The SFIC Shares in the World's Grief and Expresses
Prayers and Solidarity in the Aftermath of the
Tragic Fire at Notre-Dame Cathedral

In the aftermath of yesterday's tragic fire, that severely damaged Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris, the San Francisco Interfaith Council (SFIC) expressed deepest sorrow, on behalf of our City's 800 religious houses of worship and institutions, to the Honorable Emmanuel Lebrun-Damiens, Consul General of France in San Francisco. 

World-wide reaction to the flames that consumed this unparalleled mid 12th Century iconic structure of Western Civilization reflects the profound collective grief for the damage suffered to this Parisian treasure; which for almost a millennium has welcomed and inspired countless pilgrims and those who appreciate the finest of art and architecture. 

During this most holy season, the SFIC extends its heartfelt prayers to the Catholic Community of Paris and in particular to those who worship at Notre-Dame Cathedral and to all of the French people. As was evidenced in the universal response to this tragedy, the world shares in support of the French Republic's pledge to rebuild.