COVID-19 Update from the Department of Medicine
As of May 1, 2020 in Nova Scotia
positive tests
(816 in Central Zone)
currently in hospital (non-ICU)
currently in hospital (ICU)
We are through another week of COVID-19 management. We are seeing the first signs that numbers of new cases are starting to decline; and the modelling brings us some hope for a time when we can open up our patient care, teaching and research again. Inpatient numbers remain relatively low and a significant factor contributing to this is the tremendous amount of work we are doing to support COVID positive patients at Northwood. Over 150 QEII staff are redeployed to Northwood to help care for people there. Many of those staff are from our own Department. Over half of the Northwood cases are recovered, and did not have to be hospitalized, as a result of this excellent care.
Today is Doctors' Day, so I want to extend a special thank-you to all of our physicians. I hope you know how valued you are by the department, your learners and your patients. Dr. Ernest, president of
Doctors Nova Scotia, sent a very nice email today with a link to
letters from patients. I encourage you to take some time to read these stories of gratitude and thanks. They are quite uplifting.
I hope this newsletter continues to keep us connected and informed during this time.
Keep well,
Christine Short, MD, FRCP (C), FACP
Associate Professor & Head/Chief, Department of Medicine
Dalhousie University/Central Zone, Nova Scotia Health Authority
Here is a one pager including the MSI fee codes for consults and visits with additional information regarding the details for the telephone fee codes.
Remember that during COVID you should bill what you normally would bill for the visit or consult. In the absence of a face to face visit please note ‘COVID’ on your billing information, however if you forget to do that the Physician Services staff will add that to the shadow billing.
Reminder: Resident Research Awards
Resident Research Excellence Awards
Resident Research Publication Awards
Process: Self-nomination for residents
Deadline: Thursday, May 7
In April 2020,
Dr. Ashley Miller and
Dr. Nabha Shetty were appointed as Co-Division Heads in the Division of General Internal Medicine.
Dr. Stephen Workman has been the interim Division Head since November 1, 2016. We thank him for all his work in the Division.
Requirement to use PPE in the office
DoM Admin Teams
There have been questions about the requirement to use PPE when you are in the office.
Please read the updates and newsletters sent by email and feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
Stay well,
Denise Hatchette, Director of Administration
Lesley Dagley, DoM Manager
Chad Shearer, DoM Manager
Healthcare worker masking FAQs
- UPDATED Mon Apr 27
New questions / answers are
highlighted in yellow.
COVID-19 Community/facility cluster information
Community / facility clusters will be identified by postal code.
- Starting April 23, 2020, patients living within these areas will be flagged as "droplet and contact precautions required" at registration.
New and updated documents
Set a schedule
Plan your day. Think about what you must accomplish throughout the work day.
Move around
Walk around every so often and stretch. Take short screen breaks to protect your eyes. Leave your workspace for lunch or quick walk outside.
Create boundaries
“It’s easy when working from home to let your work time and personal time bleed together. Set boundaries with yourself and your family so you have a clear line between ‘on’ and ‘off’ work.”
Weekly update and mini grand rounds
COVID-19 Weekly Update for DoM
8 - 8:30 a.m.
DoM Grand Rounds
8:30 - 9 a.m.
"Cutaneous findings associated with COVID-19"
Dr. Ashley Sutherland
Division of Clinical Dermatology & Cutaneous Science
Complete your evaluation:
Thank you from our community
Grateful for this free coffee from McDonald's.
A free medium coffee is available to all healthcare and essential workers (with your ID).
We're looking for your
stories, pictures, reflections that express gratitude, hope and support.
We'll share these submissions in the weekly newsletter.
NSHA / Dr. Lynn Johnston
Uploaded: March 13, 2020
Video: 10 min
NSHA / Dr. Glenn Patriquin
Uploaded: April 3, 2020
Video: 3 min
My Personal Directive
(Legal Information Society of Nova Scotia)
Once completed online, it can be downloaded or emailed. Once signed and witnessed, it is valid.
Spectrum MD
(Antimicrobial Stewardship)
A list of some neighbourly businesses offering convenient, discounted or free services.
NSHA healthcare workers experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, contact: 1-833-750-0632
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Government of Nova Scotia
When you take care of yourself, you take care of others.