Thursday - May 10, 2018
The Israeli Defense Forces launched a counterstrike - a severe blow - following an Iranian missile attack on the Golan Heights Thursday, destroying “nearly all” of the Islamic Republic’s military infrastructure throughout Syria.

“The IDF will not allow the Iranian threat to establish itself in Syria . The Syrian regime will be held accountable for everything happening in its territory,” the press release read. “The IDF is prepared for a wide variety of scenarios.”

PM Netanyahu issued a statement on his Facebook page: "Iran crossed a red line. We responded accordingly."

The White House issued a statement saying , “The U.S. condemns the Iranian regime’s provocative rocket attacks from Syria against Israeli citizens, and we strongly support Israel’s right to act in self-defense.” Iran’s deployment of missiles is “unacceptable,” and warned Iran would bear “full responsibility” for the consequences of its behavior.

Reports are also revealing unusually strong defense of the Jewish State from the UK, France and Germany.
US Reaffirms Israel's
Right to Sovereignty
Watch Martha MacCallum interview White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders (May 9, 2018).

We love hearing the US reiterate its support for Israel!!

Video courtesy of FOX News Channel.
Netanyahu Said to Putin....

The main purpose of PM Netanyahu's recent visit to Russia was a discussion of tensions on the northern border.

During his ten hour visit with President Putin, Netanyahu firmly stated, "We'll take every measure to protect ourselves."

More HERE .
Prepared for Anything
On a recent AFSI Chizuk mission to Israel, AFSI was treated to a tour of the underground emergency hospital at Haifa's Rambam Health Care Campus. We were amazed by what appeared to be a huge parking lot, impeccably clean. We saw how it could be converted, in minutes, into a functioning, state of the art, hospital. Kol hakovod to Rambam. We pray there will be no need to treat great numbers of people, but are grateful that Rambam is prepared.

This week, Israel’s largest hospital in the north, Haifa’s Rambam Health Care Campus, inaugurated a command center for its fortified underground emergency hospital (FUEH) .
A Rambam Hospital medical team training
in the underground facility
Situated in proximity to the border with Lebanon, the command center has been operating the Sammy Ofer Fortified Underground Emergency Hospital (FUEH), designed to treat 2,000 patients from throughout the northern region in time of war.

Story HERE .
Golan Heights Scoreboard:
Trump 1, Israel 1, World 0

"Trump was never fooled. He’s a New Yorker. He knows a con job when he sees one. He passed three card monte artists every day on 42nd Street. He knows the bottom of the deck fast shuffle. He came into office with the wisdom of a businessman who knows that a bargain is never as good as it looks, except to a sucker."

Read Jack Engelhard's Arutz Sheva OpEd HERE .
Letter to the Editor - The New York Post

President Trump's courageous and correct withdrawal from the destructive, dangerous, deceptive Iran "deal", foisted upon the American people by Obama, a president determined to weaken America and the western world, has presented the Iranian people with a golden opportunity.

As many commentators have stated, "there is abundant proof that the overwhelming majority of the Iranian people detest the regime."

Undoubtedly, the Iranian people heard President Trump reaching out to them at the end of his talk. They heard that he believes, "They are the rightful heirs to a rich culture and an ancient land, and they deserve a nation that does justice to their dreams, honor to their history, and glory to their God."

I believe that the Iranian people will take strength from this message and rise up against the tyrannous regime that would drive them towards a nuclear program rather than towards western civilization. If they do so, I believe Trump's America will be there to help them.

Helen Freedman
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Find More Events at Israel Advocacy Calendar
Saturday - May 12, 2018 @ 9:00 PM
Yom Yerushalayim Film Screening of Ben Gurion - Epilogue
The Men's Club invites the entire community to see this award winning, one-hour, English language interview with the Founding Father of the modern State of Israel. Movie snacks will be served. Admission free.
Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun | 125 East 85th Street, NYC

Sunday - May 13, 2018 @ 8:30 AM
Yom Yerushalayim Shacharit, Breakfast & Shiur: Is Jerusalem Currently a Holy City? Rabbi Haskel Lookstein leads a festive morning service - including Hallel recited with a beracha - followed by breakfast and this special shiur with KJ Scholar-in-Residence and YU Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Dr. Jeremy Wieder. Admission free.
Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun | 125 East 85th Street, NYC

Sunday - May 13, 2018 @ 6 PM
Celebrate Yom Yerushalayim and the Liberation of Judea and Samaria In Honor of Hilltop Youth. Video clips of the Six Day War, video contrasting Hilltop vs. Palestinian Youth. Chava Shulman will speak about Honenu. Binyomin Magden and Jay Ticker will speak on a variety of topics.
Please RSVP to Robin Ticker and put YY in the subject line. Event location will be provided upon receipt of your RSVP.
Held at the Ticker Residence in Marine Park-Brooklyn, NY

Wednesday - May 16, 2018 @ 6 PM
American Friends of Ateret Cohanim Annual Yom Yerushalayim Dinner Celebrates 70 Years of Medinat Yisroel, 51 Years of United Jerusalem and 40 Years of Ateret Cohanim. The work that Ateret Cohanim does in the Old City of Yerushalayim and its environs is amazing. AFSI enjoys touring with Ateret Cohanim on every Chizuk mission. We encourage everyone to support this dinner and join in the Yom Yerushalayim celebration.
Buffet Dinner 6 PM - Program 7:30 PM. Special rate for current AFSI members: $150 per person . Reserve HERE or contact American Friends of Ateret Cohanim at 212-216-9270 or email Shani
Terrace On The Park | 52-11 111th Street, Flushing, NY 11368

Thursday – May 31, 2018 American Friends of Sderot Max & Ruth Schwartz Sderot Hesder Institutions Annual Dinner
Special rate for current AFSI members is $150. We are very eager to have a large showing in support of the Sderot Hesder Yeshiva which requires rocket-proof dormitories for the Yeshiva students. Please contact AFSI - 212-828-2424 - to reserve a place at the AFSI tables. We will organize the tables for the group.
For more information contact or 718-650-6091
Lincoln Square Synagogue | 180 Amsterdam Avenue, NYC

Sunday – June 3, 2018 from 11 AM to 4 PM
Celebrate Israel Parade – The Theme: 70 and Sababa (70 & Awesome)
Once again, AFSI will be marching in the parade with the Ariel float. There is room on the float for a few non-walkers. Please reserve that spot if needed. All are invited to join us. Contact in order to register with AFSI.
The Parade route runs up Manhattan’s Fifth Avenue from 57th to 74th Streets -
Info on the Israel Day Concert in Central Park can be found HERE . AFSI leaders, HELEN FREEDMAN and KEN ABRAMOWITZ will be speaking.
Mark Langfan | Chairman
Helen Freedman | Co-Executive Director
Judith Freedman Kadish | Co-Executive Director |
P. 212-828-2424 | F. 212-828-4538