
Welcome to week 3 of our 2018 Summer CSA Program!

Pick up is at Woodbury Floral Designs-
15 Hollow Rd., Woodbury CT. Pick up time is 1:00pm-6:00pm on Tuesday. If you can not make it in time to pick up, please notify us at 203.266.9149 so we can make other arrangements.
ALL baskets not picked up on your pick up day will be donated to the Woodbury Food Bank.

Our check off system will be a little different this year- it will be on a computer and allow us to track pick up trends and enter any important data regarding your upcoming pickup.

PLEASE bring back the empty basket from last week in exchange for another full one. We are trying to keep a closer eye on the baskets this year as the expense of them really adds up.

If there is anything in your basket you or your family doesn't eat, we do offer a swap table where you can exchange 1 item for another- if it is in the swap table.

We like to thank all our members by offering a 10% discount on anything in the shop! Whether it's more produce, our farm raised meat, sauce, syrup, spices, or flowers and gifts- it's our way of showing you our appreciation for your patronage.

Don't forget about our private Facebook group just for our CSA members- where you can see video farm tours, photos, and other helpful information as well.

A few things we have found to aid in your CSA or farmstand experience:

Olive oil
Vinegar (all kinds are useful, but if you're short on pantry space, we recommend Balsamic, white and apple cider vinegar's)
Salt & Pepper
A box grater (I have used mine way more than I have ever thought!)
A good recipe website: Even though we provide you with recipes, there are soooo many ways to prepare different vegetables, even just a Google search can get you in the right direction!
An OPEN MIND! you may be experiencing some new veggies that you have either never tried or possible never even seen before! Even though we offer a swap table, we believe half the fun of the CSA program is trying new things 😊

Add a safer sunscreen option to your week 3 or 4 basket.
Being a CSA member, I know you are already concerned with what you eat and how it's grown or raised- but have you thought about what goes onto the largest organ of our body- our skin? On average, we expose ourselves to 10 potentially hazardous personal care products every day. Many ingredients in everyday products are not regulated by the FDA- giving the skincare industry an essential free-for-all to use known carcinogens; such as formaldehyde, and chemicals proven to cause reproductive harm- such as parabens and phthalates. Beautycounter has a never list of over 1500 ingredients they will not use because they are considered harmful or questionable. Countersun mineral sunscreen protects against UVA, UVB rays as well as Blue Light rays.

CSA members, add a Countersun product to your week 3 or 4 basket and save the shipping fee by replying to this email with which product works best for
you & your family-
lotion ($39.00) , mist ($36.00), or face stick ($20.00)

Farm News

It's an essential method for weed control and crop maintenance. Depending on what kind of crop we are cultivating, there are different implements we can use to get the job done.

She may be old (1940's!) but our Farmall Cub still gets the job done. In a nutshell, we drive the cultivating tractor over our rows of crops, and the implements dig up the soil just outside the rows to kill the weeds that are growing near the crops. This needs to be done routinely over the growing season to keep the weeds at bay. Weeds in our crops steal vital nutrients, water and sunlight away from our crops; leaving a less desirable product- and make it harder to harvest them as well.

Yes, its certainly easier than weeding your garden by hand at home, but with acres and acres of farmland it's a labor of love to get the job done.
What's in the Basket!
Share for 3:
Green Lettuce
Bok Choy

Family Size:
Same, larger quantities

Fruit Shares:
Strawberries from Dzen's Berry Farm and local cherries

What's Mizuna??
Mizuna is a feathery and delicate salad green from Japan. It is often found in mesculin mix and has a slight peppery flavor, but not as spicy as arugula. It can be eaten raw, sauteed, used in soup, stir fried, steamed or boiled.

Care for this weeks ingredients:

Lettuce, Bok Choy & Mizuna: Wash or at least rinse with cold water upon returning home from your CSA pickup. Greens wit quickly after they have been cut from the field, a quick cold bath will help them become turgid again. Wrap in dishtowel or paper towels and store in the crisper section of your fridge.

Broccoli: Store in the crisper to up to a week

Beets: Remove the tops from the bottoms upon returning home so they don't draw moisture from the beets. The tops should be used within a couple of days- check the link for beet green recipes. Beet bottoms can last weeks in the crisper.

Thank you for your support of our Farm. We are excited to begin a new season and glad you're along to watch how we GROW
[The Farm @ Woodbury Floral Designs], [15 Hollow Rd. ], [203.266.9149],