St. Stephen's in-the-Field Episcopal Church

FRIDAY JOURNAL February 22nd, 2019


March 3 , 2019

Artistic Reflections

When you pray to Jesus, does his face appear to you in your mind? How much is the image you see of Jesus influenced by an artist's interpretation? My grandparents had a picture of Jesus hanging in the guest bedroom where my brother and I would sleep when we went to visit. That same image of Christ comes to me when I pray. I think it is because there are so many happy memories associated with that painting.
Images of Jesus tend to show ethnic characteristics similar to those of the culture in which the image has been created. I don't believe there is a right or wrong vision of his face. Whatever image helps you to pray to him, to be close to him, is true.
An artist that I discovered while looking at different depictions of Christ is Fritz von Uhde. He was a German artist (1848-1911). His style is described as between Realism and Impressionism. Through a social interpretation of Christianity, he developed the interest in sacred art, through the depiction of Jesus in ordinary places in life. He frequently depicted Jesus as visiting common people, poor people and working class people, in settings of his country. He stated: "I wish to find the light within the figure that I was presenting. In Christ I grasped the embodiment of the outward and inward light."
One of his works I am particularly drawn to is titled "The Mealtime Prayer", or "Grace before the Meal". I love the way the family is shown, looking at Jesus, the father gesturing for Jesus to join them in their humble meal, to take his place at the head of their table. That is how I see Jesus, always wanting to be part of our everyday lives. Waiting for us to invite him to our table.

SourThe Mealtime Prayer  Fritz von Uhde

Source: File:The Mealtime Prayer - Fritz von Uhde - Google Cultural Institute.jpg -

Santa Maria Urban Ministry
Our next trip to Santa Maria Urban Ministries will be   
on Saturday March 2nd,    
led by Janet Thorsrud 
& Ann Little  .  
Can we count on you to help?
Just three hours: 8:45 to 11:45.
Please call Janet at (408) 281-0628,
or Ann at (408) 226-9763, if you can help.  
Also, give a call, if you'd like a ride.  
Address: 778 Almaden Avenue, San Jose, CA 95110

Lenten Book Study:

Are We There Yet? Pilgrimage in the Season of Lent
We will read stories by different authors who share stories of pilgrimage in search of healing and wholeness, bearing witness to pain, reuniting with birth parents, and more. Through their stories we will journey together toward Jerusalem, "being open to the miracles of love and life, awestruck by the One who is both our journey and our destination." Two sessions will be offered: Tues 10:30-11:30am and Wed 7:00-8:00pm beginning Mar 12th. Sign up in the Parish Hall. Books are $7.00 ea in hard copy, or available to download on Amazon Kindle, Nook, and iTunes.
New Creation Church (our neighbor on the corner) Is hosting a free movie night this Saturday (2/23) at 6:00pm. "Patterns of Evidence: The Exodus unlocks the mystery of this ancient saga, combining a scientific investigation with a retelling of the Exodus story to reveal an amazing pattern of evidence matching the biblical account that may challenge our understanding of history. Could this really be evidence of the Exodus? What really happened 3,500 years ago?"
Lent Madness 2019 The Saintly Smackdown is back!
            Just when you thought Lent couldn't possibly become even more penitential, have we got an online hair shirt for you! For the tenth year running, people of faith are filling out saintly brackets and gearing up for the 2019 "saintly smackdown."
            With its unique blend of competition, learning, and humor, Lent Madness allows participants to be inspired by the ways in which God has worked through the lives of saintly souls across generations and cultures. Throughout Lent, thirty-two saints will do battle to win the coveted Golden Halo. Based loosely on the NCAA basketball tournament of a similar name, this online devotion pits saints against one another in a bracket as voters choose their favorites throughout this penitential season.
            Here's how to participate: on the weekdays of Lent, information is posted at about two different saints. Each pairing remains open for 24 hours as participants read about and then vote to determine which saint moves on to the next round. Sixteen saints make it to the Round of the Saintly Sixteen; eight advance to the Round of the Elate Eight; four make it to the Faithful Four; two to the Championship; and the winner is awarded the coveted Golden Halo.
            Dcn Robin has purchased the Saintly Scorecards for the saintly biographies and to fill out your very own Bracket!

Rev. Karen's Kudos to:
-Gregg Hall for his work as Treasurer
-the Vestry for their work at the Vestry meeting Thursday night
-Jack Steitz for sending out the Friday Journal this week

Join us as we paint the world!

