Sunday April 7th: 
10:00 am:  Lent 5 - Worship led by Rev. Kathi
  Scripture:   Isaiah 43: 16-21
Gospel: John 12: 1-8
 Message: "The Prophet Mary"
 After service: Hiking with the Striders

Monday April 8th:

Tuesday April 9th:
6:30 pm: Lent Film Study - "The Way" followed by dinner

Wednesday April 10th:
10:00 am: Daytime Men's Group
2:00 pm: Circle of Friends
6:45 pm: Prayers and Communion service

Thursday April 11th:
7:00 pm: Chancel Choir

Friday April 12th:

Saturday April 13th:

Next Sunday April 14th:  Palm Sunday - Worship Service at 10 am.