« July 2018 Community News & Events »

Beloved Community,

YOU ROCK! The PMT-inspired Summer Solstice events offered around the globe were uplifting, heartfelt and passionate. Your photos and stories that were posted in the Universal Shaman Face Book group were such good medicine for all of us. THANK YOU!

Team Stellar is excited to announce a NEW RITUAL ARTS section on The Heart of the Healer website. Here you will find video and audio recordings and written instructions for BASIC PRACTICES, EARTH OFFERINGS, SACRED SITES, ADVANCED PRACTICES and MEDICINE SONGS. This was a big undertaking and we are happy to gift our community members and those new to THOTH an opportunity to learn some of the Ritual Arts associated with the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition. We will continue to add rituals and music you can incorporate into your practices and gatherings, so make sure to engage in this living medicine!

Pachakuti Mesa Tradition gatherings are being offered in Florida | Kansas and Quebec. Please follow the links for event information and MULTIPLE gatherings and locations within each state, AND check back for your state as events may be added during the month! 

Wednesday Night Link-Up gatherings this month are being offered in Florida | Kansas | New MexicoUtah | Virginia and also online.

Sacred Retreats include  Resonance Retreat and Full Moon Mountain Retreat with Paqowachu Option in British Columbia with PMT Teachers Robin Flynn and Darcy Kopas | Shamanic Empowerment Retreat at Mt. Shasta, CA with Alan Waugh | Qollasuyu Annual September Gathering at Highlands, NC | Fall Equinox Amazon Immersion with Mona Rain in Peru and Transformational Journey to the Sacred Valley, Peru with Alan Waugh and Susan Bookman. 

Summer warmth and blessings,
Cindy, Xio mara, Marin and Michele

Apacheta Photo above by Corina Cancan
“ Let your wonderment lift your solitude.”
~ don Oscar Miro-Quesada
Five-part Apprenticeship Series Starting Soon
The Pachakuti Mesa Tradition :  Cross-Cultural Shamanic Arts for Personal and Planetary Renewal


Thomas Mock

Heather Weingartner

David Jordan

Cynthia Greer

Judy Hoaglund

Jnana Gowan

Judy Hoaglund

To learn about the many benefits of sponsoring an apprenticeship in your region contact PMT@heartofthehealer.org 

Apacheta Photo by Sue Yost. Crater Lake Photo by Erica Alessio.
Featured Teacher

We are pleased to officially welcome David Jordan as a Five-Part Apprenticeship teacher sanctioned by don Oscar and the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition Lineage. Blending therapeutic mastery as a licensed psychotherapist with his experience as a shamanic practitioner, David offers his students profoundly transformational experiences grounded in earth-honoring, community-building and soul-healing medicine. His background includes service as a wilderness-based therapist, expressive artist, college instructor and spiritual guide.

David works full-time as the director of a community mental health center where he serves socio-economically challenged and marginalized clients struggling with chronic and severe mental illness and addiction. Part-time, he owns and operates Burning Bear Healing Arts, LLC, offering psychotherapy, spiritual consultation, shamanic healing and ceremony, and now, the Five-Part Apprenticeship. His goal is to help initiates integrate PMT ritual arts in practical and productive ways for the healing of self, community, and the planet.

David lives and works in Decatur, Georgia, not far from his hometown of Stone Mountain. He is married to an inspirational social worker and therapist and is the father of two phenomenal teenagers. David is also a contributor to our Writer's Forum. You can read his deeply honest and engaging essays here.

David is starting a new Five-Part Apprenticeship Series in Decatur, GA this month.
Programs with
don Oscar Miro-Quesada
July 10-12
SHAMANISM GLOBAL SUMMIT Join don Oscar and more than twenty esteemed shamanic teachers and healers presenting fascinating topics in contemporary shamanism and sharing their practices for activating shamanic principles in your daily life, thereby helping to evolve our world. Presented by The Shift Network.

August 4-26
THE POWER OF RITUAL: Shamanic Teachings for Personal and Human Evolution This three-week apprenticeship workshop initiates participants into the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition. You will learn how to create your own mesa and work with it for self-empowerment, transformation, and helping others. You will also work with ancient breathing techniques and traditional ceremony for physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health, well-being, and transformation. Presented by GlideWing.

September 20-23
Limited spaces available!
INTIQ WIRACOCHA'S RETURN: A Shamanic Awakening of Higher Consciousness and Spiritual Healing in Our Lives Celebrate the Autumn Equinox in ceremony with don Oscar and learn ritual practices for allowing Intiq, the unbridled Solar radiance of our fully awakened minds, to be the vessel for the materialization of Wiracocha, Great Spirit, within the life of humankind. Hosted by the Antisuyu at Menla Mountain Retreat Center in Phoenicia, NY.

December 6-9
Wait List
IMMORTAL TRUTH: A Shamanic Journey of Cosmic Awakening in Service to the Great Work A four-day retreat/workshop of initiatory teachings and Pachakuti Mesa Tradition ritual with don Oscar Miro-Quesada within the mystical and enchanting landscape of Joshua Tree, CA.

See more of don Oscar's offerings:   eventsfree podcasts, and  products.
In the Writer′s Forum

Grief – Grace – Gratitude by Deborah Sullivan

The Writer′s Forum showcases gifted writers from our PMT community. Check in often for thought provoking and inspiring reading!

HOW TO SEE THE WORLD THROUGH SACRED EYES: Discovering the Heart of Shamanic Perception Don’t miss your chance to experience Sandra Ingerman and Evelyn Rysdyk as they share stories and potent insights that can help you start to restore your shamanic perception — the expanded view of life our ancestral shamans have preser ved for us. This event will be available for download when you register.
Visit the NEW Kuntisuyu (southwest region) website and join our mailing list to keep up with suyu events as well as local ayllu gatherings! Note that if you were on the older Kuntisuyu mailing list you still need to enter your contact information here: www.kuntisuyu.com 
Apu Bear Mountain
This months newsletter header depicts Bear Mountain in the Hudson Highlands of New York State. For a list of other sacred pilgrimage sites and apus in North and South America please visit Sacred Sites in our newly expanded Ritual Arts section on the THOTH website.