Village Government
Stability for Residents

Our residents have always appreciated the stability of their village government. Many years of careful budgeting and fiscally responsible elected officials have resulted in a sound and prudent example of a government that cares for its residents.

Let’s look at the facts: Moodys has given the Village of East Hampton a credit rating of Aa1 , one of the highest achievable. Every year the village is given a clean audit statement and our auditor credits village staff with their efficiency and skill. Because of this credit rating and regular clean opinions from the auditors, the village has excellent credit and is able to borrow money at the best interest rates, saving taxpayers many thousands of dollars.

The village has highly competent staff in every department and the employees are content enough to stay in their positions for many years. Some of the employees have been with the village for over 40 years and many of our employees have been with us for over 20 years.

The village takes care of some of the most beautiful beaches in the country with Main Beach being considered one of the top ten beaches in the United States.
The emergency services in the village are second to none with an excellent police department and amazing volunteers who provide fire and medical services through the East Hampton Village Fire Department and East Hampton Village Ambulance Association. 

The Village of East Hampton continues to be a very desirable place to live and we are grateful for an engaged community. Our residents are our greatest asset.

However, the village is in danger of changing radically after the next election.

We want to assure you that our goal is to provide the stability that this village has always enjoyed. We believe that change should come only with a great deal of input from residents, open board discussions, and careful consideration.

That is our pledge. Please vote for us in the coming election. Our village depends on it.

Do you have friends who live in the village that would like to receive our emails? We would be happy to add them to our email list! Please send us their emails and we will gladly make them part of our email outreach.

Contact us at
(Candidate for Mayor)

(Candidate for Trustee)

(Candidate for Trustee)

Photos by Richard Lewin