Kinnaird Bagpipes Newsletter

April 2019  


Remember that Mother's Day is May 12th. 
Order your beautiful and unique Celtic Jewellery now to ensure delivery in time!

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Application Forms & Brochures for the Lake Diefenbaker Pipe Band School are now available. The school will be held July 14-19, 2019.

US customers- Save Now! The exchange rate offers about 25% discount!
Ex.: G1 Platinum Plastic Chanters are $199.95 CAD, but with the conversion it is currently about $149 USD*!!
*Please note that the exchange rate is constantly changing and exact exchange rate at time of purchase may vary.

Canadian Customers-
Save now! Shopping in US currency means about 25% premium on all products. Landed Canadian prices, mean savings!
Ex. G1 Platinum Plastic Chanters from a US competitor are $199 USD, which is about $265 CAD!

Upcoming Events 

   Apr 5 St Andrew's Society of Winnipeg Ceilidh

Apr 6
Dunedin Highland Games & Festival

Apr 6
Khartum Pipes & Drums- Clans 2019

Apr 4-7
Tartan Day South Highland Games

Apr 6
Tartan Day

Apr 6
NYC Tartan Week

Apr 19 Good Friday- Kinnaird Bagpipes will be Closed

Apr 20
Toronto Indoor Games

Apr 27
Southern Maryland Celtic Festival

Apr 27-28
Woodland Celtic Games & Festival

May 1 Beltane Day

See More Upcoming Events in our Events Calendar
Hidden Meanings in Celtic Jewellery

When you see a piece of beautiful Celtic jewellery, what is it that catches your eye? Is it the craftsmanship, the graceful knotwork? Or is it the feeling of touching on another time and culture, full of mystery and wonder?  When you wear Celtic jewellery, you are wearing a piece of that mystery and taking part in a rich tradition of symbol and meaning.

Because many Celtic symbols have existed for centuries, their meanings have evolved over time, and there is often more than one possible meaning for a symbol. The spiral, for instance, is truly ancient. It was the earliest decorative ornament to be used in Celtic art. Some suggest that the direction of the spiral is significant- clockwise represents the sun and its harmony with the Earth; counter-clockwise is the manipulation of nature in the form of spells. To some, the spiral is a reflection of the cosmos; the Milky Way, after all, is a spiral galaxy. To others, it symbolizes harmony within the cycles of life. Many modern mystics believe it symbolizes the Spiral Path, a journey inward into the unconscious mind. Some even speculate that if left alone in a cave with spiral wall carvings or drawings, the person will experience hallucinations.

When a spiral has three arms, it's called a triple spiral, a triskele, or a triskellion. All of the significance of a simple spiral can be associated with the triskele, but there are also some additional meanings. It is based around the powerful number 3, as many other Celtic symbols are. It may symbolize the Triple Goddess (Maiden, Mother and Crone) of ancient times. The Triple Goddess represents the stages of female life and the phases of the moon. To Christians, the triskele is a symbol of the Holy Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit). Some believe that it represents the path of existence- life, death and rebirth, which is a constant theme in Celtic myths and legends. Passing a spiral barrier meant that you were crossing into the sacred realms, where Heaven and Earth are in perfect balance. The spirals' mystical powers prevent evil from crossing. This is presumably why it is found at some of the oldest and most sacred sites throughout the Celtic world, most famously Newgrange in Ireland which dates back to 2500 BC.

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Scottish Trivia
 At Easter in Scotland, "hot cross buns" are baked, containing spices & fruit with a white pastry cross. On Good Friday, no ploughing is done and no seed is sown. Painted, hard-boiled eggs are rolled down a hill on Easter Monday.
Video Clip  

Michael McIntyre explains What the English think of the Scots in this Comedy Central clip.
*Note: some strong language
Product Reviews    
Kinnaird Edge Drone Reeds

"I received my order today. WOW! These reeds are fantastic, it took me minutes to get the drone/chanter reeds close enough to strike up, and from first strike I could immediately hear a massive improvement over the old Wygent reeds. Incredible how simple these were to set up and adjust, what a great idea incorporating that adjustment set screw/alley key. Made my week so far, I haven't played in years, and had 1/2 a dozen neighbors looking over the fences listening in this morning."

Don't forget to submit your own product reviews on our website.
Let other customers know what you thought of the products we offer.

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Rauncie Kinnaird

Kinnaird Bagpipes

923 Emmeline Terrace

Saskatoon, SK
S7J 5G7
Ph: 1-877-249-2939
Fax: 1-306-249-2933

email: [email protected] 
