C hrist the King Community Daycare
      68-02 Metropolitan Avenue, Middle  Village, NY 11379
Monthly Themes
Color(s) : Rainbow
Concept: Making Friends/ Summer Fun!  

Shape: Make Your Own - Wild and Wacky

Letter(s): A-Z 


Ages(1-2): 1-10

   Ages (3-4): 1-20

Important Dates
July 2nd - 6th
School Closed for summer vacation, school repairs & maintenance.

July 9th 

July 9th- 13th  
Hello Summer My Old Friend  

July 16th-20th 
Every Day is A Holiday

July 23rd-27th 
Sports and Fitness Week

July 30th- Aug. 3rd
 Moving & Grooving

August 4th  

August 6th-10th  
We're Going on a Bear Hunt

August 13th - 17th 
Beach Bash

August 20th - 24th 
Super Summer

August 27th- 31st
It's the Final Countdown
Summer 2018
All of our Preschool and Daycare children have matured in great strides and reached their developmental milestones. They are ready to move up to a new class, as they enjoy a summer that's packed with lots of fun and learning through our weekly themes.
We look forward to welcoming our new and returning summer campers as our summer program begins in full swing. The week of July 9th (Hello Summer My Old Friend Week) they will officially report to their new class. The campers will have a summer filled with fun, learning and excitement with our "cool" weekly themes. We will make new friends, cool off in our new obstacle course sprinklers and enjoy so many memorable experiences.
This year's Christ the King Preschool Stepping-Up Ceremony was very special and very entertaining. The children put on a spectacular show in the high school auditorium. The hard work of the teachers and children paid off with the beautiful decorations and stage show. The happiness and pride of the occasion was reflected in each child and parents' eyes. Thank you all for your cooperation in making this day and the 2017-2018 school year such a success.
We hear from many neighborhood schools and teachers about how well our Pre-K students are doing in school. Please come and visit during the school year and let us know how you are doing. This is a helpful hint for those children who have a hard time adjusting in their new schools in September. Often a child thinks that he/she is the only one in a new school and all their friends are still here. When they see that there are all new faces and all their old friends at CTK are gone, they are eager to get back to their new kindergarten class. 

The Learning Corner
Daily Summer Camp Schedule
Early drop off 7AM-9AM (Individual Activities)
9:00om-9:30pm Welcome Campers/ Open Centers
9:30am-10:00 am Math/ ELA Centers
10:00om-10:30 am Snack
10:30qm-11:00am Arts and Crafts
11:00am-12:00 pm Outdoor Water Activities
12:00pm-12:30pm Lunch
12:30-1:00 SMART Boards/ Games/ Computers
1:00pm-1:30pm Exercise/ Music
1:30pm-2:00pm Cooking / Snack
2:00pm-2:30pm Special Team building Science projects
2:30pm-3:15pm Math ELA Centers
3:15-4:00 Outdoor & Water Activities
4:00pm-5:00pm Games/ Music Appreciation
5PM-7PM Arts and Crafts / Computers (Individual Activities)

*Weekly Themes will be incorporated into the Daily Schedule.*
July 9th through August 31st

Week 1 -Hello Summer My Old Friend
All children report to their new classes. We welcome Summer by getting to know each other. Exploring, Planning and making some fun Summer Activities. We will play games that help us become a team.
Week 2 - Everyday is a Holiday
What's your favorite Holiday? This week we will celebrate the year's most fun Holidays from the countdown on New Years ending with Christmas, and all the Holidays in between.
Week 3 - Sports and Fitness Week
How many sports can you fit into one week? Let's find out as we get into shape playing as many as we can.
Week 4 - Moving & Grooving Week
We built this camp on Rock N Roll! This week will get your toes tapping and your heart pounding as we move and groove to some great music and learn some new dance moves.
Week 5- We're going on a Bear Hunt
This week the children will go camping. A fun filed week of making Tents, Telling stories, Scavenger Hunts and a movie under the stars.
Week 6- Beach Bash
This week, the children spend their time at the beach!  With beach balls, sand tables, and water sprinklers the camp will be transformed into a far away beach club resort. 
Week 7- Super Summer
This week we will be sharing our favorite Superhero's and movie characters dressing up, acting out and sharing stories.
Week 8- It's the Final Countdown
Join us as we say goodbye to another great summer of fun. But don't be sad yet before we go we will be spending a week at the Carnival ! We will have carnival games, face painting and carnival treats. 

