4th Sunday of Easter (A) | May 3, 2020
Dear Students,

As we wrap up what has been a rather different semester for all of us, I wanted to share with you some special prayers before studying and exams from our web site. I am praying (and will continue to pray) for all of you as you enter into finals week, for mental clarity and spiritual peace.

We pray in a special way this week for our seniors who are graduating. We so wish you were here to celebrate in person with us. As is our usual custom on the Sunday before exams, we will have a special Mass for our graduates celebrated by Fr. Coleman in our campus ministry chapel and broadcast live on our Facebook Page at 4:00pm this Sunday. Please join us in praying for all those graduating this semester, that as they enter into the world during this time of uncertainty, they find comfort by following Jesus our Good Shepherd.

In Christ's Peace,
Deacon Matt
This Sunday
In the gospel reading this Sunday, Jesus talks about a "sheepfold" and uses the image of a shepherd walking ahead of his sheep. Most of us today only see sheep in mattress commercials, so we might not be familiar with the imagery Jesus is using. To help us out, Deacon Matt takes us on a field trip this week to visit his own little flock.
Join us as we celebrate a special Mass for our graduating seniors this Sunday at 4:00 pm from the Chapel of Our Lady of the Annunciation at Catholic Campus Ministry. Broadcast live on our Facebook Page at www.facebook.com/WCUCatholic
This Week on YouTube
Deacon Matt's talking about...
This week on YouTube, Deacon Matt continues to talk about prayer.

Is there a topic you'd like Deacon Matt to talk about? Let us know!
Online Small Groups

MONDAY NIGHTS 8:00-9:00 PM: 1 & 2 Maccabees

WEDNESDAY NIGHTS 8:00-9:00 PM: 1 & 2 Corinthians
Hang out with your CCM friends!
Our student Peer Ministers are hosting remote hang out times via Zoom during the week as a way to spend some time with our friends. Join us Friday from 7:00 until 10:00 pm (no Sunday hang out this week due to the Baccalaureate Mass)

Saying Good-Bye to our Seniors
We are still planning a "Virtual Senior Send-Off" for our seniors. We're just trying to determine the best date and time, so stay tuned! If you have photos or stories to share about any of our graduating seniors, you are invited to share them to this Google doc .
Catholic Campus Ministry at WCU
Deacon Matthew Newsome, MTh, campus minister