February 2018
Issue 24
CPS Dean Ali Eskandarian Steps Down from Academic Leadership
Former CPS Dean Ali Eskandarian
Ali Eskandarian, who served for nearly seven years as dean of the College of Professional Studies (CPS) and Virginia Science and Technology Campus (VSTC), stepped down from academic leadership, effective Jan. 31. 

Dr. Eskandarian will be on sabbatical during the spring semester to focus on planning his future research and academic pursuits. During the spring term, Christopher J. Deering will serve as the interim dean.

CPS Launches New Website!
The new website reflects evolving web trends, including a more mobile friendly format, along with a streamlined navigation, updated content and an increased emphasis on video. The website was redesigned in conjunction with other websites around the university and includes new design elements consistent with the university’s overall visual identity. 

CPS Website screenshot
Getting to Know Chris Deering: CPS Interim Dean
Interim CPS Dean Chris Deering
Christopher J. Deering was appointed Interim Dean of the College of Professional Studies, effective February 1, 2018, following the resignation of Dean Eskandarian.

Chris, as he commonly goes by, is far from new to GW and has transitioned smoothly to his new role.

Now that he is at the helm of the College we wanted to give our readers a chance to get to know him a little better. 

GW Coding Boot Camp Graduates Inspired to Continue Class Project
Sparks of passion for coding and entrepreneurship led two recent students to the GW Coding Boot Camp. They quickly bonded as team members for a class project and following graduation they continued to use their newly acquired skills to work together on an entrepreneurial dream.

Cris Ayala quickly became hooked on coding when he took his first Java class in high school. He came to the boot camp last year looking for a challenging, fast-paced environment to learn more of the technical skills he needed to transform his career path from car technician to web developer.  

GW Hosts British Parliament Hearings on Fake News
Committee Chair Damian Collins answers report questions at GW
The UK Parliament reached out to the Graduate School of Political Management (GSPM) for help with an unprecedented hearing as part of its investigation on fake news. GSPM and the School of Media and Public Affairs hosted the public evidence session for the committee on February 8 at GW’s Marvin Center in Washington, DC.

The committee heard testimony from executives with Twitter, Google, Facebook, YouTube, CNN, The New York Times and other media enterprises.

Ready to Run workshop
Register for Read to Run Workshop March 3

You'll learn from the top practitioners and consultants from both sides of the aisle about how to run a political campaign.This one-day bipartisan women's political leadership training program will help you prepare for the 2018 elections, either as a candidate or as a campaign staffer/volunteer. Tuition $150 (includes lunch, snacks and materials). Discounted rate for students and WGR members. Register Now
Save the Date: Symposium on Big Data and Analytics for Urban Planning, April 6

Sponsored by GW's Sustainable Urban Planning program, the half-day symposium will feature an exciting lineup of speakers at George Washington University's Foggy Bottom Campus in Washington, DC. Free and open to the public. RSVP requested.

GW Knowledge in Action Career Internship Fund - Apply Now for Summer

Students who will be interning in unpaid internships this summer are encouraged to apply for the Knowledge in Action Career Internship Fund (KACIF) program. KACIF supports GW students in pursuing unpaid internships that foster their career exploration and enhance their academic program.

Review more information, including eligibility requirements and application instructions on the KACIF website.
Native High School Students Invited to Apply for Summer Program Scholarships

The INSPIRE Pre-College Program is a full scholarship program open to Native American, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian rising junior and senior high school students who want to spend 3-weeks on the GW campus to learn about inter-governmental relations between tribal governments and the federal government.

Upcoming Programs Offered by the Center for Excellence in Public Leadership
A two-day Emerging Leaders Workshop for new managers, or those planning to move into management, is being offered this spring by the Center for Excellence in Public Leadership (CEPL). This program, as well as a Certification Program in Enterprise Risk Management for the Public Sector and a Women Lead with Powerful Conversations program are highlights of upcoming CEPL programs.

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