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April 5, 2019
Sanctuary Readied For Construction
Since the Sanctuary closed for seismic retrofitting on Jan. 27, 2019, the interior has seen major changes. All the pews, woodwork, pulpit, and everything else inside has been removed. The last remaining item to address is the reredos, which will be crated for storage at the end of this month.

This past week saw the beginning of initial demolition to reveal the condition of walls, underpinnings and more.

To see video taken this week of the interior spaces, just click on the images below. 

Nave Getting Set for Seismic Strengthening 4-4-2019
Nave Getting Set for Seismic Strengthening 4-4-2019

Sanctuary Interior Readied for Construction 4-4-2019
Sanctuary Interior Readied for Construction 4-4-2019

Vesting Room, Guild Working Spaces, Restrooms Undergo Demolition
Vesting Room, Guild Working Spaces, Restrooms Undergo Demolition

Construction Fence Installed This Week
Construction fencing has now been erected around the Sanctuary as Armstrong Associates, our general contractor, begins the formal construction phase of the project. 

You can see a map showing access to the Parish Hall by clicking this link. Or just click the map below.

You can also see footage of the exterior of the Sanctuary and where the fence line now runs. 

Construction Fence Installed Around Sanctuary
Construction Fence Installed Around Sanctuary

Walking Path to Parish Hall Along North Parking Lot
Walking Path to Parish Hall Along North Parking Lot

Initial Demolition Reveals Extent of Poor Condition of Sanctuary
Check out photos taken during the past eight weeks as the Sanctuary underwent preparation for its seismic retrofit. Click on this link or on the photos below to see our online photo album.

Sanctuary wall supports have been cut, rerouted or eliminated over the past 119 years since the original Sanctuary was built.

Old electrical wiring from decades ago . . .

. . . and has caused charring behind the walls. Note the cut framing for an air duct. All Saints is fortunate that our sacred space has survived for all these many decades.