A teacher at heart. Water-coloring for6 years.  Love to teach others how to paint! Thank you for allowing me to express my joyof watercolor to nice people here!
- Dana Renfand
We would love to have you join us each Friday at 10:30 in the parish hall. 
Call Ann Little @ (408) 226-9763 for more information.  

Diversity Sensitivity Training
(for all congregation leaders)

The diocese is hosting a Diversity Sensitivity Training event at St. Timothy's in  
Mountain View TOMORROW Feb 23, from 10:00am to 4:00pm.  This one day training will meet the requirements for "anti-racism" training for all lay licenses and for local parish leaders (vestry, etc. . .). Pre-registration is required by Feb 15th. 
Email Joanna Shreve at, with "Diversity Training" in the subject  line; include your full name and church affiliation in the email. A $20 donation  will graciously be received on the day of the event to cover cost of materials and  lunch.


Gift Card Orders!!!
We made $127 with gift cards this month!!  The next order will be
this Sunday, March 3rdFamily Order Form (Gift Card Form) 
Gift cards can be used for lots of things! Groceries... we got you covered.  Gas... we have that too!  Movies, travel, toys, clothes you name it you can use gift cards to buy them.  All while helping out the budget at St. Stephen's.  The more you use this program the more we make.   
-Janet Thorsrud


Prayer is one of those things we often think about, might feel inadequate about, believe in but might be unsure how to proceed.  How we pray is sometimes unique to each of us.  The Church provides help in many ways.  If you find yourself in need, of any kind (emotional, physical, spiritual, guidance, etc) consider how St. Stephen's can support you:

*    there is a Biddings book at the back of the sanctuary where you can write in things before the service starts
*    there is a prayer chain of committed pray-ers (who maintain confidentiality).  Contact Robin, our Deacon, who will initiate that for you

*    there is prayer at the altar every Sunday, where we all join you in the privacy of your need with the Priest
*    there is a kneeling prayer station at the side of the church with candles, prayer book, all available anytime, not just Sundays
*    turn to your neighbors and friends in church to share what's on your heart, ask for support in speaking to God about your needs (and tell them the updates next week!)
*    tell people about your answers to prayer!  and the miracles you witness, or how prayer changes YOU.


Hearts & Hands
from Dcn Robin
SAVE THE DATE! Our next Hearts & Hands day at St Stephen's!
  • Sunday, March, 24, 2019, Hearts & Hands Sunday (one service).

Influencer Training - The Power of Influence
Have you ever struggled to get others to adopt something new - even when it was good for them? Why are people so resistant to change? How can they be so stubborn?
What if you could help anyone change in a way that would improve their lives and yours! Think of all the people whose behavior you wish you could change.. 
  • Your neighbor keeps parking his motor home in front of your house
  • Your team members show up to meetings late
  • Your son has spent the past 2 years since graduating high school in your basement
  • Your sister is not managing her diabetes well and you're worried about her health
Influencer training provides a systematic way to address our influence problems. Using the best of social science, it provides principles and strategies to help you think about your influence challenges.  
Influencer Training is fun! It uses a combination of live training, compelling videos, and a written toolkit to aid learners. You will engage in extensive in-class practice, group discussions, and personal planning. 
Would you like to attend this training course? The training lasts two days. It's scheduled for THIS Saturday, March 23 from 9 - 3 and Sunday, March 31 from 12 - 6. The class is limited to the first 20 people to Email or call me. Sign up today!
Ph#: 831-236-0008 
Chris Hall
Food for thought. . .

(February is Black History month. Did you notice that the quotes for February are from well renowned African Americans?)
"When love is the way, poverty will become history. When love is the way, the Earth will be a sanctuary. When love is the way, we will lay down our swords and shields, down by the riverside to study war no more."
                                                          -Presiding Bishop Michael Curry

St. Stephen's star word for 2019 is . . TRUTH!!
This is our word to ponder together - share your experiences with one another. If you didn't get a star word for yourself, there are more in my office. I look forward to hearing from you about your word and how it is speaking to you this year!

Karen + 

Contact information for Rev. Karen:  
Personal phone for emergencies or urgent matters: 408-781-1826

Contact information for Deacon Robin:  
Email her at Dcn. Robin,; Phone: 650-450-0656.


Editor's Note  
Please send any announcements or articles you want to have included, to: jhnltl50@gmail .com, by Thursday, 10am each week. Thanks, John

St. Stephen's in-the-Field Episcopal Church
7269 Santa Teresa Blvd; San Jose, CA 95139