All Member Meeting, 10/7
Nonpartisan Does Not Mean Noncommitted
Probably in recent memory our country has not found itself so divided and so polarized while trying to sift through important issues that have become increasingly politicized. Where does that leave the League of Women Voters, an avowed nonpartisan organization?
Can we maneuver through this minefield and stay true to our purpose, "to promote political responsibility through informed and active participation in government and to act on selected governmental issues," and our political policy, “the League shall not support or oppose any political party or any candidate?”
Join us on October 7 as we look at historical perspectives and grapple with these issues of today. Click here to see the agenda. Please also review the LWVUS Principles that guide our work. We look forward to seeing you!
Topic: LWVK All Member Monthly
Time: Oct 7, 2020
6:00 PM for New Member Orientation
7:00 PM for All Member Meeting
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