To SDI Ministers and Members of the International Khalsa Council:
April 30, 2020
Sat Nam Dear Members of our 3HO, Sikh Dharma and KRI Community:
This message is to provide you with some updates regarding the timeline and next steps related to the investigation into the allegations of sexual misconduct by Yogi Bhajan. 
As we announced earlier, the intake email to An Olive Branch for individuals reporting harm as well as potential witnesses with information supporting or contradicting the claims of misconduct was scheduled to close today, April 30. To ensure that all voices will be heard, the CRT has requested that the email ( [email protected] ) remain open and monitored through the end of this weekend, May 3.  
Thereafter, the intake portion of the independent investigation will be concluded, and the intake email will no longer be monitored. An Olive Branch will spend the next four to six weeks finishing the gathering of evidence, completing interviews with witnesses who have already contacted them, and reaching out to individuals suggested to have potentially relevant information. Once that work has been completed, An Olive Branch will begin to compile their findings and report. The scheduled report completion date of June may be extended due to the high number of individuals who have reached out to participate in the investigation.
This phase of the investigation has been a challenging process for us as a community. We greatly value the contribution of everyone who has provided information and made a real effort to help An Olive Branch assess the allegations effectively. If you have any questions, please contact the CRT at  [email protected]
Sat Nam,
Collaborative Response Team

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