Weekly news & updates
October 15, 2020 | Issue 42
Breakfast with REALTOR® Champions
October 26th, 2020 from 10:00-10:30am via Zoom Webinar
Pour a cup of your favorite Joe and sit back for a Q & A with Fayetteville MVP Mayor Mitch Colvin. We’re welcoming the Mayor to our first Breakfast with REALTOR® Champions. Mayor Colvin is an American businessman, local politician and a native of Fayetteville. The Mayor was elected in November 2017 as the City’s second African-American mayor and is currently serving in his second term. Mayor Colvin’s vision is to help Fayetteville prepare for the future by building a viable work force, investing in infrastructure and expanding our city’s connection to the global economy.

We are proud to present a monthly breakfast with the REALTOR® champions! Join us each month as we listen to some of the important local elected officials as they share their experience and vision with us. Tune in for only 30 minutes a month to get the best inside information in the area. We'll see you there to share coffee around the virtual table.
Have a question for this REALTOR® Champion?
Email it to our Governmental Affairs Director, Angie
Nuts & Bolts
Thursday November 12th
9:00AM - 10:00 AM

Trust Based Time Management & Productivity
If you ask people what their biggest challenge is in creating a successful business and life...they will most often respond…Time Management & Productivity! In this session, Amazon #1 Best Selling Author, Mark Given will share 7 easy strategies most people have never learned that can also work for YOU!
Mark Given, Speaker, Author, & Coach