Monthly news from NAMI California
Shopping to Support NAMI California
Did you know you can support our work by shopping, without spending more? Make purchases on Amazon Smile, and a small portion of sales will be donated to support our work. It’s just like shopping on Amazon, but you sign in using this customized link and choose NAMI California as the charity of your choice. No extra cost! You can also purchase gift cards through GiftBar and a portion of proceeds will be donated to NAMI California. More on ways you can give.
Survey: Policy Priorities for 2021
Each year, we ask our NAMI California members to assist us in guiding, informing, and prioritizing our advocacy work. Because mental illness affects so many areas of our lives, and there are more bills than ever; it is important for us to focus our work in the most critical areas. We want to be able to give each matter the time and care it deserves. This survey is a huge opportunity for our members to weigh in and help us prioritize our advocacy efforts for the 2021 legislative session. Please let us know your thoughts!
Conference Videos
The Family/Peer Support Specialist (FPSS) Webinar Training Program Training
Sign up for our Winter 2021 Family/Peer Specialist Training Program webinar training. If you're an individual with lived experience with a mental health condition -- as a peer, family member, or both -- you can apply to attend our virtual training, which provides a pathway to employment/volunteer work within the behavioral health field.
Ending the Silence Video Contest
NAMI has announced an Ending the Silence Video Contest open to NAMI members or active volunteers with a NAMI State Organization or NAMI Affiliate. New video submissions would be considered for use in the NAMI Ending the Silence (ETS) for Students presentation program. All video submissions are due by January 11, 2021. More info and the online entry form.
The holiday season can be stressful during an ordinary year. In this pandemic year? We have already heard from community members about the challenges they're facing and resulting stress.

Our guide to maintaining mental health during the holiday season has advice for how you and your loved ones can maintain mental health. You can also consult our guide to staying connected for ideas about staying in touch with friends and family you cannot see in person.
Pandemic Resources: We're keeping our pandemic resource guides updated with new information, including our school guide to help students and parents and mental health impacts and support.
Community Voices
30-Second Surveys and Responses
November was National Gratitude Month and we asked you what you're grateful for before Thanksgiving, with one of our 30-Second Surveys.

We were heartened to see so many inspiring responses from members sharing that they're grateful for family, health, community support, and more.

Answer more questions and share your story to inspire others.
Support for NAMI California
This year has been challenging for us all, and we are especially grateful for what we have this year. That includes you! We couldn't make the strides we do to improve mental health for our communities without the input and support of our members.

If you are already a member, we thank you! Won't you consider gifting a membership or making a donation in the name of a family member, friend or colleague? Giving forward will help us improve the lives of more individuals, families and communities impacted by mental illness in California.
There are many other ways you can be involved in our efforts to improve mental health care and service for all Californians. Support advocacy efforts, find out about volunteer opportunities, share your insights and stories, apply to be on NAMI California's Board, and more. And did you know you can support NAMI California by shopping on Amazon or checking a box when you file your taxes? Find out about all the ways you can give to NAMI California. Thank you!