April/May 2019
Hi Everybody,

We are certainly passing through some dark times in our evolutionary process, individually and collectively. It feels as though “normal” life that we once had has been pulled out like a rag from underneath us. It seems that unexpected illness, or loss of a loved one, or trauma, betrayal, financial crisis, depression, etc., come form nowhere, shock us off our center and take us straight into abyss of darkness, into despair,
into the Dark Night of the Soul.

"It is God’s kindness to terrify you in order to
lead you to safety." — Rumi

Going through these experiences might be emotionally devastating, mentally disorienting, confusing and plain painful, and yet…
this is how we re-birthing ourselves.
The Dark night of the Soul is a powerful initiation, without which we may not evolve. It’s a passage through which the ego-self dies, and the authentic Self is reborn, AND... this is how the Divine birthing itself into expansion! It’s clearing us for some new delight, and readying us for more sacred life!

“Oh, my God, what I thought was annihilation is resurrection. What I thought was death is eternal life. What I believed to be the end was the end of one life and the beginning of one unimaginably more beautiful and more powerful.”
- Andrew Harvey

Our human evolution is the awakening of our Divine nature within us, and The Dark Night of the Soul is essential part of this process. Practicing presence, acceptance and non-resistance to life’s new “turns” and challenges, prayer, meditation, mantras and conscious breathing deepens our connection with the Divine, and helps us to navigate through dark and difficult times with more grace...
So, Let's welcome the Dark Night, and witness the birthing
of the light of our Soul...

The Guest House

This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.

Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they are a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.

The dark thought, the shame, the malice.
meet them at the door laughing and invite them in.

Be grateful for whatever comes.
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.

Jellaludin Rumi
With LOVE,
Dr. Tatiana

P.S. please mark your calendar and RSVP for the event
you would like to attend(I don't send the reminders)
And don't forget to check the links at the bottom.
Enjoy it! and Thank you :)

NET of LIGHT Gathering and Meditation
( in April it will be on the forth Thursday.
Usually every third Thursday of the month)

April 25 and May 16 | 7 pm
From "Our Love is Our Power" , by Sharon McErlane :
"The time of Earth changes, foretold by ancient teachings is upon us. At such moments in history, the Divine comes to Earth to intervene. This time has been referred in many cultures as the time when God the Mother will return to earth. An aspect of the Divine Feminine (energy of Yin ) has come to Earth in the form of the Great Council of Grandmothers . Their mission (and ours) is to restore the Feminine Principle of energy back to our beloved planet, which at this time suffers from a depletion of the energy of yin and an over supply of the energy of yang. "It is time to return to balance, and for this women must lead. Women must take the first step. It can be no other way." The Grandmothers ask us to participate during this time by casting the Net of Light . The Net of Light is lit by the hearts of those who hold it, lit by the sacred places on earth, by the saints, sages and avatars who have come to uphold our planet at this time and by all those who love life and gladly serve."
"The Net of Light will hold the Earth steady during the times of change." - they say.
Who are the Grandmothers? watch HERE
What is the Net of Light? watch HERE

If the message above resonates with you, please join us!
235 N. Orange Ave. Suite 102


 Please RSVP: or
or call (941) 953-2209

Introduction to
NETWORK SPINAL & Epi-Energetics

Thursday, May 9 | 7 pm

FREE Class

"Network Spinal Analysis represents the epitome of 'Body' work in our times: the leading edge of Body-Mind-Spirit Integration."
- Candace Pert, author of Molecules of Emotion

Anyone who is at the crossroads of life, physically, emotionally or spiritually, or anyone who cannot get further than they were before needs Network Care (or Network Spinal) to help the brain and Nervous System(Operating System) to move from stress physiology and defense posture into safety and growth.

When the "processor of life" called the Nervous System is distorted, it dims the ability of the Body to express Health, and the Soul to express Life! 

Join Dr. Tatiana Agafonova, Network Spinal Analysis practitioner and Wellness enthusiast, and learn how Network Spinal(NS) technology helps to re-organize the patterns of tension/distortion that hold us in defense and old stories, and how it inspires us to change our behaviors and perceptions about ourselves and the world.
Network Spinal and other technologies of Epi-Energetics are really ahead of time
(at least 50 years!). And if you like to live on the leading edge,
than this methodology is for YOU to explore!
Come and bring your friends to learn how NS & EpiEnergetics can benefit you and your family, and see the results of some people
who already benefited from this Care!

235 N. Orange Ave. Suite 102


 Please RSVP: or
or call (941) 953-2209


Wednesday, May 22 | 6 pm
Experiential Immersion into
the Sound of the GONG and BREATH!

"There is nothing of greater advantage to you or that links you more powerfully with the SOURCE from which you have come
than that of your BREATHING." - ABRAHAM

Join us for a powerful hour of Breath and Sound!
In the first half of the hour you will experience empowered breath rhythms associated with different states of consciousness. It will prepare and
open you body-mind to follow the vibrations of the gong and journey further into
the inner dimensions of your BEING!

Join  Dr. Tatiana Agafonova  and  Dawn Epstein  for this experiential
Immersion into the healing powers of Breath and Sound!

Only 12 spots available!

TUITION : $20*

 Wednesday, May 22 | 6 PM
         Please RSVP:         
or call (941)953-2209

Private Yoga Studio
(the address given upon registration)

*Half of the proceeds will go towards a scholarship to Khalsa Youth Camp. Read about it here:

" As She Is , a timely and hauntingly beautiful documentary which explores the intimate and deeply important nature of the human relationship to the Sacred feminine . With lush imagery, a moving soundtrack, and candid interviews this film examines the roots of our current cultural crisis and reveals the power of the individual to influence the whole."
You can watch it here:
Or watch it for FREE on , if you are a member.
In case you are not, click HERE and watch it for free as my friend!

Watch the trailer HERE

" Fuel Your Health  is a new film about the healing power
of food and lifestyle.
The documentary dives deep into subjects like the Gut Microbiome, the myth about Fat, the Fermentation Revolution, Lifestyle Medicine as well as the optimum diet for the Body and the Brain."
Great film, Inspiring stories! You can watch it on FMTV
(sign up for 10 days free trial )

Watch the trailer HERE
Learn about amazing health benefits of this bright and cheery superherb that has been aiding humans for thousands of years,
and enjoy some recipes.

Read the article HERE
Much Love to All!

Look forward to seeing you soon :)

235 N. Orange Ave. Suite 102
Sarasota, FL 34236