
Temporarily Closed due to Illness

As many of you may already know, Dan Gonzalez (co-owner of ChimMaya/Life Partner) recently had a series of small strokes, that hospitalized him for several days.

After extensive testing...MRI, CT Scan, etc., it was determined that he has an obstruction in an artery, that necessitated vascular surgery to remove/repair the area....that was the probable cause of the strokes. 

Thankfully his body was largely unaffected, except for his left hand, that is already improving with therapy each day.

This past Tuesday, April 2nd he underwent a procedure/surgery to clear the blockage to minimize the likelihood/probability, of having another much more serious stroke. 

As with everything, Dan and I are hesitant to bring attention to ourselves in any personal way. But as the owners of ChimMaya, we feel it's important to explain to our followers/supporters/customers why the gallery is, and has been, 'temporarily' closed while Dan recovers from his surgery.

ChimMaya will most likely remain closed for a couple more weeks, while Dan recuperates. It's been a challenging year so far for Dan and I, with my 'emergency eye surgery' in January, and now Dan's surgery/recovery. The gallery has been unable to schedule/open exhibitions, which has substantially impacted our day-to-day business.

We apologize for any inconvenience to our customers, followers, artists, etc, who are the foundation for 'all things' ChimMaya.... : ) and hope that you continue to support/believe in us, and the overall mission of our gallery, as we deal with our current situation.

Steven Acevedo, CEO, Creative Director


5283 E. Beverly Blvd  /  Los Angeles, CA  90022  /  323.869.8881
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