November 2020 | Issue 1
Well, Hello OLLI-USF!
Welcome to the new OLLILife, our member newsletter! We are launching this monthly communication in the time of COVID as another means of growing and supporting our sense of community, both of which are such important parts of OLLI.

We plan to bring a variety of news once a month to help keep you in touch with some of what’s happening with OLLI-USF and one another. Please help us make this a useful addition to OLLI life: become a reporter! Send me news to share with the OLLI community, including the milestones, triumphs, illnesses happening in your life and in other OLLI members' lives.

Write your contributions in an email to me, Mary Ettinger, at
People News

Nancy Stuart had knee replacement surgery October 15, after living with arthritic pain for about 20 years. After a rough two weeks, things have turned around, Nancy is feeling better and can walk around her house. No driving yet, but Nancy has participated in several OLLI classes online, and uses Uber and Lyft to get around. She says “I expect to be a whole new me in a couple of months and can forget the struggle!” Email Nancy to wish her well here.

Shirley Deeter, one of our instructor-leaders, passed away Sept. 26. She was an active instructor and program planner in technology training. A retired college math professor, Shirley was cheerful, wise and fun to be around. Shirley was known for her patience, which was much appreciated in the earlier OLLI days when many members didn’t have computer experience, unlike today. Cards may be sent c/o Lucy Deeter Jones, 6130 Cliff House Ln., Riverview 33578