Weekly Postings
May 11 - May 20, 2018
In This Issue
Our Schedule This Sunday May 13
8:00 AM 
Holy Eucharist, Rite One
No music

9:30 AM  
Christian Formation classes for all ages
See schedule below.

10:30 AM  
Birthday Sunday Celebration
Tyler Hall
11:00 AM 
Holy Eucharist, Rite Two
with the Saint Paul's and Canterbury Choirs
The Nursery is available.

following 11:00 AM  
Lemonade on the Lawn 

5:30 PM
Celtic Evening Prayer and Communion
Carl Purdy  is our guest musician. 
Lessons for This Sunday  are Acts 1:15-17, 21-26; 1 John 5:9-13; John 17:6-19; Psalm 1 .
Christian Formation This Sunday May 13
Opening our Prayer Book - Adult Christian Formation
Sunday, 9:30-10:30 AM, Berlin Room, Clergy led 
The Book of Common Prayer is not just another book nor simply a collection of prayers... it is a bold expression of how Episcopalians envision God and a means for shaping and renewing the entirety of our Christian lives. We will discuss the full range of resources in the BCP and how to use them. If you have your own BCP, bring it; if not, we will have copies for your use; in either event, bring your curiosity and the questions you always have wanted to ask about the BCP, our prayers, and liturgy. 

My Faith - My Life -- grades 6-12
Youth Formation held in the Youth Room, Upstairs Parish House.  But first, breakfast to get the morning going!  

SPARK -- Ages 8-10 or grades 3-5
Location: Room #1, Children's Ministries Center
Our older children will again immerse themselves in SPARK, where they will work with the same themes and Scripture that we all encounter in common worship. Every lesson follows a four-part pattern: Gather, Open the Bible, Activate Faith, and Send. Week after week, the children and their leaders gather together, explore the Scriptures, enjoy one another's company, pray, and discover God's presence in their midst.
Godly Play -- Ages 4-7 
Location: Room #2 Children's Ministry Center
ALL children inherently know God, but it is up to us to give them the language of the Christian faith so they can grow to make meaning of our faith in their own lives. Godly Play is a profound method rooted in Montessori principles that forms child spirituality by attending to their natural gifts for wonder and discovery. 
This Sunday May 13
Second Sunday Birthday Celebration
Sunday, May 13, 10:30 - 10:45 AM, Tyler Hall
Next Sunday, May 13, is Birthday Sunday. Join us for our brief but joyful celebration in Tyler Hall during Coffee and Conversation (10:30 AM) for all whose birthdays fall in May. 

No EYC This Sunday 

No EYC (Episcopal Youth Community, grades 6-12) this Sunday for Mother's Day.  EYC meets next Sunday 

  Contact Ranie for more information.

Celtic Evening Prayer & Communion

with Prayers for Healing
Sunday, 5:30 PM

Carl Purdy is our guest musician this Sunday.

Deadline for Senior Recognition Form for Senior Sunday
Sunday, May 13
Parents of Graduating High School Seniors: Senior Sunday is May 20. Please complete a senior recognition form and return it to the parish office with a digital picture by Sunday, May 13.  (Feel free to send responses by email - the form is not necessary.)
Next Week May 14 - May 20
Pub Theology
Monday, May 14, 7 PM, Downtown Location Pizza Joint
Pub Theology meets Monday, May 14, 7 PM, at the Pizza Joint in downtown Augusta. Join a varied group of young(ish) adults to explore some of the "big" questions around our meaning, purpose, and God. Contact Ranie for more information.
Manna Pantry
Friday, May 18, 4 - 5:30  PM  
Saturday May 19, 9:30  AM  - 12 noon
We need additional helpers to pack and move boxes at our next Manna Pantry May 18 and 19 in Tyler Hall. 
Manna Pantry at Saint Paul's Church provides a box of food six times a year to those in our community who need this supplemental assistance. Food is ordered from Golden Harvest Food Bank and is delivered to Saint Paul's on Friday evening. 
Manna Pantry volunteers unload the truck, organize the food, and assemble boxes for recipients Friday evening from 4:00 - 5:30 PM. Recipients are registered and served on Saturday morning from 9:30 AM - 12:00 noon. Volunteers also help carry boxes to the cars. Families with children and youth are encouraged to join parishioners of all ages serving this ministry. For more information or to volunteer, please contact Anita Tanner.
YP Monthly Gathering
Friday, May 18, following Manna Pantry
Calling all 20-30-something young professionals, grad students, and wayward souls for our monthly gathering following Manna Pantry, Friday evening. Contact Ranie for more information.