Little Einsteins 

Science with the Bunnies
In June, the Bunnies focused on Science.  We taught the words "sink" and "float" with different examples.  We used different utensils and foods that would be used for a picnic, such as a metal fork that would sink in water and an apple that would float.  After a couple of picnic examples, the Bunnies were eager to try it out themselves.  We encouraged them to find items around the classroom that they would like to put in the water and asked if it would sink or float.  They had so much fun experimenting and learning.

Science with the Kitties
Ms. Montana and I just wanted to a moment to say how grateful we are to have had such a wonderful class of Kitties. We will miss them so much, but know they will flourish in their new rooms! Good Luck Kitties!

The Kitties love to learn and explore all new things. This month we watched chrysalises turn into butterflies.  Every day we'd look in our butterfly nets to see if anything was happening. Sometimes nothing was happening, but once in a while one of the chrysalises  would shake! Oh how this made the Kitties screech with delight! They knew that meant that soon we would have beautiful butterflies! When we began seeing more than one of them starting to shake, we placed cut up oranges in the bottom of the net so the butterflies would know there was something delicious waiting for them when they came out.  After a few more days, we went to see what was happening and we had not one but 4 beautiful butterflies! The Kitties were in awe when they saw how they flew around the net and sat on the orange to eat.  Once it was a beautiful sunny day, the Kitties took the butterflies outside to get ready to release them.  We opened the top of the net, the Kitties started saying, "Bye butterfly," and off they went! What a wonderful experience this was for them and what a wonderful moment to see the excitement in all I them!

Science with the Lions  
Summer here we come, but not before we get our science on!  The Lions had a very explosive last month.  With the focus on science and mixing colors, we set out to be little mad scientist.  We went with an oldie but goodie, and did the volcano experiment with a twist.  We took our baking soda and vinegar, but added food coloring and two beakers side by side, then put them in a pan.  What happened was amazing. 

We started out by asking the children what would happen if we mixed the two ingredients together.  We had answers like "it will make mud" or "it would make candy," but I don't think they were ready for what really happened.  We added the baking soda and then we asked the children to pick two colors that they thought if mixed would make a new color.  The children chose yellow and blue, and wanted to make green.  The colors were added and the fun began. We poured the vinegar in both beakers at once and an explosion of color came out!!  The children went crazy with excitement; for one to see the explosion and two the colors they had picked mixed at the bottom of the pan and made green.  We did this experiment about five more times before we ran out of vinegar, and each time the reactions from the children were priceless.

Science with the Dolphins
In the month of June the Dolphins continued the theme of Plants and Life Cycles. In the Science Center the Dolphins made seed paper. The Dolphins selected many different kinds of flower seeds and blended the seeds with saturated paper. After the seed paper dried , the students planted the seed paper into coffee tins of soil and got to watch the flowers grow! After the flowers grew we observed the different parts of the plant. Students were fascinated by the roots! Students also put celery stalks into colored water and predicted what would happen. Students then observed how the celery stalks changed color as they absorbed the water, much in the way plants soak up the nutrients from the soil that it needs to live.

We also studied and observed first -hand, the life cycle of a butterfly with our live butterfly pavilion. The Dolphins were so excited when the butterflies hatched from their chrysalis. They drank up sugar from sliced oranges, and grew and grew, until we released them on a warm sunny day, and watched them fly away.

