissmann (2016) is sharing her leadership story with women in the UK. In an interview with the UK International Women's Forum, Ms. Kissmann says "I was guided by two North stars: Excellence and Empathy. These were the criteria by which I judged myself and others."

Michael Pepe (2015) is connecting youth storytellers with the latest research in child development. Mr. Pepe has partnered with the Center for Scholars & Storytellers at UCLA to help shape media content creation for children and teens. 

Lauren States (2015) is helping develop the next generation of women leaders. Ms. States was the recipient of the Grace Hoadley Dodge award from the YWCA of New York City for her work mentoring leaders across the business and academic communities.

Nina Lahoud (2013), a board member of the International Legal Assistance Consortium (ILAC) which represents over 3 million legal professionals worldwide, spearheaded ILAC's consultations with the General-Secretary of the Group of Fragile and Conflict-Affected States (the "g7+") in Lisbon that resulted in a partnership agreement for justice sector support. Over recent months, she was also appointed as a member of the Global Leadership Council of Seeds of Peace and of the Advisory Board of PassBlue. 

Laurent Adamowicz (2010) is using music to educate the public on the dangers of added sugar. Mr. Adamowicz's Eradicate Childhood Obesity Foundation partnered with the Eureka Ensemble to launch an innovative " food opera" that promotes good nutrition through a fun and engaging composition and narrative.

Surjit Chana (2017) meets with Amina J. Mohammed, Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations, to discuss his ALI project.
Faculty News

ALI Chair & Director Rosabeth Moss Kanter (HBS) says the Red Sox' World Series win has important lessons for the business world. In an article for the Boston Globe, Prof. Kanter explains why new managers, like Alex Cora, get wins. Her work on tokenism was also featured in a recent article that examines how more women could transform the House and Senate.

ALI Faculty Co-Chair Amy Edmondson (HBS) says for organizations to evolve, they need the right structures in place. Prof. Edmondson recently appeared on the Bregman Leadership Podcast to discuss the difference between extroverts and introverts, individual skill vs. orchestrated dynamic, and why leaders have to go first.

ALI Faculty Co-Chair Howard Koh (SPH) says more than one million Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders have gained coverage under the Affordable Care Act. Dr. Koh co-authored an article for Academy Health that presents a granular look at the effects of the ACA.

ALI Faculty Co-Chair Fernando Reimers (HGSE) delivered the keynote address at Harvard Extension School's inaugural convocation. Prof. Reimers called on degree candidates to go out into the world and use their Harvard education for social and civic good.
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