SAVE THE DATE Parish Picnic
Sunday, May 20, Following the 11 AM service

Wear red to celebrate the presence of the Holy Spirit and bring a dish to share.  Our annual Parish Picnic (in the River Room) is Pentecost Sunday, May 20.  We'll spill out onto the patio  with music and games.  

Anita Tanner, Hospitality Chair, is coordinating the set up and clean up.  Please sign up for set up or clean up by emailing Anita.
EYCS Offering
On Senior Sunday we will collect an offering for EYCS.  Episcopal Youth & Children's Services is a unique organization in the Diocese of Georgia that provides need-based college scholarships for undergraduates and financial assistance for children who might otherwise not be able to go to Summer Camp at Honey Creek, the Episcopal Camp & Conference Center of the Diocese of Georgia.  To date, the EYCS Trust has provided over $1,000,000 in college scholarships for over a thousand youth of the diocese, and in just the past few years, has given over $40,000 to allow hundreds of children the chance to attend summer camp. Several Saint Paul's youth have been recipients of this scholarship.  To make a donation, please make your checks payable to Saint Paul's and note your gift to EYCS. 
Looking Ahead 
Donate Summer music
Donate summer music in memory or in thanksgiving. The choirs begin this year's vacation on May 27th. Please speak with Keith Shafer, Director of Music, who can provide you with more complete information.

EYCS College Scholarship Deadline May 31, 2018
College-bound students (ages 17-22) are encouraged to apply online:, click on Education Scholarships.  Application requirements: 1. Fill out online application 2. Current Grades 3. Priest's recommendation 4. Parents' W-2 for the current year.  
Hometown Missions for EYC - REGISTER NOW
Friday - Sunday, June 1-3, Augusta
Are you looking for a chance to reach out and serve others both locally and internationally? Then come to Hometown Missions June 1-3! This Diocesan event which moves around the Diocese each year will be held in Augusta this year.  The event will offer at least eight volunteer hours, and possibly more, for those students who need volunteer hours for school.
The cost of the event is $115 for those who sign up before May 15. After May 15, the cost increases to $125.  Sign up now, and plan to enjoy a weekend of service, worship, and fun at Hometown Missions!  Contact Ranie to let her know of your interest and register using the links below. 

Additional information about specific work sites and fun activities can be found on the youth website for the diocese . Direct registration is found here.  
Education for Ministry (EfM) program
Begins August
CALLING THE CURIOUS: Are you curious to explore the meaning of Holy Scripture, the history and traditions of Christianity, and our ever-changing understanding of God that you may more deeply live your faith? Then it is time to consider the Education for Ministry (EfM) program. EfM is a small-group study and spiritual growth program open to ALL people and begins each August. Contact Saint Paul's EfM leaders, Suzanne Pursley-Crotteau  and Fr. John Jenkins to have a full conversation about it. WE LOVE EfM!
Spring Quarter (April - June 2018)

The new Quarterly Outreach Opportunities is available here. Mark your calendar with these April - June 2018 service opportunities. We invite you to join us as often as you are able.

News from the Diocese

Click here to read this week's Diocese of GA Newsletter: From the Field 
May 2018
Are we missing your birthday?
Please contact the Parish Office to update our files.

Our "Second Sunday"  Birthday Celebration  will be May 13.  

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