Oct. 5, 2020
All Member Meeting, 10/7
Nonpartisan Does Not Mean Noncommitted

Probably in recent memory our country has not found itself so divided and so polarized while trying to sift through important issues that have become increasingly politicized. Where does that leave the League of Women Voters, an avowed nonpartisan organization?

Can we maneuver through this minefield and stay true to our purpose, "to promote political responsibility through informed and active participation in government and to act on selected governmental issues," and our political policy, “the League shall not support or oppose any political party or any candidate?”

Join us on October 7 as we look at historical perspectives and grapple with these issues of today. Click here to see the agenda. Please also review the LWVUS Principles that guide our work. We look forward to seeing you!

Topic: LWVK All Member Monthly 
Time: Oct 7, 2020
6:00 PM for New Member Orientation
7:00 PM for All Member Meeting
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 815 7555 3346
Passcode: 535614
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    +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
    +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
    +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
Meeting ID: 815 7555 3346
Passcode: 535614
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Attention, new members!
New Member Orientation begins begins at 6 p.m.!
Join Membership Chair Sherry Rose for all you need to know about getting the most out of your LWV Kent membership. She also will answer any questions you may have. To join the New Member Orientation (followed immediately by the AMM at the same Zoom location), see the zoom link above.

VOTERS' GUIDE for Fall 2020 is here!
Here is a downloadable version of the LWVK Voters' Guide thanks to Nena Hankins and her committee. Click here. Think about sharing it with family and friends via email!

Community members will be able to find the same downloadable pdf version of the Voters' Guide at the Kent League website and at the libraries after Oct. 5 to coincide with early/in-person voting. The Record-Courier will be publishing the Voters' Guide in a print edition some time before the election. The information is also online at
Help us get the word out...we know you have ways...
LWV Kent has these great voter services. We need your help to share our work with the community. We've provided a few ways to make that happen. You might have a few ingenious ways of your own to help us be out there front and center. Please share what you've been up to with voter service! Send a photo and we'll put it in the next VOTER.

  • Download the info line image here and it should open in your browser. Right click on the image and click on "save image as" to save to a file or leave in your downloaded files. Then post on your social media or use for a flyer.
  • Download the vote411 image here and it should open in your browser. Right click on the image and click on "save image as" to save to a file or leave in your downloaded files. Then post on your social media or use for a flyer.
KEC Virtual Fall Forum 'How to Talk about Climate Change to Inspire Action and Fight Despair' Set for Oct. 15 

Climate change is a wicked problem that can make just about anyone feel overwhelmed and uncertain about how to cope-especially during a pandemic. For climate activists, the dilemma is twofold: How do you avoid downplaying the real threat of climate change without making people feel even more overwhelmed and uncertain, and how do you move people from apathy and despair to action? Hear the answers at KEC's Virtual Fall Forum on Thursday, October 15, at 7 p.m.

The forum's speaker, Cindy Frantz, Ph.D., combines insights from psychology and new research on the impact of COVID-19 on how people think about climate change to offer concrete ideas on how to talk about climate change in a way that motivates action and fights despair.

Frantz is a social and environmental psychologist at Oberlin College and director of Oberlin's Community Based Social Marketing Research Lab, a collaborative research program that brings together faculty, students, and staff to develop, test, and promote behavior-change programs that reduce the college's carbon emissions. For more information about Frantz, click here.

The forum will be held through Zoom. To join the forum, click here. The forum starts at 7 p.m., but you can "arrive" at 6:30 p.m. if you want to socialize in to socialize in breakout rooms. See the instructions below for more details on how to access Zoom for KEC's fall forum. 

Meeting ID: 921 4592 0182
Passcode: 1970Kent
One tap mobile
+16465588656,,92145920182# US (New York)
+13017158592,,92145920182# US (Germantown)

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+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
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+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
Meeting ID: 921 4592 0182
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Welcome, new LWV Kent member!

Welcoming Molly Adams to the League of Women Voters of Kent! is your ‘one-stop-shop’ for election-related information
Where is my polling location? How do I vote absentee? When does early voting start? How do I register to vote? Is it too late to register to vote in November? Where can I find factual and unbiased information about the candidates and issues on the ballot this year?

If you’re puzzled about these and other election-related questions, has the answers—all in one place. Launched by the League of Women Voters Education Fund in October of 2006, provides nonpartisan information to the public with both general and state-specific information on the following aspects of the election process: absentee ballot information; ballot measure information (where applicable); early voting options (where applicable); election dates; factual data on candidates in various federal, state and local races; general information on topics such as how to watch debates with a critical eye; ID requirements; polling place locations; registration deadlines; voter qualifications; voter registration forms; and voting machines.