After a wonderful year together, we wish all our Dolphins well as they move onto Kindergarten.  We will miss you.
Math with Snugglie II
We are sad to leave our teachers, but the babies of Snugglies II are very excited to begin their new adventures in their new classrooms! We are all moving up to our new rooms, and we are excited to meet our new teachers.  We had a wonderful time learning in Snugglies II, but we are extremely excited to start learning new things, in our new classrooms.

The activity we focused on for this past month was understanding that we are all ONE year old! When our teachers ask us how old we are, we show them with our hands (specifically our pointer finger)! Our teachers have been helping us try to understand the concept behind turning one, because it is a very important age for us! 
The teachers of Snugglies II (and Snugglies I) have had such a wonderful time working with their students. It was such an honor to watch them grow and learn. From our friends that started off as babies in Snugglies I (or even our friends who came into our classroom in Snugglies II), we wish you the best of luck. The world is yours - take it and run with it! We love you! 

Math with the Chipmunks
The Chipmunks love to do Math games.  One game they love is "Counting the Apples" on the felt board.  There are twelve apples and the class counts together as each one is placed on the board.  Each Chipmunk is asked how many apples they would like to take off the board.  Then they come up and do so.  After they "take away" the apples we then count how many are left until we get to zero.  Next we ask each one how many they would like to put on the board. Again they come up and do so.  We now count how many are "added onto" the board until they get back to twelve.  What the Chipmunks don't know is that they are learning the concept of addition and subtraction.  This game is also reinforcing number recognition, waiting to take turns and working together as a group.
Math with the Ducks
In the month of June, we continued to learn about plants and life cycles. We also learned about stepping up to kindergarten and celebrating our year together. We played flower bingo as a math activity. We each collected different color petals and glued them to a popsicle stick. When we had 5 petals each, we had a complete flower. In the science center, we made grass in big cups. We each planted a teaspoon of grass seeds and poured water in our cups every morning. We watched as our grass grew and counted how many blades of grass we saw each day. When we had too many blades to count as they quickly grew, we observed the height of our grass blades. During circle time each day, a new friend counts all the friends who are here in the circle. We know we have 18 friends in our class and if our number is less than 18, we name the friends who are not here.Then we all jump and count out loud 25 times. We are great at counting!

In June, we celebrated our friends with summer birthdays and sang our months of the year song. We like to count the months of the year during circle time. During June, we had a countdown till summer and each day we would count the days on the calendar till summer. We would each take a turn writing the number of days left on the board. We are so excited to enter kindergarten and make more friends! We hope everyone has a great summer and good luck in Kindergarten!! 
Little Picassos
Art with the Puppies
We are always doing fun new art activities in the Puppy Room. The kids really enjoy using crayons and stickers. The children love when the teachers cover the table with a big sheet of paper. Then we give them crayons to make their own masterpieces. We draw different shapes, animals and squiggles and go over all the different colors of the crayons. The teachers then give out different stickers to the Puppies to add to their picture. We sure have a lot of fun in the Puppy Room.

Art with the Bumblebees
The Bumblebees are buzzing away to their new classes!  In the spirit of remembering the past year together, each child made their own footprint Bumblebee!  Miss Karolina painted each child's foot yellow, then pressed the foot down on a piece of paper.  Squirming and laughing as they get their toes tickled with paint, it is one of their favorite projects.  We discussed the colors of bumblebees and sang our "Yellow" and "Black" songs.  On behalf of Miss. Karolina and Miss. Cristina we'd like to thank all of our parents for an UN-BEE-LIEVABLE year! We will miss all of our Bumblebees and wish them all the best in the future!
Art with the Bears
In June we focused on "Stepping Up Into Kindergarten."  This theme was explored throughout all the centers in the classroom.  In the Art Center the children decorated popsicle stick people and drew clothes and glued a picture of themselves on it.  All the children then went to the carpet and congratulated each other as they put their popsicle stick person in front of a 3-D model of their kindergarten schools.  The schools were made using a real picture of the school that we found on the computer.  This was a very good activity for all the children to help with their transition into kindergarten.  The children were very excited to see where everyone was going next year and to see who was going to same school.  The children then did a chart and counted how many children were going to each school.  Miss Taylor, Miss Krystal and I would like to wish all the Bear Graduates the best of luck next year.  We will all truly miss them all. 

