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Gathering This Sunday, April 21
Easter Sunday
The Living Among the Dead
Katie Kinnison preaching
Do you ever feel like maybe you are not up for Easter?

Cathedrals burn. Nothing within you seems to actually be changing. Earth Day is Monday, and that is pretty much just depressing.

What does resurrection look like anyway?


And I really do know, somehow, that Love is stronger than death. I know we are being offered more than what we have right now. I know that in this moment you and I are exactly enough to be loved beyond our needs and imaginings.

I want to be ready for it: for Love bursting into the world. I want to come alive: to go deeper, be more present, feel everything.

So, on Sunday my plan is to walk to the tomb and see what happens. 

I could use some friends to go with me.

Yours on the journey,
TGIGF (Thank God It’s Good Friday)
This Fri., April 19, 9:30-11:30am
Children aren’t the only ones who wonder why this sad day is called good. We’ll talk about that, about how amazing and wonderful it is that nothing ever can stop God’s love. We’ll learn about this Holy Week and the story of Jesus’ loving and lovingg. We’ll make things, play games, eat hot cross buns and some other snacks and have a wonderful time. Cost $5. Register: 
Remember, we have child care provided for all of our Holy Week services.
April 18 - Maundy Thursday
   7pm Taizé Worship Service, Tenebrae, Communion, Campanile Handbell Choir; Cora Kuyvenhoven, cello; Chancel Choir
April 19 - Good Friday
   9:30-11:30am TGIGF for children;  7pm Worship Service. Jason Keefer, organist; Handbell Ensemble 
April 20 - Easter Vigil, 8pm . Readings. Remembrance. Communion. Agape Dessert Feast. 
April 21 - Easter Worship Services
   8:30 & 11am Jason Keefer, organist; Brass Ensemble;   10am Gathering Celebration
April 28, 10am - More Easter Celebration & Children’s Egg Hunt
Collected thru Easter, April 21.
Each year, churches from every corner of the denomination rise to meet the needs of brothers and sisters who need a hand up. One Great Hour of Sharing is one of four church-wide offerings of the PC(USA) collected in the Lenten Season, a time when we intentionally focus on aligning our lives with God's calling for us. Money collected is directed toward hunger, disaster, and development and provides relief in three specific ways:
32% to restore hope through Presbyterian Disaster Assistance; 36% to reducing hunger: and 32% to the self development of people program. We appreciate your generous support. 
Wine and Eggs
Mon., April 22, 7pm, Pierce's House, 1480 Windham Rd.
Filling plastic eggs with candy for the children’s egg hunt is a BIG job. It's more fun when grown-ups get together to get it done. Bring a beverage and snack to share and help stuff the eggs. Please bring wrapped candy to fill the eggs and join us for a fun night. See Erin with questions.
Neighborhood Shred Day
Sat., April 27, 9am-12pm
Personal and/or sensitive documents are shredded on site, so you can be sure your information is secure. Folders, direct mail, paper clips and staples are ok. Please remove binder clips and plastic covers. A suggested $3/box donation helps defray costs.
Interim Pastor Approved
Excellent news! Session approved the Interim Search Committee's recommendation to hire Reverend Jeri-Lynne Bouterse as our Interim Pastor beginning May 1, 2019.

Jeri-Lynne brings so much to this position: an extensive background, impressive experience, and a deep desire to be with us on this part of our journey. She is currently finishing her Interim position at First Presbyterian Church in London, OH.

Covenant owes a big"thank you" to the Interim Search Committee, Beth Askue, Charlie Bergmann,Linda Billman, Rusty Miller, and Kim Halsey for their quick and efficient work to name Jeri-Lynne as our Interim pastor.

Don Hilkerbaumer will continue as our Gap Pastor until Jeri-Lynne begins in May. Here is a helpful hint: Bouterse rhymes with  routers .

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact any Session member, the Interim Search Committee, Katie , or Don.
Vacation Bible School 2019
June 24-28  
Register today:  
One small step for your giant leap for God's Kingdom! Blast off with the first VBS to land on Mars...and beyond! Children will discover the wonders of God's universe and become Voyagers on a journey through space, exploring where God's power can take them. They'll lift off to distant planets on special missions to collect power sources. Along the way, they'll learn how God walked with heroes of the bible, and that God is always with them, too. Add to the adventure with out-of-this-world fun, learning, and bible stories that inspire children to give glory to God who is able to do far beyond all that we could ask...or imagine!  

ALSO, Volunteers needed for VBS! Youth entering 6th grade and older and adults are needed to help teach, feed, entertain, craft, sing, dance and enjoy the children of our church and community. Sign up to help at
Our Kroger Rewards & Amazon Smile programs have been well underway.
Did you know we receive quarterly checks from Kroger and Amazon, thanks to you? Because you signed up for these programs, Covenant is seeing some financial rewards. If you haven't signed up yet, please consider doing so. More info is on our website and the welcome table. Thanks Covenant!
YouTube LiveStream:   Sunday Services 8:30am & 11am & Special Services:
For past services, special music, other church videos, visit our main YouTube page:
Our Mission
Covenant Presbyterian Church is an open, accepting community awakening to God's life-giving love together.
Our Vision
Covenant Presbyterian Church glorifies God and builds relationships with Christ and each other through: worship that inspires, nurture that embraces, education that challenges,
fellowship that energizes, ministry that responds.