CCS Staff In the Know
Technology Updates:
We are excited to announce updates on how and when our tech team will be supporting you and your school. After the Thanksgiving break school based technicians will be assigned to specific schools on certain days of the week. We hope that this provides an improved structure for consistency, familiarity, and timeliness.  Remember to submit those tech requests, that is how we'll know where the tech needs are. This schedule will be a work in progress and will be adjusted as needed. 
Soon staff members will be able to call our designated Help Desk Support for assistance with account access, device troubleshooting, alerting of network/connectivity issues, etc. We are excited about providing this extra support service to our customers. When you call the tech center you'll be prompted to reach the Help Desk or the Office Manager. More info coming soon!
Check out Craven County’s Teachers using learning strategies in their classroom! This link provides an opportunity to get a sneak peek to see what strategies other teachers are using within our school district.
If you have a strategy you are using in your classroom that would be beneficial to others, please email how you are using that strategy to Photos are always appreciated.
As each and every one of us are gearing up for the holiday season, varied and sometimes conflicting feelings arise. Attached are two flyers that can help us prepare. Please review and take advantage of these services provided for all staff members of Craven County Schools.
On behalf of our colleagues at the UNC Chapel Hill, we are excited to share this opportunity.
For questions, please contact Harriet Able at

Dear Early Childhood Professional:
Please see this  flyer  outlining an exciting opportunity to pursue full time doctoral studies in Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) in the School of Education at the University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill. Full applications to the Applied Developmental Sciences and Special Education (ADSSE) program are due by February 11.
Once admitted to the program, two doctoral scholars will be selected to participate in a National Leadership Consortium with other Universities across the country. Full instate tuition, health insurance, and a monthly stipend will be paid to eligible students for four years. Students will enroll at UNC at Chapel Hill and participate in national webinars and institutes with EC and ECSE faculty and students from across the country.
Full details here:
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