We would like to welcome all the threes and fours to the Bear room, and we hope you all have a great summer and we will see you in September.
Musicians in the Making
Music with the Angels
It has been such a wonderful year with the Angel class, filled with lots of fun, music and movement!  Singing and dancing are just some of the activities that the Angels really love to do.  The new dance that the Angels really love to participate in is "The Hokey Pokey."  The Angels all stand in a circle as they sing to the beat of the song. Along with singing this song, this dance is just one of the Angels favorites.  It is a great way to review parts of the body as well.  The Angels always have a smile on their faces when their teachers start singing.  Some kids even request to do "The Hokey Pokey" a second time!  We always have fun each and every day.

Music with the Turtles
For the month of June the Turtles gave special attention to our music lessons.  Now that Mr. Kenny's music show is over we have been putting a lot of hard work into our graduation practices.  We are learning a lot of patriotic songs in preparation for the fourth of July and we are learning to sing together in unison.  We have been learning choreography in our classrooms for our graduation show and we have been incorporating rhythm, movement, and math into it by counting our steps and the beats to the songs.  We have been using our classroom instruments and dancing scarves to make our own dances during music and movement. To keep up with our rhyming skills, we have even been writing our own songs using rhyming words that connect to our weekly topics.  It's always a lot of fun picking rhyming words out of songs.  

We had so much fun growing and learning all year.  We would like to congratulate our Turtles and wish them well in their new schools.
Technology Tots &
Athletes in Training

Gym with the Monkeys
The summer sun in the sky,
Shining, shining up so high
Makes it warm for outside fun.
To play at the park and run,
To swim and hike and fish,
And to go on a picnic if you wish.
Happy Summer everyone!

The time has come for our old Monkeys to move up to their new classrooms and a brand new bunch of Monkeys to grow and learn, and have just as much fun as the Monkeys before. This month the Monkeys were asked to discuss their fun times in the gym. The Monkeys know all their colors; Miss Sara and I made a game called bicycle color races. Miss Sara and I called out a color and each child came up one at a time to ride a bike to a color square on the floor. This also reinforced sharing and taking turns between each child. Using the bikes helped the Monkeys to use their large motor skills, teaching the children to use the petals on the bikes and push with their legs. Everyone had a great time!!!!!!

Tech with the Sunflowers
During the month of June, the Sunflowers began to explore The Five Senses.  They learned that they use their tongues to taste, their ears to hear, their eyes to see, their noses to smell, and their hands to touch.  After learning the basics about their senses, the Sunflowers were introduced to an online game where they could practice matching each of the five senses to its corresponding body part.  The children were very excited about this new computer game and were constantly asking Ms. Ally and Ms. Linda if they could play it throughout each day!  

