Week of December 27 - January 2, 2020
Thank you for checking out our Journeying Together email where we share many church happenings and updates! We continue to pray that you will experience the riches of the Lord's presence during this time in which many of us are not able to be present with one another!
Note: There will be no prerecorded full service on YouTube this week, but we will be sharing a Worship Through Song video on our channel as another opportunity to sing praises and reflect.
At 11 am, we'll meet on Zoom to worship together and share short testimonies of thanksgiving for God and how He has been faithful to us in 2020. To join, click the button below or use your phone to call in by dialing +1 929 205 6099 and entering the Meeting ID: 838 6007 3327.
If you are unable to attend the Zoom service or you'd like an extra opportunity for worship, check out this video as Pastor Hannah and Luke lead us in some songs of praise! This week, the music will focus on God's faithfulness and goodness to accompany our Testimony Sunday and end the year on a thankful note.
The w orship resource page serves as a companion to the worship service on the HBIC YouTube Channel and includes the song lyrics, the sermon scripture, reflection questions and announcements.
This week's special children's message is about being thankful as we reflect on the year that is ending! Check out this video shared by Pastor Patty and some special guests - you can access it by clicking the button below. You can also access some prepared activity pages for helping children engage in worship.
Looking forward: Sunday morning calendar at a glance
December 27 - Zoom worship service (11am)
January 3 - Zoom worship service (11am)
January 10 - Prerecorded service (9am) and Zoom reflection (11am)
Last Saturday, Pastor Carmen and her team of volunteers served the community by passing out gifts at our annual toy drive. Thanks to God's grace, the hard work of the outreach team and the generosity of our church family, we were able to give toys, pajamas and other items to over 400 children. Praise the Lord for His faithfulness in helping us to share His love and light at a time of year that is often difficult for many families! If you prayed, donated or volunteered for this event, you are appreciated!
Do you need a little extra help connecting with our church family online or do you know someone who does? Pastor Woody and a few others have formed a Tech Team that will be working to help ensure that anyone in our congregation who wants to join us virtually will be able to do so. Contact Pastor Woody to request equipment or set-up help for yourself or a friend!
The Food Pantry team is in need of volunteers who are able and willing to unload potentially heavy boxes and stock food pantry shelves every 2nd and 4th Wednesday from 11am to 1pm. For more information or to sign up, contact Pastor Carmen.
At this point in our country's history, education is as important as ever in helping students not only survive but thrive. Among other things, education offers opportunity and equity, particularly for those whose circumstances may leave them less able to afford it, whether due to family income, issues related to coronavirus, or other factors. A scholarship fund has been set up through the church to help students cover a small portion of their college costs. These funds can help students towards finishing their degrees so they can start jobs God has particularly gifted them to do.
If you are a post-secondary student interested in applying, please email Pastor Brie for the application.
If you would like offering envelopes to use in 2021, contact Pastor Lynda. She will make arrangements with you so they can be picked up or mailed.
The prayer chain is made up of members of the HBIC family who are committed to praying as special requests come in. This is a way we support each other as we navigate the ups and downs life can bring. We'd like to thank and welcome the new coordinator of this ministry - Kim Mumper! Kim will manage the newly established prayer chain email: prayerchain@harrisburgbic.org. This is the best place to send your prayer requests and also to send your interest in joining the prayer chain if you are not already on it.
Planning to send in end-of-year offerings? Contributions for this year must be postmarked or received at the church no later than December 31 in order to be credited in 2020. Thank you for playing a vital role in the work of God's Kingdom through HBIC!
The following will be taking place during the week of December 27 to January 2:
- Sunday, 9am - Worship Through Song video (YouTube)
- Sunday, 11am - Worship Service - Testimony Sunday (Zoom)
- Monday, 4pm - Creation Kids (Zoom)
- Wednesday, 7pm - Prayer Meeting (Zoom)
- Thursday, 2-5:30pm - Food Pantry
If you'd like more information, contact any of the pastors or the
church office. Please remember these gatherings this week as you pray for the church.
Due to the upcoming holidays, the church office will be closed from December 25 to January 4. We will continue to check email and voicemail, so please contact us if you need anything!
Pastor Patty and some of our children's ministry volunteers are looking forward to hanging out with your children on Zoom, Monday afternoon at 4 pm. We'll catch up with one another, play some games and pray together. Contact Pastor Patty for the link that your child will need for these times of connection designed especially for kids.
All are invited to join us for a Virtual Prayer Meeting on Wednesday evenings on Zoom at 7 pm.
We hope to see you at this special gathering to pray for one another, our church, community and world! Click on the blue button below to link to the Prayer Meeting. Contact Pastor Hank for more info.
If you'd like to call in by phone (audio only), the number is 929-205-6099, and the Meeting ID is 810 3235 0433.
(Note: You'll be in a waiting room to start, not for long.)
The BIC Week of Prayer and Fasting is January 3-10. This is an opportunity to revel in quiet and reflection and to know our Brethren in Christ brothers and sisters around the world are doing the same! This year, the devotionals will focus on the theme When Things Don't Go As Planned. National Director Alan Robinson invites us to "remind ourselves that even when life takes unplanned detours, we can continue to trust in God who is with us every step of the way." The guide with daily materials can be found on the BIC US website here.
On Wednesday, January 6, Paul & Kyle will join us on Zoom at 7pm to share about their ministry in the Middle East. Plan to tune in to hear about the special work God has called them to and to pray for them as they share His love. Check next week's Journeying Together email for the link to participate!
As we receive job postings at the church, we are trying to pass them along, in case they'd be of help to you or someone you know.
Messiah University has openings - check them out on their website by clicking here.
We welcome you to contact us by email or by phone if you have a need.
Here is the E-Mail & Phone Contact information for our pastoral and office staff: