Spring 2020   

Government for Hire
The pace and enormity of change continues - not the least of which is occurring as a result of the pandemic - and the ability to just "survive" massive disruption is table stakes. If being the protagonist for a better quality of life is the role of government, then what's its job? People want products and services that will help them get a job done better and/or more cheaply. Increasingly, forwarding-looking leaders recognize ongoing success requires innovation and change and are transitioning the transactional and one-directional relationship from government-citizen to a more collaborative approach of community builder-community member as a way to breathe life around a shared purpose. So, what does this have to do with shampoo and clean hair you ask? Read on and learn why.

for access to resources and more
about getting better all the time.

Periodically, I share a bit about emerging trends, or as I like to refer to this section, "What's New, What's Next". I recently came across the Center for the Future of Work and they have identified the "10 Hottest Jobs of the Future." Their list includes Cybercalamity Forecaster, Genetic Diversity Officer and Virtual Identity Defender, among others. Difficult to imagine but then again, who would've imagined twenty years ago the idea of Home Health Care Workers and Data Scientist? The immense uncertainty that today's leaders face is something truly unique. In its scale, ferocity of impact, and ubiquity, it is different - by orders of magnitude - from anything we've seen before. The advantage now goes to those who don't just learn to live with change, but who create change. I refer to these people as catalysts. Instead of waiting and reacting, catalysts immerse themselves in the ambiguities of the external environment, sort through them before things are settled and known, set a path, and steer their organization decisively onto it. Consequently, you should be canvassing the shifting terrain and guestimate how emerging trends are impacting you and your career.
We are launching "The Mejorando Learning Network ( MLN )"! Guaranteed to enrich your mind, expand your skills and excelerate your career,  MLN is an online/virtual learning platform which will (eventually) include our entire catalogue of  Training workshops . Similar to a traditional classroom training experience, participants (i.e. you and your co- workers) and I will be able to interact synchronously/live using features such as audio, video, text chat,  interactive  whiteboard, written activities and small-group breakouts. Of course, I will also continue my in-person delivery of our entire training catalogue of workshops and envision  MLN as another venue, to provide your organization flexibility needed in today's world! Through  MLN , you will be able to take advantage of greater training flexibility provided by a seasoned veteran in designing and delivering training/learning content in a virtual format! I have developed and presented scores of webinars and taught graduate courses online for a number of years. Keep an eye out in your email inbox and on our social media channels for an announcement on the Go Live Date for  MLN so together we can help you and your team members "get better all the time."

The mindset of "we've always done it that way" is over. Now the question is, what's next? During these times of unprecedented and disruptive change, leaders must improve their ability to manage a perplexing paradox-how to stay focused on today's business while building tomorrow's. They use the instability of the present to build on and create organizations that are capable of continuous self-renewal in the absence of a crisis. Change must become the new norm; it should be contagious among members of the organization. Change isn't the dangerous thing, stability is!

I want to briefly share the benefit of you being active on Linked In. It's a marvelous professional development site, even for those who are not actively looking for new employment. Their primary focus is on being a trusted destination for growing your network, uncovering job and business opportunities, and gathering professional and industry insights. I am a huge believer in the "iron sharpens iron" approach of keeping us poised and proactive to stay relevant and Linked In delivers.

Upcoming Conference Presentations

While several professional associations have cancelled their conferences, others have kept theirs on the calendar for the foreseeable future. Several are considering delivering their conference sessions virtually. We are definitely living in a do things different and do different things world.
On August 6th Patrick will be presenting "Reimagining Leadership" at the annual conference of the Utah Risk Management Mutual Association.
I n Toronto, on September 22nd at ICMA's annual conference, Patrick will be presenting two pre-conference workshops - We've Always Done It That Way Is Over: What's Next? and Reimagining Leadership.

From my family to yours, wishing you good health. Indeed, our hope is for all of us to keep "getting better all the time." Thank you for taking time to read this edition of Moving Forward.   I look forward to connecting with you in person real soon. Stay well.
Keep Getting Better,