JANUARY 22, 2021 · 325 PARK AVENUE AT 51ST STREET  212-378-0222 · STBARTS.ORG
"There is Always Light"
by the Reverend Deborah A. Lee
“Nothing is so much to be feared as fear.” Henry David Thoreau penned these words which were then echoed in the inaugural address of Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1933 . . . These words are just as applicable now as they were in 1933, as the people of the United States today face new crossroads and are called to be emboldened with courage and commitment.
Download our service leaflet to follow along with us as we livestream Sunday morning worship from the church on our website, Facebook and YouTube. Read our tips and tricks for worship online.

Vaccines: Who should get one and when?
A panel of medical experts discusses the current vaccine rollout and the ethical issues it raises. We are delighted to welcome Dr. Catherine Belford Budd as moderator and to welcome back Dr. Jamie Ferrara, Dr. Jim Marion and Dr. Clay Williams to The Forum. The Forum will be streamed on our website, Facebook Live and YouTube.

During this time of great anxiety and uncertainty, we are in the process of building a stronger faith community—and a place grounded in the possibility of hope and meaning for our lives. We are most grateful for your validation of our efforts through your financial support. The annual Stewardship Campaign funds more than 60% of the Church’s operating budget and enables us to offer accessible worship and programmatic opportunities online. If you would like to make a gift to help support these efforts, convert to online giving, or learn how to declare your 2021 pledge, please click here.

for a list of groups meeting after church each week.
Newcomers welcome to all groups!

Celebrating the Reverend Susan Anderson-Smith
Sunday, January 31
Please join us to celebrate the ministry of the Reverend Susan Anderson-Smith on her last day as Associate Rector for Justice and Reconciliation at St. Bart’s. Susan will preach at the 11 am service on Sunday, January 31, and afterwards we will all gather for a special Zoom coffee hour to send her off with our thanks and good wishes.

Thursdays, February 4-18, 12:30-1 pm
Join dance instructor and St. Bart's parishioner Simone Coonrood over Zoom for a thirty-minute lunchtime workshop incorporating poetry and dance. Each session will feature a poem that participants will collaboratively interpret through creative movement. All are welcome. No experience necessary!

Wednesdays, January 6-27, 6:45 pm-8 pm
St. Bart's parishioner Dr. Clay Williams leads a discussion about our place in the created order in light of current scientific knowledge and modern theological thought. The next session is entitled “Theos: engaging the challenge and gift of Christian faith.”

Thursdays, January 14-February 11, 7-8 pm
How should our experience of the devastation of the past year affect our faith in an all-loving and all-powerful God? Associate Rector Peter Thompson leads a discussion based on new works by prominent theologians Walter Brueggemann and N.T. Wright, Virus as a Summons to Faith: Biblical Reflections in a Time of Loss, Grief, and Anxiety and God and the Pandemic: A Christian Reflection on the Coronavirus and its Aftermath. The next session will focus on relevant material from the Gospels, as outlined in chapter 3 of Wright's book. Reading the chapter in advance is recommended, but not required.

Saturdays, January 16-February 13, 10-11 am
Dutch priest and former Harvard and Yale professor Henri Nouwen weaves together scripture, psychology, visual art, and personal insight in his classic meditation on Rembrandt's painting, The Return of the Prodigal Son. Join the popular Saturday morning discussion group for a rich and moving conversation about what it means to love and be loved. Please read “Part One: The Younger Son” (Chapters 1-3) before the next session.

Tuesdays, January 19-February 9, 6:30-8 pm
Deacon John Wirenius explores the renaissance of the mystical tradition of the Church in the last century, focusing on the writings of Evelyn Underhill and Dean William Ralph Inge, who together rescued it from the scornful dismissal of the Victorian Era. From very different perspectives, Inge, a philosopher known as “the Gloomy Dean,” and Underhill, who had dabbled in occultism before turning to the nature and development of spiritual consciousness, together fostered the revival of the quest to personally experience the love of God within Anglicanism.

Centering Prayer
Mondays at 7 pm, Wednesdays at 5 pm, and Fridays at 9 am. Experience a few moments of peace and comfort through the contemplative practice of centering prayer. Newcomers welcome! To join our email list to receive updates on centering prayer, contact Manny Rodriguez.

Wednesdays at 1 pm
Thoughtful reflection and lively discussion of the upcoming Sunday readings, hosted by the Right Reverend Dean E. Wolfe. To join our Weekly Bible Study online, please contact Liz Gillespie.
The Episcopal Church launches "From Many, One: Conversations Across Difference,” a campaign urging Episcopalians and our neighbors to engage in the spiritual practice of listening and honest conversation across the many differences that separate us. In a cultural moment shadowed by pandemic, fractious politics, and deep division within families, communities, and nations, Episcopalians can partner in simple ways to celebrate difference, listen with deep curiosity, and promote healing.

Sunday, January 24, 7-8:15 pm for Youth
Sunday, January 31, 7-8:15 pm for Adults
The Episcopal Diocese of New York Task Force Against Human Trafficking is hosting two Zoom forums aimed at raising awareness about different forms of human trafficking and the rising risk to teens. Two extraordinary women will be leading the events and sharing their wisdom.

Tuesday, January 26 from 8-12:30 pm
Registration is now open for the 7th Annual Symposium on the Role of Religion and Faith-Based Organizations in International Affairs. This year's event focuses on "2021: A Defining Year for Accelerating Gender Equality, Equity and Justice."

Sunday, February 14, 1:30-3 pm
In Holy Chaos, interfaith leader, activist, and pastor Amanda Henderson shares personal stories and practices from her work at the intersection of faith and politics to help us find connections in the midst of the religious and political divides in our country, our communities, and our families and friendships. Please join us in this timely discussion of core principles of radical loving in chaotic times. Before our meeting, please read chapters 5-7.

A new Congress and new Administration presents The Episcopal Church with the opportunity to highlight our values and to speak up for the way we think our country should be governed. The first 100 days of the presidency do matter, and the new Administration has an ambitious agenda. Follow the areas that the OGR plans to engage on which The Episcopal Church has spoken.

Sunday, February 28, 10 am
In accordance with the Church’s Bylaws, the Vestry has set the time and place for the annual parish meeting and vestry election. This year, the meeting will be held virtually and voting will take place electronically for 1 Warden for an initial 2-year term, 2 Vestry members for second 3-year terms, 3 Vestry members for initial 1-year terms, and 1 Vestry member to complete the remaining year of an unexpired term. Registration will be required to vote. Additional information may be found on our website

St. Bart's Community Preschool is accepting applications for the 2021-2022 school year. For over 40 years, our preschool has provided a warm, nurturing first school experience.

Do you need a few moments of peace to embark upon your daily rounds? Watch the Reverend Deborah Lee's one- to three-minute scripture-inspired video meditations, released at 7 am weekdays on YouTube and Facebook.

Do you desire a few moments of peace at the end of each day? Join the St. Bart's community for Night Prayer each weekday evening at 8:30 pm. Clergy and lay officiants will lead brief services based on or inspired by the ancient office of Compline.


  • Last Sunday's Service Commemorating the Life and Witness of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., January 17, 2021.

  • The Forum with Dan Pinello, Professor at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, as he explored the Supreme Court’s interpretation of the Equal Protection Clause since World War II, and how constitutional history and language have impeded the full realization of equality in the United States. 

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