As we slowly ease back into "normalcy", it is important to show the people you love and support how much you appreciate them. Quarantine may have been relaxing for some and challenging for others, either way Mother's Day is a beautiful opportunity to pause and take a moment to share appreciation, gratitude and love for the ones closest to you, the community and of course Mothers.
In light of this celebration, we offer the exquisite French Chocolate Pralines, Tartelettes and treats to properly celebrate Mother's Day.
"There is Always Something to be Thankful for"
We are beyond grateful and thankful for this beautiful Landert Bread Community. Your passion and love for authentic, premium, European Bread and Pastry is unmeasured. We thank you for the continued support.
-Your Landert Bread Family-
PS: Check out our NEW retail Website at WWW.LANDERTBREAD.COM