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 CPI News Brief     Volume 8 Issue * April 2019

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Stages of Change
A Video for Consumers and Families
Did you know that:  
  • People can change their behavior!
  • This newly released video, available at no cost on CPI's website, explains the change process to consumers and families
The Center for Practice Innovations (CPI), in partnership with The Office of Consumer Affairs at the Office of Mental Health (OMH), is pleased to announce the release of a free online video for consumers and families called "Stages of Change".
The 3 ½ minute video presents one way to think 
about how people change. 
In this model, there are five stages of change:
Pre-contemplation (a person doesn't think they can or need to change), Contemplation (considers change but is not ready yet), Preparation (decides to make a change and makes a plan), Action (makes the change, and comes up with ways to not return to old behaviors), and Maintenance (has  made the changes and now does things to keep the change going).
The video describes how to talk with providers, family members and other important people about stages of change and ways they can support someone through the process. The video also describes how people move through stages at their own pace. Finally, the video notes that going back to earlier stages can be a natural part of the process and, if that happens, people can learn new things that will eventually help them make a change.
Help consumers and their families access "Stages of Change" on CPI's website by clicking the link below: