April 16, 2019
Tuesday Talk, April 23: United Nations Multilateralism & the Challenges of International Peace and Development
Ambassador Ibrahim Agboola Gambari, PhD
Ambassador Gambari, a former UN Under-Secretary, under the leadership of Kofi Annan, to whom this lecture is dedicated, has been hailed for his strong positions seeking accountability for genocides in Africa and his vision for the future. Amb. Gambari holds a doctorate from SIPA, Columbia Univ. Read more about Professor Gambari.

A luncheon, at special EPIC rates, follows in the Faculty Dining Room. We will be joined at the lecture and luncheon by several notable African Union & UN delegates who are attending the lecture.

12:00 - 1:15 p.m.
Faculty House
Garden Room 2
Join us for lunch at Faculty House after the talk, at a reduced EPIC rate.
A Message to EPICureans!
The tents are going up around campus for 2019 commencement exercises. 2019 has also been a commencement year for EPIC. We've graduated to a permanent office in Philosophy Hall, full-time administrative support and we have an active group of EPICureans developing and directing numerous EPIC activities. And, just like Columbia's grads, EPIC has 'big plans' for the future. For example, we're working with the School for Professional Studies (SPS) to improve online access to meetings; we're kicking off development of study-discussion groups on topics of interest; the music program is taking shape; Yoga is thriving and we hope to expand to an additional accessible location; we're growing the SPS-EPIC community lecture series; we're expanding programming on health, legal and social issues that directly affect our lives as retired academics. And this is an incomplete list!

We will recognize the contributions of EPICureans at the annual PROVOST-EPIC RECEPTION, May 7. We do hope you will be joining us there. Very short speeches, lots of good food and drink and the companionship of colleagues and friends. See you there and have a good day!

Jeanne Mager Stellman, President, EPIC
Professor Emerita & Special Lecturer
Mailman School of Public Health
EPIC Yoga Spring Schedule: April 18, 25, May 16, 23, 30; YOGA will continue in June & July
Professor Emerita Virginia Papaioannou , a registered teacher with the Yoga Alliance, leads EPIC Yoga.
No prior experience is required to join. Yoga can benefit people at all levels of physical training and health, but it is always wise to consult with a physician before undertaking any new exercise regime. Modifications will be offered to any participants with specific limitations arising from recovery from injury, arthritis, limited movement, or other causes.

Two one-hour classes are offered each week. The 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. class practices breathing techniques and moves through some basic yoga poses, concentrating on alignment, balance, and flexibility. Those with experience move more deeply into the poses. From 11:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. , we practice gentle/chair yoga, which is ideal for those of more limited mobility or flexibility. Classes include breathing, stretching, and yoga poses, done either seated in a chair or standing. No yoga mats are required for this class.
Need more info? email Lalla Grimes.
Do you have any questions about EPIC? Contact us .