Tech with the Pandas
In the month of June, the Pandas reviewed and discussed all the fun things they learned in Pre-School! In the Technology Center we used our iPads to listen to pre-recorded books in our teachers' voices, classmates' voices, and even parents' voices! The children got the chance to pick out a favorite book. Using the voice recorder app from the iPad, the teacher was able to read the book and record her voice and generate the recording of her voice into a QR Code. After printing out the QR Code and taping them inside the book, the children learned how to scan the QR Code with the iPad and were excited to hear the familiar voices of their teachers, parents and even friends reading their favorite book to them! Everyone enjoyed listening to our new QR Codes books during in our Listening Center.
Congratulations to the Panda graduating class of 2018! You will be missed dearly by Ms. Kathleen and myself. Good luck in Kindergarten! A special thank you to the Panda parents for all that you did throughout this year to help make it so wonderful!
The Nurse's Station
 As we welcome the arrival of summer, here are just a few important reminders:
  • Please refer to our HEALTH POLICY.  It will provide detailed information as to when to child keep your child home and when to bring your child in.
  • If your child becomes sick while in our center, you will be called to pick them up. It is important to have an alternate plan.
  • Please note that we are a peanut-free school. Help us to maintain a nut free environment by refraining from sending any such items (nuts, peanut butter, almond butter, any items containing nut oils, etc.) to school with your children.
  • Check your child's cubby for weather appropriate clothing. It is a good idea to keep extra clothing in your child's cubby in case of any accidents. Children should be dressed in cool, light-colored clothing that covers the body.
  • Please make sure your child has swimwear/bathing suit, swim diapers, towel and appropriate footwear for water play.  We recommend the children wear close-toed shoes.
  • Sunscreen lotion with an SPF of 30 must be applied prior to children leaving the house. It is important not to forget the back of the neck, ears, nose and scalp. Please bring in sunscreen so teachers can reapply prior to outdoor activities.
  • Please make sure to label all of your child's items.
Have a Safe and Healthy Summer!

One morning while the Angels were in the gym, Grayson stacked two of the yoga balls on top of one another and said, "I'm making a big snowman!"

During center time the children were playing with their popsicle person and they were moving them around in front of the different kindergartens.  Ethan and Alessandro were standing in front of the quiet area.  Ethan looked at Alessandro and said, "I wonder if Mrs. Kerin will go with us to our new school."  Alessandro said, "I think she has to stay here with the fish."  

Miss Karolina announced to the children, "Let's do 'Head Shoulders Knees and Toes.'"  Riley replied, "Ok!  Let's do this."

Naptime was over and Emi was putting her bedding into her bag. She got on line and was waiting to hang up her bag when she looked at me and said, "Miss. Nancy you know what? You and Miss. Doreen are my best teachers ever!!"

We had so much fun watching our grass grow. We quickly realized that one windowsill filled with our grass cups were growing more than the other windowsill with the other grass cups. Ms. Katie asked the class why they thought that was happening and they shared their ideas. Eric said: "They need water and sun to grow." Isabella said: "They need more sun!" We agreed that they all needed more sunlight since we all watered our grass every day and they did not need more water so Ms. Katie switched the cups so they all would get the same amount of sunlight and grow grass. 

During practice for graduation Sophia said, "We are going to be stars.  We will all be kindergarten stars."

Miss Jessica was talking to Madison M. and said she wouldn't be in the next day. Madison asked, "Why?" Miss Jessica said, "Because I'm going on vacation for a few days." Madison with much excitement said, "Wow! Are you going to see Anna?" After a minute Miss Jessica realized she thought she was going to Disney.

During lunchtime Peter came up to Miss Sara and told her, "Miss Sara, I don't eat coffee."

One day, while in the playground, Rocco spotted a butterfly by the tree.  He quickly ran to get Ms. Ami and was pulling her saying, "Butterfly! Butterfly!"  He was so happy to show Ms. Ami the butterfly that he said, "Up up" and had her pick him up so he could see it closer!

After showing the Pandas how to use the QR Code, Ethan T. took the iPad and said to Ms. Jen, "Wow!  The person reading the book sounds just like you!"  His face lit up with excitement. 

One day during Circle Time, Ms. Ally asked Ms. Linda to hand her a story book to read to the children.  When she did, Ms. Ally said, "No, not this one.  I don't like this book."  Ryan looked at Ms. Ally and said, "But Ms. Ally, you get what you get and you don't get upset!" 

Liliana asked Miss Samantha if she was going to get new kids in the Turtle room after our current Turtle friends leave.  Miss Samantha said, "Yes, we will make new Turtle friends," to which, Liliana replied "It's ok because we can always come back to visit the Turtle class and be the new after-school kids who leave the toys behind."